Below is a commentary submitted to the Orlando Sentinel regarding a recent front page article ( Feb. 21, 2007) where Orange County Commissioner Linda Stewart was planning to implement a red light camera system without apparent research on unexpected consequences. Regarding your big article on Red-Light Cameras - It was not fully researched - accidents will increase as well as lawsuits CaliforniaOrange County Commissioner Linda Stewart and the Sentinel have acted emotionally on the proposed implementation of red-light cameras and clearly have NOT adequately researched the actual experience of other states with red-light cameras. My knowledge from California newspaper articles is that accidents will go UP, as well as LAWSUITS against the County for implementing the cameras. I moved here from California last year to escape dumb, politically correct politicians who make unsubstantiated decisions. In Orange County, California (home of the original Disneyland!) they experimented with red-light cameras and found that accident counts actually went UP because people would start running a yellow light, then look up, see the cameras that generated high fines, and slammed on the brakes to prevent getting fined. Then the guy behind them crashed into them and caused accidents. Stewart and the Commission indicate a... Read more →
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