If you read the local newspapers, the County Commissioners and the Lake County School Board members are under attack by a group of construction related firms, including the management of the big Romac lumber yard. They have made emotional and personal attacks on members of the above boards about the proposed School District and Transportation Impact fees without many supporting facts. You might say it is a lobbying attempt by builders to stop impact fees on new houses to keep house building costs and resulting government fees for schools and roads below true costs ( assuming the impact fees were properly calculated, which I might question). So, now the Romac manager, who pays for the little "Sour Orange" advertorial in page two of the Daily Commercial, runs the related website www.sourorange.net, and now has a new attack dog website on impact fees at www.LakeCountygov.info needs some feedback on his assumptions. Although he runs a business, he seems to miss the fact that data from the School District Superintendent's staff may be the problem, not the board. So here is the email I sent to him, the School District Board and the two papers: Hey Sour Orange Editor and Lumber Yard... Read more →
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