One of the drains on public funds that reduces funding for local government is Medicare fraud. South Florida is the home of Medicare Fraud, and it extends North. This article below talks about how much of it is now related to "home health care" scams, and is run by ethnic minority groups. So, as illegal aliens increase in Lake County, the chances of various illegal activities increases.
(Hey, remember I left Orange County, CA, which had lots of ethnic crime...if they don't have education and legal documentation, they are more likely to resort to crime, and teach it to each other.) Keep that in mind when you patronize a restaurant or construction contractor that clearly is using illegal aliens. The more that are attracted to an area for jobs, the bigger the chance some will bring criminal practices with them. And, if government officials award construction contracts without checking to ensure only US citizens are working on the jobs, complain to them.
Medicare Fraud 'Rampant' In Miami, Spreads Among Different Ethnic Communities Nationally
from HERE
"Authorities say it's just another example of Medicare fraud from the county that accounts for more than $3 billion a year in false claims. In some cases, agencies have billed Medicare for home health services for homeless people. ... In many cases, authorities say Medicare is billed for services that are never provided. ... Almost 90 percent of U.S. patients receiving more than $100,000 for home health care live in Miami-Dade County" (Kennedy, 12/7).
Houston Chronicle: "Medicare fraud, like the flu, can be communicable, and authorities have found it spreads among different ethnic communities in different cities. In Houston, the Nigerian community has been most susceptible. In Miami it's the Cuban community; in Los Angeles it's the Armenian and Russian communities; and in Detroit it's the African-American community, according to federal authorities. They caution that these communities are by no means generally corrupt, just like most Italian-Americans were law-abiding citizens decades ago when the Italian mob dominated the U.S. organized crime world. But authorities stepping up Medicare investigations and prosecutions have found what they call 'viral' patterns. ... Lewis Morris, the deputy inspector general in Washington, D.C., who watches Medicare fraud, said the viral patterns happen in close-knit communities because the scams require a number of participants" (Flood, 12/6).