Updated 8/3/10 at 10pm - I revised the wording to better reflect who is a Republican, and who is a RINO.
To my Republican friends:
This cartoon about Clinton political games reminds me of other Democrat back door games going on in Lake County RIGHT NOW.
Send this to all your Republican friends if you care who wins the Lake County Commissioner race, approves budgets and controls (or expands) spending of your tax funds for the next four years.
A recent snubbing of a Republican event by two "Republicans" has resulted in my decision to recommend the only Republican candidates running for County Commissioner that should get your Republican vote in the August 24th primaries, and I will describe why.
Below is a memo distributed by Alan Winslow, an officer in the Lake County Republican Executive Committee (REC), after a candidate debate organized by Winslow on behalf of REC was held for Lake County Commissioner, Dist. 2. Candidates Elaine Renick and David Yeager canceled at the last minute and went to a different "meet & greet" event and basically snubbed the Republican Party in Lake County.
This happened even though Renick attended an REC monthly meeting just earlier this week.
It is becoming clear that incumbents Renick, and also Dist. 4 candidate Linda Stewart are really Democrats, but they are running as Republicans - also known as Republicans in Name Only (RINOs). Watch for my future posting laying out the reasons why I say this.
It is also clear to ME that David Yeager is not serious about the District 2 campaign. He did not confirm a meeting with the local North Lake Tea Party Local Issues Committee after previously saying he would be there, then he also failed to return emails with a local reporter, and then this. I have yet to see any Yeager signs either. Is Yeager really running just to take a place on the ballot and try and split the vote of other Republican candidates so Renick wins by default?
FYI - I am now only a write in candidate for County Commissioner, Dist. 4, but I am still being invited to some forums, and I intend to focus on the problems caused by both Renick and Stewart.
Also, Winslow mentions below that the REC had a vote earlier this year and decided NOT to endorse support of any candidate in the primary elections. I was one that pushed for them to support or "vett" candidates and the primary reason was because Renick and Stewart were considered to be Rinos even then, and many of us wanted the REC to at least vett and certify that candidates were valid Republicans and not RINOs. It seems the Democrats can't field strong enough candidates as Democrats, so they insert RINOs into elections who run as Republicans.
Additionally, liberal columnist Lauren Ritchie AS WELL AS some Democrats were telling Democrats to change their party to Republican just so they can vote for Renick and Stewart. This is a clear sign they realize they can't hide the RINO status anymore.
Then, there is the upcoming situation where there is now an Independent Candidate who will split the November elections vote, and I was a witness when a known Democrat turned in the election paperwork for the Independent. More on that after the primaries.
As a consequence, at this time, I am publicly saying that the only Republican candidates you should consider voting for in the County Commissioner Races in order to avoid splitting the votes are:
District 2 County Commissioner - ONLY vote for Republican Sean Parks -a vote for any other candidate will split the Republican vote and possibly return RINO Elaine Renick to office.
Candidate Mark Saunders is a Republican and very energetic and charismatic candidate who only became active in the REC after he decided to run for office, and has not held any other significant office. He claims business experience, but none of it has been documented with employer names or verifiable track records. Other candidates have a verifiable track record of employment or business ownership. He needs to gain experience, actually read the budget, learn accurate facts, and develop a track record in smaller political entities before running for Lake County's most significant office. A vote for Saunders would split the Republican vote and possibly return Renick to the Board.
Do NOT vote for David Yeager since he is not serious for the position. A vote for him would split the Republican vote and possibly return Renick to the Board.
Do NOT vote for incumbent & RINO Elaine Renick if you believe in limited government, property rights, lower taxes and less regulations.
District 4 County Commissioner - ONLY vote for Republicans Leslie Campione or Buddy Atkins. - a vote for any other candidate will split the Republican vote and possibly return RINO Linda Stewart to office.
Paul Williams is a very smart and charismatic candidate, with significant business and economic development experience, but very little funding to compete in the elections. He also only switched to Republican last year from being a Democrat for the last 10 years, so should not be considered for this major office until he proves himself in other offices or through REC activities. A vote for Williams would split the Republican vote and possibly return RINO Stewart to office.
Do NOT vote for incumbent Linda Stewart if you believe in limited government, property rights, lower taxes and less regulations. Stewart has 30 years as a teacher, and has never known an employer that had to compete for income.
And, depending on whether Stewart wins the primaries for District 4, I might ask you to VOTE for ME as a write in candidate for the District 4 position. (I am not on the ballot for the August 24th voting).
Vance Jochim
[email protected] - write me if you want to be added to my new FiscalRangers weekly newsletter email list.
Send this to all your Republican friends if you care who wins the Lake County Commissioner race, approves budgets and controls (or expands) spending of your Lake County tax payments for the next four years.
Email from Alan Winslow
"Last night the REC had a good debate of Lake County issues with Sean Parks and Mark Saunders, the only two District #2 County Commission Candidates who chose to honor their commitment to support the REC's effort to educate Republican voters! Elaine Renick and David Yeager deemed another venue to be more demanding of their presence. Their scheduling is their prerogative, but I am disappointed that they did not have the courtesy to allow us the opportunity to reschedule our debate in order to include them. We scheduled our debate over seven weeks ago with numerous confirmations of the candidates' commitment. Elaine Renick cancelled her appearance two days before the event while Mr. Yeager reconfirmed his commitment by Email 33 hours before the event, only to cancel two hours later!
I personally consider the last minute withdrawal of these two candidates from the District 2 Dabate an affront to the Party and an overt challenge to the relevancy of the REC! More importantly it must be noted that the candidates' action deprived the very voters which they represent in their District a fair opportunity to appraise the candidates' judgment, position and decisiveness in considering the many crititcal issues facing our County!
Since Elaine Renick and David Yeager are unwilling to allow the voters to publicly analyze their experience, vision and intent, we as grassroots leaders owe it to our precinct constituents to share our experience with and our perceptions of these candidates. Any registered Republican can put their name on the ballot with an "R" implying that they support and practice the conservative principles of the Republican Party! I can't help but question, however, the commitments of candidtes who can't simply honor confirmed declarations to jointly appear before their constituents! Is their endorsement of Conservative Principles any stronger than the integrity of their scheduling?
The REC has chosen not to endorse candidates in the Commission race this year, but I hope you will note-and share-with your friends, neighbors, and constituents that only two candidates in the District 2 race, Sean Parks and Mark Saunders, have pursued a relationship with the REC, the embodiment of the Republican Party in Lake County and the driving force promoting conservative principles and principled candidates.
I appreciate your attention to and consideration of this my personal observation and position!
Alan Winslow"