Updated Feb. 8th to add text updates and links to print stories of the event
Eustis, FL - : I made my own video at the event of Florida Governor Rick Scott's Budget proposal speech in Eustis on Feb. 7, 2011, but ABC News beat me to it and this is their full video of his speech on YouTube, so watch it HERE: - 23 minutes long.
Here are links to the news articles & Budget details:
Here is Governor Scott's website with the full, proposed budget:
Daily Commerical front page article on Gov. Scott's proposed budget is HERE.
Orlando Sentinel main article about Governor Scott's proposed budget is HERE.
Orlando Sentinel article about educators mad about budget plan isHERE.
Orlando Sentinel columnist Mike Thomas writes about the budget HERE.
Governor Scott's Official Press Release & FULL TEXT of speech at event is HERE.
HERE is the Google Search list for "Rick Scott Florida Budget"
HERE is the video of Dr. Jack Cassell's talk - taped by Paul Richardson, So. Lake 912/Tea Party
HERE is the video of State Rep. Mike Weinstein, R-Jacksonville, who announced that he and others would form Tea Party caucuses in both the Florida House and Senate. From Paul Richardson.
Still to be added HERE - video of the entertainment, another speaker...
The Pre-Show was a rip roaring success!
The most interesting part was the "pre-show" when the crows was full of energy listening to an enterainer plus Dr. Jack Cassell. The event was hosted by the North Lake Tea Party and organized by Patricia Sullivan and Dave VonGunten. Parking, seating, etc in the First Baptist Church of Eustis was run like a stopwatch by Sullivan's Patriot Army and NLTP volunteers. Interestingly, about 20 Democrats showed up in blue t-shirts and caught the press after the meeting to complain about education budget and teacher pension issues.
I will later ADD a link here to videos of the remaining pre-show speakers, - sometime later tonight (Tuesday, the 8th) or tomorrow.