One of the last reports issued by the Florida Grand Jury under outgoing Attorney General Bill McCollum was this report issuing anti-corruption recommendations regarding State and local government. Much of it focuses on public corruption related to elected or appointed officials. Update June 4, 2011: Local Orlando Sentinel columnist Scott Maxwell wrote a column on this same Corruption Report HERE. I have summarized the findings of the Corruption report below, since they did NOT provide a summary, index or table of contents in the 127 page report. "Since 2000, Florida’s three federal United States Attorney’s Office districts had more public corruption convictions than any other state’s combined district totals. Florida led the nation in the number of federally convicted public officials from 1998 through 2007. According to this testimony, Florida leads the next closest state, New York, by over an 8% margin. (pg 120)". In a chart on page 120, Florida had over 800 "Convicted Public Officials from 1998-2007" compared to almost half the other states had less than 100 convictions in the same time period. (Ed note: However, that could mean the laws in some states made it HARDER to convict or prosecute public corruption.) One press article denounced... Read more →
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