Updated July 28 to add section at bottom on Agenda 21 foreign aid projects on DEVEX website.
Tavares, FL - July 25, 2011 - The UN has an initiative called Agenda 21 which is really aimed at reducing property rights and increasing socialism around the world.
Agenda 21 has affected Florida as well as Lake County. Keep on reading...
But first, if you don't know much about Agenda 21, WATCH this 9-minute "Agenda 21 Video for Dummies" explaining it:
This article link below clearly explains one part, which is the encouragement of "wildlife" corridors which then prohibit access by humans. The article says now that 28% of Florida land is now taken up by such programs, and all of it funded with taxpayer money because no one challenged the concept.
Recently, last year, two environmentalists on the Lake County Board (now no longer on the Board) pushed through modifications to the Lake County "comp plan" which laid out land usage plans, so that property rights were taken aways from owners by tactics such as limiting the size of roads in their area, which then controls traffic, which then reduces the value of land that could have been used for housing.
However, at tomorrow's Lake County Board meeting, on the agenda are a number of reversals of those modifications to the comp plan because new Commissioners are more focused on property rights.
Agenda 21 is a way to reduce human footprints on land and increase government control over public lands. As government controls more land, humans have fewer property rights and are pushed into central living sections.
Another objective, explained in the video above, is to REDUCE math literacy to reduce education levels because better educated people "consume more" which is not acceptable to Agenda 21 folks.
Read this article to understand it, especially about the government land purchases around the Ocala Forest, and then ask yourself why Lake County spent over $30-million to buy "public lands" but did nothing to make it accessible to the public until new Commissioners on the Lake County board pushed through adding parking spaces and trails in four of them.
These type of actions start in "planning departments" in government agencies and I am told several cities are implementing some Agenda 21 concepts as well. One of the key tactics is to create regional "planning groups" which then take power away from local officials and push through changes with little public knowledge. For instance, they regional groups push expensive government operated transit systems which are government subsidized (again, the government is the solution, rather than the free market) like trains, buses, etc. which focus on taking away public freedoms like driving cars where they want.
Do you doubt this? Search on Google images on "agenda 21 logo" and see all the different logos from different countries. Basically, the socialist countries that control the UN want to bring the US down to their level of government control over freedom.
Here is another article "The Horrors of Agenda 21 and ICLEI in Florida". Read about ICLEI ( aka The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives), which has a commitment to “sustainable development” throughout the world which in essence results in a private property land grab veiled in warm and fuzzy terms. ICLEI comes up with regulations and other ideas that restrict property owners from using their land."
HERE is the ICLEI website. Notice they no longer provide a list of member cities and agencies, because activists have been using it to lobby for their local cities to drop out of ICLEI. BUT, I found the hidden page listing all 1200+ ICLEi members including the United States, which is HERE. I SCANNED the list and didn't find Lake County, Clermont, Mount Dora (surprise), Tavares, Leesburg or Eustis in the member list. But, there is Collier County, Tallahassee, South Miami, South Daytona, Seminole County, Palm Beach County, Ormond Beach, North Miami, and a few others.
HERE is another article about ICLEI and what to do about it.
For Lake County, can anyone say Metropolitan Planning Organization, aka MPO??
THIS blog posting explains that Florida's Sarasota and Pinellas County's have canceled their membership in ICLEI due to all the complaints.
Update July 28 -
After the Agenda 21 presentation at the REC recently, I went to the website of the largest international “foreign aid” forum and “development professionals” organization, called DEVEX. It is for finding projects in “developing countries” like the anti-corruption work I did in Iraq and Afghanistan (but I got mine through the State Dept or DoD, not Devex).
DEVEX is used by the World Bank, UN, USAID (the US foreign aid office), DFID (UK foreign aid) to find “development” staff for foreign aid projects.
I searched on the “projects” category and keyword of “Agenda 21” (has to be in quotes or you just get any document with “21” in it).
I got 15 hits at this search page (I hope it opens for you, it is also a dues paid group and I have paid dues):
Notice the first item is “Developing Agenda 21… for Chad” which is funded by the French foreign aid office.
The next two, funded by the World Bank are in Beijing, and if you open the document, you see that the ADDRESS of the funding organization at the bottom of the document is the “Beijing Agenda 21 Office.”
However, at least only 15 hits existed – I was expecting many more. But, if I searched on “sustainability” or other Agenda 21 buzzwords, I am sure I would find many more, including ones funded by USAID.
Forward this to anyone who might be interested about the UN Agenda 21's insiduous backdoor method to reduce property rights, liberty, etc in the US or the World.
Other Agenda 21 references:
DELPHI Meeting Technique - Agenda 21 supporters use community "visioning" meetings to gain "consensus" on a direction such as land use plans or even school policies. The method they use is the "Delphi" meeting facilitation method developed at the Rand Corp. which is a structured method to get people in public meetings to be led to agree with a pre-decided conclusion. The original use was a process to get EXPERTS together and evolve consensus, but a watered down version is now used to lead public meetings to pre-decided conclusions. HERE is a GOOD article describing how the Delphi technique is applied to exclude knowledge experts or mute their testimony. In 2006, I attended some MPO "visioning" sessions in Lake County, FL used to gain consensus on a comprehensive plan for locating population and other centers. That is exactly the method they used to gain public "consensus" and claim public support when there WAS NO VOTE, only statements that a "consensus was reached". Some people call it a brainwashing technique. It seems to have been taught to professional "planners" in government so they can get the SOME of the public to agree with what THEY believe should be done.
HERE is the official United Nations page on Agenda 21
Radio show on A21:
Here is a great overview of Agenda 21 published in the Canada Free Press:
Here is a YouTube video explaining the Federal Government's plan to take over farm lands flooded near the Missouri River.
Another great Agenda 21 warning video - regarding a sustainability plot in the San Francisco area:
Here is a webpage from the Spruce Creek Patirots in Volusia County about Agenda 21 and Smart Meters.
The page includes links to two videos on SmartMeters and their privacy & radiation issues