Tavares, FL - Nov. 29, 2011 - Below is an article from today's Orlando Sentinel by Steve Hudak giving an update on the issues and tomorrow's meeting.
Constitutionality Lawsuit:
As the article mentions, local tax reform activist Marilyn Bainter has had her attorney file an appeal of a recent decision from the court regarding her lawsuit that the North Lake County Hospital District is not Constitutional. Some say the judge ruled in favor of the Hospitals because the Judge is a LOCAL judge and made a "rationalized" decision benefitting the local Hospitals and Leesburg establishment. That decision might not be supported by an appeals court outside this area. This appeals process would be out of the area, and may take two years, so don't expect much activity until then.
NO Pink Flamingos
The "NO Pink Flamingos" logo represents that fact that the current regulations authorizing the existence of the North Lake County Hospital District has NO SPENDING RULES, thus the District collects about $10-million of tax funds, and splits it amon the two large local hospitals, which can legally spend it on anything, even pink flamingos for the lawn.
Tomorrow's Meeting:
Below are my comments regarding tomorrow's meeting of the Lake County Legislators' delegation to discuss approval of a REVISED version of Rep. Metz's bill.
I have also attached the REVISED text of Metz's bill, AND the meeting notice from Rep. Van Zant's office.
Download 2011-11-30 Rep Metz Bill draft B
Download VanZant MEDIA ADVISORY-11-30-11
Here are the details on tomorrow's meeting
PALATKA, FL- Representative Charles Van Zant, Chair of the Lake County Legislative Delegation, makes the following announcement regarding the delegation public hearing.
The Lake County Legislative Delegation meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 30,
2011from 7:00 pm-8:30 pm. The public hearing will take place at Mount Dora Community Building located at 520 North Baker Street, Mount Dora, Fl 32757 for the purpose of deliberating and voting on a local bill related to the North Lake County Hospital District’s taxing authority.
I have been unable to get transcriptions or the audio recording of the last meeting due to delays cited by Rep. Van Zant’s staff.
I encourage all FiscalRangers.com readers to attend the meeting tomorrow to see how the legislators’ discuss the issue and so you can see who supports Metz’s reforms and WHO DOES NOT.
If you want to see ALL our posts on the North Lake County Hospital District, bookmark this URL:
North Lake County Hospital District posts on FiscalRangers.com