Monday, May 21, 2012 - Tavares, FL
by Vance Jochim
A lizard in New Mexico and Texas could increase US gasoline costs if the EPA had their way, and Lake County elected officials and voters could learn a lesson from the fight with the EPA there.
Here in Lake County, we have a Comprehensive Land Use Plan that has been modified somewhat, but not enough. It was developed when Florida had adopted "Growth" plans derived from legislative guides produced by the American Planner's Association (APA) which were created using funds from numerous Federal Agencies directed to implement the United Nations Agenda 21 by Bill Clinton's Presidential Council on Sustainable Development.
For more background on Agenda 21, see our info page at .
Now, we have a good example in the following article about the stealth method used nationally by the EPA to implement Agenda 21 objectives of using enviornmentalism as a cover to increasing energy costs, reducing values of private property, etc.
The article explains how the EPA can define an "endangered species" such as a lizard, then prevent landholders from developing or building on their land to "protect" the lizard. I don't know about you, but my Florida backyard and magnolia tree is full of lizards in good health. In this case, the EPA tried to prevent oil drilling on some lands by declaring a local lizard as endangered.
I once lived in California, and land development was halted for decades due to the existence of some "endangered species".
But, apparently, the courts mandated a delay in implementing a moratorium on development because, like Al Gore's "junk science", they question the validity of EPA "science" in defining the lizards as endangered.
Citizens in the area of New Mexico and Texas that would be economically decimated by lizard restrictions rose up and rebelled and challenged the "science" behind the EPA decision. The courts agreed, and specified the EPA had to support their lizard endangerment science within 6 months, which is where they are today...
Ok - for you elected officials who don't understand how Agenda 21 objectives are used by the Federal government and your local land use planners to damage property rights and increase cost of energy so "preferred" energy alternatives like solar or wind are used more, here is an example. The EPA can declare a lizard as endangered species, then prevent oil drilling to protect the lizard. This reduces energy from oil, increases cost of oil drilled, making it only 1/2 the cost of solar and wind, vs 1/3. AND, somewhere in there are probably provisions so that only the government can take over the land. The same thing is done to reduce mining, forestry harvesting, and other resources, so the owners sell or give the land to the government. EVERY time you hear the phrase "endangered species" think about what the real objective is...
And in Lake County, where the greenies have pushed through restricions on mining in south county etc., your days may be ending... and Lake County Board members and zoning commission members might start challenging the comp plan restrictions that don't pass the Agenda 21 smell test.