Tavares, F: - Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Rio+20 Agenda 21 & Sustainable Development Update -
Here is a leaked (attached) 81 page draft of expected "outcomes" for the international conference in Rio. If you have been following Agenda 21 issues, this is a glimpse on what the conference wants to announce at the end of the conference. This was obtained by the UK's Guardian newspaper - follow the links and you have to enroll using Facebook on Scribd to download it. I suggest you set the visibility settings to "only me" and don't let Scribd access your info when they ask - skip the options. Here is a quote, followed by the link.
"5. We recognize that people are at the center of sustainable development and in this regard, we strive for a world which is just, equitable and inclusive, and we commit to work together to promote sustained economic growth and development, social equity and environmental sustainability, and thereby to benefit all." Remember social equity is income and property re-distribution. They also want open borders so any immigrant can enter another country and live off their resources / benefits.
Read the attached draft or go to the link below to see the source article from the UK Guardian.
Download 96419644-Draft-of-UN-Rio-20-main-text