Tavares, FL - Tuesday, May 29, 2012 - (Updated June 3rd with video links)
Since this is a holiday week, neither the Lake County School Board or Lake County Board met last week, and the County Board is not meeting on Tuesday.
So, I decided to cover the secretive Bilderberg meeting in Virginia, with an article each day on our Facebook page ( FiscalRangers ) through the weekend on this secretive "One World Government" group behind many international decisions affecting our banks, freedom, support for sustainable development, etc. The annual Bilderberg secret meeting will be held this weekend, May 31 to June 3 in Chantilly, Virginia.
Yes, normally you probably want to watch FoxNews or Glen Beck this weekend, but I suggest you also watch some of the online coverage on Bilderberg, which is one hub besides the United Nations in the One World Government plan.
Your local "mainstream media" outlets rarely challenge or cover Bilderberg, although many of their media leaders attend the actual meetings.
This will be educational, since many independent online videographers are attending the meeting this weekend and will be live streaming what they find. After the "What is Bilderberg" section, I provide a link to just one videographer talking about his plans for this weekend, and how to watch his videos.
What is Bilderberg?
Here is the official Bilderberg website: http://www.bilderbergmeetings.org/index.php "Bilderberg is a small, flexible, informal and off-the-record international forum in which different viewpoints can be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced." About 130 attend each annual meeting. Although the meeting discussions are held in secret, they do publish names of the attendees at each meeting. An agenda for prior meetings is on the website. If you look at Steering Committee members, you will see the names of international corporate CEO's, politicians, government officials from many countries, NGO activists, media representatives, etc. A cynic like me would see that many liberals appear to be there to network with world leaders and sell their "vision". You have to wonder who puts together the agenda, and what "facts" are presented and discussed.
June 3 Update on Bilderberg - videos available:
The Bilderberg conference demonstrations continue this weekend in Virgina. Bilderberg is a secretive meeting held annually where 130 committee selected "elite" Corporate heads and governnment leaders (many are liberals, which is a tip) from the US and Europe (only) discuss "common interests" and don't do it publicly. They then go back home and implement changes in government and economic and industrial policy without disclosing it. Now there are over 1000 demonstrators, led by internet news pundits, Ron Paul supporters, and others using Occupy tactics like bullhorns, etc. and you can watch many videos at the link. Google Bilderberg and read up on it to get educated. They are considered to be another group pushing "one world order" vs each country retaining its sovereignty. Many Canadians were there, with signs like "We are Canadians, not North Americans...". For instance the Bilderbergers are said to be pushing for a combined North America region with nationalized police. So, learn about them, be aware about them if you believe the US Constitution should define US laws and not the UN or Bilderberg actions. (Yes, I am thinking about getting a tin foil hat also, but research it for yourself...).
HERE is the list of attendees at the 2011 Bilderberg meeting in St. Moritz, Switzerland in June. It included two reporters from The Economist magazine in Great Britain, but no one is allowed to write about the discussions.
HERE is the Wikipedia page on Bilderberg. Apparently, they originally disclosed that Bilderberg was started by the German Nazis, but then history was revised somehow and that fact was removed from Wikipedia.
- Bilderberg was started in the Netherlands in 1954 as a means to get US and European leaders to develop mutual understanding.
- Bilderburg attendees discuss agenda topics, and if they reach a consensus on action, they use their considerable power to implement the actions, which are never disclosed publicly.
-Bilderberg pushes the "North American Union" (NAU) where Canada, the US & Mexico are combined into one country. That means borders drop and non-citizens invade your country at will. "A recent article has shown how the RCMP (Canadian Police) is openly admitting that Canadians are being conditioned to accept having American agents policing on Canadian soil."
- Bilderberg is considered by some to be a secretive alternative to the United Nations, but without inviting representatives from developing nations. One 1977 author, Caroline Moorhead (see Wikipedia) "characterized the group as "heavily biased towards politics of moderate conservatism and big business" and claims that the "farthest left is represented by a scattering of central social democrats". But, that was in 1977 before the Clintons and Obama were attendees.
- Is Bilderberg Left or Right? "Some on the left accuse the Bilderberg group of conspiring to impose capitalist domination, while some on the right have accused the group of conspiring to impose a world government and planned economy." (wikipedia)
Click HERE to see a 9-minute video on what is Bilderberg by a Canadian videographer on how it affects Canada.
- Bilderberg.org - a website started in 1996 exposing Bilderberg since then. Vast amounts of information on past conferences. This is the Bilderberg Conferences Reference Page. The author focuses on the point that the attendees include many businesspeople who develop a consensus on some international action that may be in their interest and not in the interest of the public. He lobbies for all decisions to be made public at press conferences. "Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who set up the annual Bilderberg Conferences, was an officer in Heinrich Himmler's elite SS or staff guard in Nazi Germany."