Tavares, FL - August 16, 2012
All Lake County Property Owners should read this.
This week was eventful in Lake County because of the Florida primary elections, which we covered earlier.
However, it was also eventful for outing the sustainable development movement and the UN Agenda 21 implemented by the American Planner's Association (APA) in many LOCAL government regulations, including Lake County.
Readers know we have written a white paper on Agenda 21 located at www.tinyurl.com/HaltAgenda21 . It includes many links to explanatory online videos, articles and the Republican National Committee (RNC) resolution "exposing" Agenda 21 and its affects on property and other rights.
This week two property rights events happened at the Tuesday meeting of the Lake County Board of Commissioners, and then three events happened at last night's meeting of the North Lake County Tea Party to support the idea that Agenda 21 & "sustainable development" initiatives may be banned in Florida to protect property rights, like they did in Alabama.
At the bottom of this article are some very specific suggestions for property owners.
A. What happened at the Tuesday Lake County Board Meeting?
1. "Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP)" - The Lake County Board on Tuesday ignored my public input to DISCUSS and then reject extension of a contract to pay $295,000, including $27,000 from the County, for a consultant to develop a plan to establish limitations on land use if your land is "scrub habitat". The reason they say is that "scrub habitat" is needed for gopher tortoises, two types of lizards (really). scrub jays (as if we don't have enough public land already) and ELEVEN types of "endangered" PLANTS. The consultant will also establish a "steering committee' made up of environmentalists, government agency staff, only two landowners, but no property rights or taxpayer rights advocates. There is no estimate of economic impact, lost land values or estimated costs to pay for lost values due to the restrictions. Basically, they are not considering the idea of "no action" but acting as if they will develop a plan to add restrictions to about 6900 acres of "scrub habitat". Such actions reduce the value of land greatly, and property owners should just sue the County for not providing just compensation for a "taking" of land like the US Constitution describes. You can find all the documents related to this contract at http://www.lakecountyfl.gov/AgendaDocPop/connect.aspx?ParentTrackingNumber=6948
The Board ignored my request to openly discuss this contract, and let it be processed via the "consent agenda", so the contract was extended without public discussion by the Board. If you are a land owner, you should ask the Board members why they want to implement land use restrictions that destroy your property rights. You might also ask why they are approving a total expense of $295,000 for a consultant to develop the "plan".
2. Land Restrictions in North Lake County - Another member of the public gave input about how the comprehensive plan or zoning restrictions on five lots he bought in North Lake County were preventing him from creating a garden or removing trees. He said with those restrictions he probably has lost all value in the land and would not be able to sell it at any time. The Board ignored his plea that they issue a waiver, and did not really provide him with any method to find a solution.
You can watch the online video of our public input sessions HERE in Video 1 for the August 14 meeting. My public input starts about 00:09:15 minutes in to the video after the awards session, the the other public input on land usage started at 00:09:38 after some other speakers.
B. What happened at the Wednesday evening meeting of the North Lake Tea Party?
1. FiscalRangers.com Report on Local Government: I described the two events above and how they fairly reeked of sustainable development & the UN Agenda 21 stealth tactics to reduce property rights, and how the Board ignored the issues presented.
2. Coalition on Property Rights Presentation: Dan Peterson, Executive Director of the Orlando based Coalition for Property Rights (CPR) gave an hour talk on property rights and the history of the UN Agenda 21, how President Clinton facilitated their "sustainable development" tactics to use stealth and Federal tax dollars to fund and roll out socialist objectives to reduce property values and uses via the American Planner's Association and ICLEI (see my white paper). The crowd got visibly upset as he described how the process of Agenda 21 infiltration worked. One new visitor was a major property owner and asked some detailed questions. Also in attendance was FL Rep. Larry Metz, FL Senator Alan Hays, and soon to be Lake County Property Appraiser Carey Baker.
3. Senator Alan Hays announced he had an initial draft of a bill he will submit to the FL legislature in early 2013 to ban Agenda 21 derived objectives, and limitations on property rights. His bill is based upon the one recently passed in Alabama. (See article about the Alabama bill HERE) Hays told me that he will send FiscalRangers.com the final draft after 'cleaning up" the wording.
You can see the video of the meeting of the CPR presentation and Alan Hays reading his draft bill at our YouTube page, FiscalRangersFlorida HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXRHWbZTWLA
The public and land owners are becoming educated about the assault on property rights by some government agencies and "planners".
Please educate yourself at:
- www.tinyurl.com/HaltAgenda21 my white paper on Agenda 21 & 'sustainable development"
- www.proprights.com - The website for the Coalition for Property Rights
- BUY Rosa Koire's book, "Behind the Green Mask" on Agenda 21 and read how bad it can get based upon her experience in northern California.
- If you are a property owner, especially larger lots, agriculture land, etc, ask your Lake County Commissioner why they are not taking action to remove "sustainable development" land use restrictions from the County's Comprehensive Plan that defines land use restrictions for the entire county.
- If you are a property owner who found your land use is restricted due to the County Comprehensive Plan, consider calculating the loss in property value from the "green restrictions" and contact an attorney to consider suing the County for "just compensation" since the loss is a "taking" protected by the US Constitution. Ask why the public and land owners were not allowed to vote on a referendum over the land use restrictions in the comp plan. Ask why the County has not notified you and EACH land owner of all new restrictions on their land use. Why should a new owner find out about restrictions and regulations on their property AFTER they paid for it?
- Ask your Commissioners why they passed land use restrictions in the Comp Plan (before Leslie Campione & Sean Parks were elected) and have no process to warn current owners OR potential buyers of the land use restrictions and a calculation by the Lake County Property Appraiser of how much your property value was reduced. For instance, in the example above where the landowner talked about not being allowed to cut down some specific trees so he could create a garden, or add parking, etc., then Lake County should pay him for the loss of value.