British government staff screwed up the bidding process so much for operating a privatized train line that several leaders and staff were fired and the government had to repay four bidders about $60-million in bidding costs they lost.
England has privatized their rail system and recently held high stakes bidding for the firm that would operate a major west coast line.
Apparently, Richard Branson's Virgin Brand was running it at the time and but lost the contract bidding to renew their operations contract.
Branson filed a protest citing problems with the way the bid ranking was calculated, and it turned out he was right.
Apparently the method used to score winning bids was faulty and
This brings me to recite my mantra - the public deserves the same quality management in government agencies as used in major corporations, and doesn't always get it. That is why it is imperative to elect officials with large organization business experience to offset that limitation and demand professional management skills in government staff.
Oh, and don't mess with Richard Branson, who DOES know how to run and BUILD a business.