Central Florida - Oct. 22, 2012
Before the 3rd Presidential Debate, I attended a meeting to hear a speaker on judicial activisim. Unfortunately the speaker's airplane had problems and he could not make it.
So they asked a local pastor to talk about why Christian Churches are avoiding discussions of Islam.
I videotaped the talk.
Here it is below - very good oversight, and issues explained with some preaching thrown in. Points to consider. There were about 200 people attending and they constantly clapped at the points he made.
"God loves everyone, but Islam hates many..." he pointed out. He also made some other points:
Christianity focuses on goodwill, Islam focuses on hate and violence (killing infidels, stoning, lying to non-believers, resistance to the US First Amendment when they are verbally attacked while using those rights to attack other religions, committing violence or inciting assassination when someone exercises free speech).
People of faith should watch this speech which runs 36 minutes. The speaker, who is a pastor at a Church, charges that many Christian Churches are "asleep". He will soon depart for Papua New Guinea to lead a Christian effort to convert Muslims to Christianity in Indonesia. "The media doesn't tell you, but many, many Muslims are leaving their religion and converting to Christianity."