Tavares, FL - Jan. 25, 2013
The Annual Meeting of the North Lake County Hospital District (FL) was last night.
See the video: http://youtu.be/F5gLnQwi4uk
The agenda is below, with our comments in yellow, and you can see prior minutes and some documents at their official website at: www.northlakecountyhospitaldistrict.org .
You can see ALL posts about this Hospital District on this blog HERE.
Pursuant to House Bill 1299, Laws of Florida, the Chair of the Trustees of the North Lake County Hospital District calls an Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees to transpire on January 24, 2013 at 5:15 p.m. in the Lake County Board of County Commissioners Room, 315 W. Main Street, Tavares, Florida. General matters of the business to be considered are as follows:
- 1.Call to Order
- 2.Roll Call
- 3.Presentation and approval of minutes of the meeting of the special meeting held on December 17, 2012 <<< These minutes are on the District website
- a.Reaffirmation of Resolution 98-1. <<< Look on website
a. Website update <<< More attachments will be added
As noted in our earlier blog posting, they have the minutes, biographies of all Board members, administrative contacts, plus financials, etc. Discussion during the Board meeting indicated they would add the related legislation HB-1299 and prior legislation copies for historical interest. As part of his quarterly audit report (see below), the CPA recommended adding HIPAA rules, other items related to indigent care and Medicaid, a district map (so they can test whether an indigent patient really lives within the District).
- 9.New Business:
- a.Presentation of quarterly audits
- Presentation by CPA - see video, plus quarterly audit report should be posted on the website soon. One difficulty for providers is locating all the client financial information and chasing it down. Apparently, the clinics must be very careful before filing for reimbursement because any Medicaid error rates affects their reimbursement rates.
- b.Recommendation of proposed changes to House Bill 1299 -
- Previous Board Chair and member (not on Board now) Ken Carpenter gave a presentation on two proposed changes to HB-1299, and results of discussions with Rep. Larry Metz. It was agreed the Board had enough latitude over the two issues that formal changes to HB-1299 were not needed.
- c.Scheduling of budget meetings
- Dates set for FUTURE meetings (all on Thursdays in the same location and at 5:15 pm) are:
- March 21 - for quarterly audit reports
- July 18th - for quarterly audit reports
- Sept. 19 - first budget hearing
- Sept. 26 - second budget hearing when it is approved
- Jan. 23, 2014 - next annual meeting
- Dates set for FUTURE meetings (all on Thursdays in the same location and at 5:15 pm) are:
- Letters of Agreement - These are with the hospitals and the Florida health department related to the method of payments so providers can qualify for State matching. They were approved and hopefully are uploaded to their website.
- a.Presentation of quarterly audits
10. Any other matter necessary to achieve the aforementioned goals.
Briefly discussed was a decision this week from the FL Appeals Court that the lawsuit filed by former Board member Marilyn Bainter was not upheld, and the hospital/District defense prevailed. However, no explanation was provided by the courts and we will seek it. Bainter had sued the District, claiming that paying funds to the two hospital corporations was un-constitutional. The Initial decision was against her, and this appeal was also against her position.
11. Adjournment
NOTE: If the District does not post some documents to their website, I will get them and post them HERE: