Tavares, FL - Aug. 23, 2013 by Vance Jochim Below (scroll down) is the press release sent out by Gov. Scott’s office yesterday about the Education Summit in Clearwater next Mon-Wed. They only gave ONE day’s notice for this. I don’t see the names of ANY well known Common Core opponents on the list except Randy Osborne. Update 4:30 pm Friday: I just talked to FL Rep. Marlene O'Toole (The Villages and Lake County) and she says the process is a "collaborative lab" designed to brainstorm many ideas, and the Summit is open and info will be available afterwards. She also said that PARCC is OUT per Florida legislative leaders, so they may discuss other testing systems or alternatives. She agreed to let me interview her after the Summit. If anyone is in the Clearwater area and can video this meeting, that would be great. If you do, let me know. Also get names of handouts and ask for them. Use the list of titles to ask for them later and get the contact who is recording the audio. Besides the press release below, here is an Associated Press article about the Summit: http://www.naplesnews.com/news/2013/aug/22/gov-rick-scott-calls-review-school-standards/ They didn’t give much notice, so... Read more →
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