by Vance Jochim
Below (scroll down) is the press release sent out by Gov. Scott’s office yesterday about the Education Summit in Clearwater next Mon-Wed. They only gave ONE day’s notice for this.
I don’t see the names of ANY well known Common Core opponents on the list except Randy Osborne.
Update 4:30 pm Friday: I just talked to FL Rep. Marlene O'Toole (The Villages and Lake County) and she says the process is a "collaborative lab" designed to brainstorm many ideas, and the Summit is open and info will be available afterwards. She also said that PARCC is OUT per Florida legislative leaders, so they may discuss other testing systems or alternatives. She agreed to let me interview her after the Summit.
If anyone is in the Clearwater area and can video this meeting, that would be great. If you do, let me know. Also get names of handouts and ask for them. Use the list of titles to ask for them later and get the contact who is recording the audio.
Besides the press release below, here is an Associated Press article about the Summit:
They didn’t give much notice, so pass this around to Common Core opponents (or advocates) and if they know any of the listed attendees, they should be contacted.
And, if you want more background on Common Core, see my Factsheet at . And, you can see videos of recent Lake County Schools and Republican forums on Common Core on our YouTube channel FiscalRangersFlorida at Jochim
Lake County Fiscal Rangers
Chief Fiscal Watchdog
Volunteers Searching for Ways to Improve Local Government Fiscal Management, Efficiency & Effectiveness
PO Box 1042
Tavares, FL 32778
Mobile: 352-638-3578
From: Governor's Press Office [mailto:Governor'[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, August 23, 2013 10:29 AM
To: [email protected]
From: Governor's Press Office
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 2:47 PM
For Immediate Release |
Contact: [email protected] (850) 717-9282 |
~Florida’s top education leaders to discuss state standards for students, school grades, student assessments and teacher evaluations~
Tallahassee, Fla.– As the school year is beginning for Florida’s students across the state, Governor Rick Scott has asked a panel of Florida education leaders to discuss the sustainability and transparency of the state’s accountability system to ensure each student has the opportunity to succeed.
Governor Scott asked Commissioner of Education Pam Stewart to convene the summit to provide the opportunity to openly discuss ideas and options to continue improving Florida’s public school system.
“Florida’s education accountability system has become a national model, but we are at a critical point in our history,” said Governor Scott. “Our students need and deserve a quality education that emphasizes critical thinking and analysis. Our teachers and schools need our support as we continue to compete nationally and globally in preparing students for success in college, career and in life.”
Governor Scott asked Stewart to lead the summit with a focus on four strategic priorities:
- State Standards. Continuing to raise the bar on education standards, by including an emphasis on critical and analytical thinking, to drive continued improvement by Florida students;
- State Standard Assessments. Ensuring the assessment that replaces the FCAT will accurately measure the more challenging standards that will be taught to our students, provides meaningful performance information to our students, is cost effective, results are timely provided and we do not unnecessarily become intertwined with the federal government. (Note: See our 4:30 pm update where FL Rep. Marlene O'Toole told us that PARCC is already out.)
- School Grades. Improving our education accountability system to further ensure transparency and fairness while providing meaningful and useful information to our parents and educators about how our students and schools are performing; and
- Teacher Evaluations. Understanding how our teachers are evaluated, ensuring transparency throughout the process and using a fair system to identify, recognize and reward our highly performing teachers.
Senate President Don Gaetz and House Speaker Will Weatherford are key partners in the summit and have designated leaders from the Legislature to participate.
“Governor Scott’s Education Accountability Summit will provide the leaders of our Senate Committees on Education and Education Appropriations the opportunity to collect various perspectives and ideas which will be used in committee meeting discussions scheduled to begin next month,” said President Gaetz. “The Senate looks forward to working with the Governor to build on the gains Florida’s public education system has made over more than a decade and we appreciate the opportunity to have a seat at the table for this significant event.”
“Florida has made significant progress in improving education over the last 15 years, and it's important to have a vision so we can continue to ensure our children are succeeding and have the skills they need to compete in today's global economy," said Speaker Weatherford. "I commend Governor Scott for convening this education summit and taking a strong leadership role on the future of educational standards, assessment, school grades and teacher accountability in Florida."
“Everyone attending this summit shares the same goal: Ensuring that every student in Florida is given the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in the career of his or her choice,” said State Board of Education Chairman Gary Chartrand. “This is a great opportunity for educators, business leaders, and policy makers to share strategies that will benefit not only our students but our state as a whole.”
To view the meeting via live webcast, visit Florida Department of Education.
To submit ideas or feedback, please share via email at [email protected].
WHAT: Education Accountability Summit
WHEN: Monday, August 26, 1 p.m. through Wednesday, August 28, 4 p.m.
(A more detailed schedule will be posted at
WHERE: EpiCenter
Collaborative Labs at St. Petersburg College
13805 58th Street North
Clearwater, FL
Attendees include:
Invited by Governor Scott and Commissioner Stewart with the assistance of education partners:
Gary Chartrand |
State Board of Education |
Marshall Criser |
Business Community Leader |
Mark Wilson |
Business Community Leader |
Superintendent Alberto Carvalho |
Miami-Dade County |
Superintendent Joe Joyner |
St. Johns County |
Superintendent Bill Husfelt |
Bay County |
Patricia Levesque |
Foundation for Florida’s Future |
Andy Ford |
Florida Education Association |
Jeff Wright |
Florida Education Association |
Joanne McCall |
Florida Education Association |
Patty Hightower |
School Board Chair, Escambia County |
Wayne Blanton |
Florida School Boards Association |
Eileen Segal |
Florida PTA |
Linda Kearschner |
Parent |
Juhan Mixon |
Florida Association of School Administrators |
Laura Zorc |
Parent, Florida Parents Against Common Core |
Anthony Lockhart |
School Principal, Atlantic Community High, Palm Beach County |
John Kirtley |
Florida Charter School Alliance |
Doug Tuthill |
Step Up For Students |
Keith Calloway |
Professional Educators Network, Broward County |
Steve Chambers |
Professional Educators Network, Okaloosa County |
Dorina Sackman |
2014 Teacher of the Year, Orange County |
Alex Lopes |
2013 Teacher of the Year, Miami-Dade County |
Apryl Shackelford |
Teacher of the Year, Duval County |
Jennifer Grove |
Business Community Leader, Workforce Florida Inc. Vice Chair |
Randy Osborne |
Community Leader <<< Randy spoke at the Lake County Republican forum on Common Core |
Joe Gruters |
CPA, Sarasota County |
Mark Wilson |
Florida Chamber of Commerce |
Maureen Wilt |
Florida Power & Light |
Invited by President Gaetz:
Senator John Thrasher
Senator John Legg
Senator Bill Galvano
Senator Bill Montford
Invited by Speaker Weatherford:
Representative Marlene O’Toole
Representative Erik Fresen
Representative Janet Adkins
Representative Reggie Fullwood
- end -