Tavares, FL - Fri., Sept. 27, 2013 This document is in progress and not complete yet. Supporting documents will be attached and links to background articles will be provided by tomorrow, Saturday, Sept. 28 Earlier this week, FL Gov. Scott issued a surprise executive order that Florida would drop out of the 15+ State testing consortium known as PARCC. PARCC was a new testing system that was to be used for K-12 classes being taught under the new Common Core standards. Due to many reasons, parents, teachers and others complained about PARCC, and after Gov. Scott called a forum on Common Core, he issued this Executive Order. So, today, three members of the Lake County School District Board and the Superintendent Dr. Susan Moxley had a workshop to discuss what would happen next. I taped the entire workshop discussion, and it is at: http://youtu.be/1vxFNqRpyyE Download 2013-09-27 LCSD PARCC Workshop supporting docs 10pgs Above are the documents (in one pdf file) discussed during the meeting, including: - Press Release issued by Gov. Scott's office - Letter to Gary Chartrand, Chair of the FL State Board of Education - Letter to US Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan - The Executive order #13-276... Read more →
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