Tavares, FL - Oct. 24, 2013 Note: This version contains updates and my rough notes not shown on other posted versions on Facebook, etc. I am watching CSPAN.org and the Congressional hearing about the Obamacare website failure. It is really clear that the Federal Dept., CMS , was project manager and screwed it all up by bad testing of "end to end" data flow. As a former information systems auditor, they dropped the ball. They also only allowed the last two weeks to test the system "end to end" by following data through all the different vendor and provider systems, when "months" were needed per vendors. They also made last minute changes which then could cause security failures since security tests had been done before the changes, thus any changes could let external hacking to go on. CMS also waited until two weeks before roll out to change the system so NOW the applicant had to supply personal info and register just to shop choices and prices, when Obama earlier promised they could compare choices without doing so. This was called "anonymous shopping", which was turned off. Testimony from CGI indicated it could be turned on if project manager CMS... Read more →
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