I received this Thanksgiving article below from Dan Peterson at the Orlando Coalition for Property Rights - www.proprights.com . Read this and discuss with your families during Turkey day. It is a short story how the original Pilgrims started out in 1607 as a socialistic commune, and everything was shared. Many stopped working and were taking from those that worked, thus fewer had motivation and they were dying off from starvation. So, their INVESTORS came to the US and introduced Property Rights by giving every Pilgrim family some land, which changed their entire outlook towards work, and saved the day and resulted in American being one of the richest nations. Most other countries do NOT have property rights laws like the US. A major result of property rights is owners can borrow against the value of land and invest in creating or growing businesses. That is how America became a rich country, not through socialism. Read about it below, and there are links to other similar stories about the Pilgrims Vance Jochim ============================================================= How property rights saved the pilgrims - from Dan Peterson at Coalition for Property Rights What do property rights have to do with Thanksgiving? The year was... Read more →
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