Tavares, FL - Dec. 28, 2013
Environmentalists have been abusing private property rights for years by enacting laws like the Endangered Species Act (ESA) that requires the Federal Government to enforce ludicrous regulations to "protect endangered species". Then they use a method called "sue and settle" to SUE the Federal Government because the restrictive laws are not being implemented in various locations.
That is how they force the Feds to settle in backroom deals to get more funding for their causes.
It also is why you hear periodically where a Federal government agency, like the Fish & Wildlife Service, slams the door on some poor property owner so he can't use the land or sell it due to the existence of some endangered lizard.
This article is a very clear description from a US Senator of this abusive practice. Read it and understand what could happen to you if you own land that the environmentalists don't want developed.
Always remember that liberals and environmentalists are behind this fund raising scam. Most of the articles below explain that many lawsuits are filed so environmentalist attorneys win, but little is done by them or the Fish & Wildlife Service to actually improve the numbers of endangered species:
If environmentalists were truly concerned about endangered species, you would think they would use their legal winnings to establish preserves, then visit litigated properties and relocate the species to the preserves. But instead, it is all about suing property owners and forcing them to spend money to "mitigate" the problems.
Scroll down for more sources on ESA problems and litigation and other abuses:
This 2011 article from a hunter's publication lists ESA fixes that are needed when they arranged for over 2000 hunters to visit Washington DC to lobby legislators to fix the ESA (and other problems):
"The ESA was originally intended to help recover species at risk of extinction, but unfortunately the ESA has failed in its species recovery efforts. Currently there are over 2000 species listed as “threatened” or “endangered” while only 20 recovered species have been removed from these lists since the ESA was enacted."
"In addition, scientific decisions for species conservation are inappropriately being made by the courts and not by the wildlife professionals within the federal agencies tasked to administer the ESA. The ESA also has a detrimental impact on jobs and the economy, particularly in rural communities, and imposes unnecessary and burdensome requirements. Radical anti-hunting and protectionist organizations have spent millions of dollars in an effort to manipulate the mandates of the ESA to list animals for the express purpose of regulating greenhouse gases. This extreme agenda is diverting the scarce resources of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to lawyers and legal fees, rather than to conservation and species recovery."
This 2012 US House website describes the huge amount of ESA litigation and attorney fees, and which environmentalist groups achieved the highest collections. They comment that funds are going to lawyers and not to "recovering" or rebuilding endangered species.
"According to data recently obtained from the Department of Justice (DOJ) in response to document requests, the federal government has defended more than 570 Endangered Species Act (ESA)-related lawsuits costing U.S. taxpayers more than $15 million in attorney fees – in just the past four years. This data provides further evidence that the ESA has become litigation driven, where money and resources are spent addressing endless, frivolous lawsuits instead of species recovery."
Here is a 2007 research paper on what is wrong with the ESA and how to fix it:
http://www.ncpa.org/pub/st303?pg=6 <<< The 1999 charts below are from this article