These are the new and outgoing Board members for the North Lake County Hospital District
This email was sent to each of them
Duane Booth - NE seat 2 - replaces outgoing Jerry Brown
Vic Donahey - NW seat 4 - replaces outgoing Fran Grossi
Joyce Richey Huey - NW seat 6 - replaces outgoing Robert Bone
Friday was the deadline for opponents to file as candidates for the three open Board seats on the North Lake County Hospital District. Three current incumbents decided not to register for re-election.
None of you had opponents, so you will be on the board. (Note, three incumbents did not run for re-election, so they are being replaced by the above new candidates after the final Nov. 4 election. See the list of outgoing and replacement Board members at the bottom of this document.)
You should be commended for joining a Board that pays nothing and is facing the task of getting voter support in 2015 or 2016 to renew the District and it's millage rate.
I write a blog in Lake County on local politics, including the NLCHD. I am
a taxpayer advocate and fiscal watchdog and come to all Board meetings and
make videos of the meetings. I was involved in the reform movement to
ensure there was a vote on the District and the reforms in HB-1299.
I will be contacting you soon to get some information from you about your
background and plans for the NLCHD.
You probably know that their website is:
I assume you have been given a copy of the HB-1299 that reformed the
District administration. But, I see it disappeared from the website, so
here is the link:
You should ask the Board's attorney for the correct version and ask her to
put it on the website in a visible area.
You can read my prior stories here:
You can also see videos of prior meetings here:
NOTE: Additionally, we have created a new taxpayer advocate watchdog blog just on the North Lake County Hospital District at: (this was added later and was not in the email sent out)
I wish you good luck and will see you at the next meeting. Scroll down to see the list of current Board incumbents.
Vance Jochim
Lake County Fiscal Rangers
Chief Fiscal Watchdog
Volunteers Searching for Ways to Improve Local Government Fiscal Management,
Efficiency & Effectiveness
Tavares, FL 32778 (Lake County)
Mobile: 352-638-3578
[email protected]
TWITTER: @FiscalRangers
"FiscalRangers" page on Facebook
YouTube: NEW 6/2012 - Videos of local political candidate forums and other
meetings, like North Lake County Hospital District & Lake County
Legislators' Delegation annual forums - visit the youtube channel
CLICK HERE to see recommended internet links
related to Local Lake
County government fiscal issues.
Current Board Incumbents from the Lake County Elections Supt. website and the new board members replacing them on after Nov. 4th, 2014
North Lake County Hospital District
NE Seat #1 |
Catherine I. Hanson (REP) |
Term Expires 2016 |
NE Seat #2 |
Jerry P. Brown (REP) - replaced by Duane Booth |
Term Expires 2014 |
NE Seat #3 |
Thomas D. Talmage, III (REP) |
Term Expires 2016 |
NW Seat #4 |
Francis D. Grossi (REP) - replaced by Vic Donahey |
Term Expires 2014 |
NW Seat #5 |
Liz Kallop (REP) |
Term Expires 2016 |
NW Seat #6 |
Robert E. Bone (REP) - replaced by Joyce Richey Huey |
Term Expires 2014 |