News the main stream media won't tell you.
The Common Core "founder" David Coleman now runs the College Board, which
provides SAT tests for college entrance exams. They also apparently
control the Advanced Placement (AP) exams given to AP students, including AP
US History.
Evidence is erupting that Coleman is revising the AP US History (APUSH)
exams to drop much of REAL US History and make it a liberals interpretation.
Ask your Lake County School Board members if they read this email and
understand the issue, and what they will do about it.
"Here is a sampling of what our nation's brightest
high-school students can expect: "
"A relentlessly negative view of American history, which
emphasizes every problem and failing of our ancestors while ignoring or
minimizing their achievements. Almost total silence about the Founding
Fathers, including no mention of Jefferson, Franklin, Madison, and Adams,
and almost none of the Declaration of Independence. Omission of military
history, battles, commanders, and heroes."
"A biased and inaccurate view of many important facets of
American history, including the motivations and actions of 17th-19th-century
settlers, American involvement in World War II, and the conduct of and
victory in the Cold War."
Thus Common Core opponents are initiating actions including this August 4th
national phone conference.
I won't repeat what they said - just view this video and/or read the "About"
text below about this upcoming August 4th conference call and add it to your
calendar to listen to. It is clear Coleman is trying to revise US History
curriculums which are not part of Common Core by revising the exams, forcing
schools to follow the exams and not history curriculums currently approved.
Here is the about document:
Published on Jul 28, 2014
Nationwide Conference Call by American Principles Project and CWA
Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) in
partnership with American Principles in Action is hosting a nationwide
conference call concerning the rollout of the new Advanced Placement U.S.
History Curriculum Framework (APUSH) and exam.
The College Board, led by David Coleman, the "architect" of Common Core is
rolling out the new APUSH course and exam next month (August 2014). The new
APUSH Framework is an all-out assault on our country's heritage. Jane
Robbins with American Principles Project stated this concerning the new
APUSH Framework, "The redesigned Framework is best described as a curricular
coup that sets a number of dangerous precedents. By providing a detailed
course of study that defines, discusses, and interprets "the required
knowledge of each period," the College Board has in effect supplanted local
and state curriculum by unilaterally assuming the authority to prioritize
historic topics."
Tanya Ditty, CWALAC of Georgia State Director and former AP U.S. History
teacher made this statement concerning the new Framework, "When I first read
the new APUSH Framework, I didn't even recognize it as American history
standards. From this Framework, I didn't recognize it as my country."
Here is a sampling of what our nation's brightest high-school students can
A relentlessly negative view of American history, which emphasizes every
problem and failing of our ancestors while ignoring or minimizing their
Almost total silence about the Founding Fathers, including no mention of
Jefferson, Franklin, Madison, and Adams, and almost none of the Declaration
of Independence.
Omission of military history, battles, commanders, and heroes.
A biased and inaccurate view of many important facets of American history,
including the motivations and actions of 17th-19th-century settlers,
American involvement in World War II, and the conduct of and victory in the
Cold War.
We invite all concerned parents, grandparents and citizens, whether you have
students in AP courses or not, to join this very important conference call.
A panel of experts will educate you on what the College Board has in store
for America's AP U.S. History students and will explain specific steps that
can be taken to push back against this egregious attack on the U.S. History
standards and curriculum.
Without state pushback, this new APUSH Curriculum Framework will go into
effect this fall (2014). Without state pushback, APUSH teachers may have to
ignore their own state's U.S. History standards if they hope to prepare
their students for success on the new APUSH exam - which will NOT cover
material outside the new Framework.
Conference call details:
Date: Monday, August 4, 2014
Time: 8:00 p.m. EST
Conference Dial-in Number: (530) 881-1000
Participant Access Code: 632867#
Panel includes:
Larry Kreiger- Teacher of SAT classes for over 20 years and AP classes for
over 35 years, specializing in AP U. S. History (APUSH).
Ken Mercer, Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) member who has been
working aggressively to delay the rollout of the new APUSH Framework.
Jane Robbins- Attorney and a senior fellow with the American Principles
Project in Washington, D.C.