Dec. 3, 2014
Bill Gates Common Core update: You have to ask yourself why the Lake County School Board and Administration are not aware of this information about Bill Gate's grants and act on it.
We all know that Bill Gates was behind much of the funding for Common Core, but this in-depth Jan. 3, 2014 Washington Post article describes how he has admitted he was naive in his education and grant programs
"Gates then poured hundreds of millions of dollars into helping develop and promote the Common Core State Standards, as well as hundreds of millions more in creating and implementing educator assessment systems that incorporated student standardized test scores into individual teacher’s evaluations. The fact that assessment experts repeatedly warned against using student test scores as part of a teacher’s evaluation because the method isn’t reliable or valid did not stop the foundation from making these grants. He and his foundation just thought it would work"
"There is indeed a big place for philanthropy in American society, but there are consequences for replacing public policy with the dreams of the super-rich, not the least of which is that public institutions become testing grounds for philanthropic experimentation. Given that there are methods and approaches that have been proven to work already in education areas such as teacher evaluation, class size, etc., the public might want to start to ask why it allows itself to be used as a guinea pig."
Also, here is where his grants went: