Tavares, FL Feb. 18th, 2015
Consumer tip: Comcast/Xfinity Cable internet or TV users - don't EVER get sucked in to a "promotion" for a new service where it is improved at the same price you pay.
Then in 12-15 months, it goes up +30%. Magically, they won't let you step back to the prior level you had at the old price.
This happened to me with Comcast cable and price went up from $25 to $40 for just an internet connection (no TV).
Then today, a Comcast guy calls up with another promotion "for faster bandwidth" at the same price of $40, but admitted it was a promotion. Guess what, price goes up after 12 months. And, he couldn't say if I could then stay with the old level. Even though many customers are happy with current bandwidth, this may be an attempt to lock in customers to higher rates since the Obama administration may enforce "net neutrality" which means everyone, regardless of bandwidth use, gets to use all the bandwidth they want at the same price. So moving people up to higher cost bandwidth tiers is a marketing program to get fatter fees now, and not have to fight regulators later.
Comcast is now a monopoly, so they can force higher prices without much competition.
However, Google may disrupt them by installing separate high speed cable in neighborhoods - unfortunately they aren't focusing on places like Lake County, but high income neighborhoods where the early adopter rate is higher.
So, watch out for their Comcast promotions.
PS: One good thing about Comcast is they provide Norton utilities for free, and they provide email for free. The problems with their email include: 1) If you transfer to another provider, they don't let you keep your @comcast email accounts, and 2) They do not actively try to fix problems where your email won't be accepted by other providers because someone reported your email as spam.
Thus, I am shifting my @comcast email to other providers soon.
This link leads to an 8 minute audio of a Comcast customer trying to cancel his service.