Tavares, FL March 29, 2015
Conservative columnist Cal Thomas had a great column in today's Daily Commercial.
He described how Federal poverty programs rarely work, but praised a new set of case studies of overcoming adversity from the "Center for Neighborhood Enterprise", run by Bob Woodson.
Woodson and US Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI - yes, that Paul Ryan who may run for President)recently embarked on a tour showing a new seven part online video seried calle "Comback. It showcases people who overcame poverty, drugs, etc on their own. Those people are labeled as "Overcomers" by Woodson.
You can find the seven part video series here.
"Comeback tells the inspiring, true stories of real-life Americans overcoming adversity in our nation’s cities and communities."
The idea is to share what real people did to overcome their adverse conditions and raise them SELVES up to a better life. (Gee, does that sound like development of the conservative mantra of "self reliance" rather than big government dependency?)
Regardless of whether you like Paul Ryan, maybe some Lake County, FL city and county officials can explore this program for local implementation?
Vance Jochim