The agenda and any attachments should be on the Lake County School Board website “Board Docs” menu tab under “Board”.I assume this is to develop a five year capital plan of spending for buildings, buses, computers, etc that can be used to support the District’s request for the public to approve a renewal of the 15 year sales surtax. It will generate about $10-14-million per year for the school district and is limited to capital spending projects. So, if you want to see how the Board sets priorities, attend the 3pm meeting at the School District Board at the HQ on Monday, May 11, 2015. If you want input on the priorities, you need to contact your board member BEFORE the meeting (i.e. sidewalks, buses, etc) with your reasons. My view is they should clearly state they will NOT bond out any of the money, which is what happened the in the last 15-year tax, and they overspent on some schools and then had no money for others. Vance Jochim From: Challenger, Natalie A [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 9:31 AM Subject: Agenda for School Board Workshop 5/11/15 Good Morning, Please find attached the Agenda for the School Board...
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