Tavares, FL May 30, 2015
I enjoy many of the Daily Commercial articles because they are straightforward and minimize editorialization.
But it seems a different journalism theory is used when editors select syndicated "news" articles from the AP or other sources.
Not long ago, the editor and publisher of the Daily Commercial visited the Lake County Republican Party for a discussion and Q&A session.
One issue was why they publish AP or other syndicated and heavily liberal biased articles on climate change and other topics and did they vett them for factual accuracy?
The editor, Tom McNiff said they had no resources to vett AP articles for scientific accuracy. So the idea of objective journalism flies away when publishing syndicated articles.
So now we have an example today, May 30, 2015, where the AP article "It has been a month of extreme weather" by Seth Borenstein, Science Writer, was published with numerous biased statements inserted by Borenstein blaming bad weather on "global warming" or "climate change" or "lower ice levels in the Arctic" which have all been debunked by many sources. Just this week, two major studies, including one from NASA, said that ice levels were GROWING, not shrinking in both polar regions.
THEN I found that the Orlando Sentinel ALSO published the same biased article HERE.
The article had no balance or quotes from those who are skeptical about global warming and climate change theories. Liberals, like always, rather than citing verifiable facts to support their theories, will call the skeptics names and will claim the skeptics are "climate change deniers". This is the same stuff they are inserting into school curriculums.
First, you would think the Daily Commercial and the Orlando Sentinel might research the objectivity and credibility of the AP writer, Seth Borenstein. Borenstein is so well known for salting articles with indoctrination about global warming (now called climate change) that one blog tracked many of his earlier articles up to 2009 here. Now we are six years later and he is still doing it.
Now let's look at some examples of how Borenstein inserts undocumented fiction into this current story. If you read the article, look how he quotes different "experts" but then inserts his OWN wording to imply they said climate change etc was the cause of bad weather. He never defines the terms and does not cite specific, verifiable sources for his claims.
Borenstein repeatedly talks about climate change but fails to quote from even one skeptic of the theory. (See our attachment below with links to over 500 articles debunking or questioning the global warming, now called climate change, theory.)
Here are some examples of Borenstein's biased statements:
- Borenstein starts out with several paragraphs and quotes without any biased statements. Then he starts adding them and says "scientists say" without specifying who those "scientists" are. Although he quotes several "experts" or "scientists", his statements are personal statements and no part of the quotes. That is indoctrination. (Note that we have a link below where 31,000 scientists signed a petition to REJECT the global warming theory).
- "Other possible factors contributing to May's wild weather: the periodic warming of the central Pacific known as El Nino, climate change and natural variability, scientists say." << This is his writing, not an actual quote from a source. Interestingly, he cites natural variability, which is the anti-global warming theory that weather change is based on long term weather cycles, not man-made actions. But he doesn't explain that or what climate change is.
- "Climatologist John Nielsen-Gammon... says the downpours probably have been made worse by climate change". It was not a direct quote and again, climate change was not defined with citations.
- "While it is too early to connect one single event to man-made warming..." This again is Borenstein inserting his biased opinion before a quote from a scientist that had nothing to do with man made warming".
- "When climate scientists look at what caused extreme events...heat waves are the ones most definitely connected to global warming, Shepherd says". Again, this is Borenstein's statement and not a direct quore. It is possible he only talks to "experts" who are man made global warming supporters.
- "Some scientists have theorized that the jet stream has been changing in recent years because of shrinking Artic sea ice...". Borenstein actually said this the same week that NASA reported that ice levels have been increasing in both polar caps.
- After quoting "climate scientist" Katharine Hayhoe, Borensetein can't contain himself and adds his own take "Then throw in the direct and indirect effects of climate change". Remember that the concept of global warming was so debunked that liberals moved to citing climate change, which is always defined as some vacuous result caused by man. The weather can change in any manner, thus they claim it is climate change and the fault of man.
- "We know that the stew has an extra ingredient" and then the quote stops and Borenstein inserts his own statement "Heghoe says, referring to climate change". Again, he inserts his own opinion into an unfinished quote without details, citations or definitions.
To improve their credibility and editorial objectivity, the Daily Commercial AND Orlando Sentinel should stop publishing such biased syndicated global alarmist articles as "news" unless they are on the editorial page and labeled as a liberal source and a response column is right next to it from conservatives or global warming skeptics (see links below).
Readers should learn to evaluate the bias of articles like this and demand the press not publish them without a balancing response or column on the same day. (The Orlando Sentinel is even worse, so let them know also).
Want references on the skeptical viewpoint regarding "global warming or climate change"? Here are several sources, followed by an attachment with about 500 webpage links questioning global warming/climate change that I personally collected since 2014.
NASA reports Antarctic sea reached new record maximum - this contradicts "the ice is melting" theory.
The New American describes how ice levels at both poles are increasing, not decreasing.
Feb. 10, 2015 - Investor's Business Daily warns that UN created the global warming scare to collapse Capitalism
Feb 7, 2015 - UK's Telegraph describes how global warming alarmists adjusted weater station data to support their theory. Basically, they cooked the numbers used for world temperatures used in their "studies" to prove global warming.
March, 2014 - This is the first of several March, 2014 YouTube videos by John Coleman, founder of the Weather channel, exposing global warming as a hoax. They were shown on a San Diego NBC TV station where he later was a weatherman. This link is the first one in a series, and is an overview. This is the only known instance to me where an NBC station contested global warming. Search on YouTube on "John Coleman" to find other videos with more details.
2006 - Al Gore produced a 2006 video documentary called "An Inconvenient Truth" which cited graphs, charts, data to support global warming as a danger. However, subsequent research by many skeptical scientists found the data was cooked and called it "Climategate" or the "Hockey Stick" hoax. You can find several well researched "Hockey Stick" investigation books on Amazon.com by searching on Hockey Stick. HERE is one 2008 article from WND on the Hockey Stick hoax, and HERE is a website where 31,400 scientists signed a petition agreeing the Global warming theory should be rejected. Why don't journalists or editors research and cite this information?
2007 Presentation by UK's Lord Christopher Monckton "Global Warming is not a crisis". Monckton is a well known critic of Al Gore and Global warming. He points out flaws in the scientific "methods" used to justify global warming. "I will reveal hard, scientific evidence...".
Mar. 18, 2007 - Al Gore's global warming theory was so thoroughly debunked by 2007 that the BBC produced a documentary "The Great Global Warming Swindle" and says "You were told lies".
Jul 6, 2012 - 14 minute video "Global Warming Hoax Explained for Dummies" "Methane causes farts, not global warming." Very specific details debunking Al Gore and liberal global alarmist warming claims.
May 29, 2015 - Fox News, citing a Wall St. Journal article, discussed how 13 states have adopted the new Common Core "Next Generation Science Standards" which are all biased towards the debunked Climate Change models. Watch the video and how the guest speaker dissects the climate change indoctrination. They are teaching JUNK SCIENCE.
Here is a 16 page document loaded with about 500 webpage URLs I collected of other alternative news sources challenging the global warming/climate change theory:
Download URL collection of Global Warming skeptic links at Jun 1 2015
Vance Jochim