Tavares, FL May 14, 2015
Here is the May 11, 2015 6pm Lake County, FL School Board meeting video. The meeting went on for 2 hours, 28 minutes but Board members only discussed two business issues. Most of the time was spent on awards, certificates and "representations".
This is the meeting I described earlier that has a huge number of non-business presentations, etc. and only one Business item at the end. (Another, Tab 9 was also pulled for discussion).
You can find the agenda HERE or on the LCSD website in the "Board Docs" menu under "Board". Board member Marc Dodd did a good job in the tab 9 discussion asking why they were adding more administrative vs classroom staff due to the "Strategic Finance Plan".
If you want to watch the 2 hour, 28 minute meeting video from the start, go to:
If you want to watch starting at public input at 1 hour, 21 min on the video after all the award presentations, Go to the link below. The very first public input was a husband of a teacher who ranted at Board Chair Debbie Stivender for replying to a parent complaint without also talking to the teacher first. He was pretty emotional. The second input was from the head of the Service Employees Union (SEIU) Kim Cronin about the Board hiring more highly paid administrators while the service employees ranked very low in pay among Florida counties. The third (of three inputs) was from a teacher explaining the need for more funding for ESE students.
If you want to start at 1:54:57 when the Board, including Marc Dodd, discusses tab 9 on the District Staffing plan, click this link below. Dodd's comments during tab 9 AND at the end of the meeting clearly give an idea how many administrative positions keep getting added rather than classroom teachers.
Watch it to the end to see Marc's ending comments, and ALSO how Chair Debbie Stivender had crammed the agenda with so many presentations and non-business issues she keeps telling Board members to cut their remarks short so a new video tape is not needed. She has done that at several meetings, filling up the agenda with non-business items, then pushing Board members to end conversations to beat the 2 hour, 30 minute length for a video tape.
So, the TWO hour and 28 minute meeting only had three public inputs and discussed TWO business issues. All the rest were awards and presentations that should be part of a separate Awards and "Representation" meeting that does not cover business issues.
PS: Superintendant Moxley hired a new Chief of Operations about two weeks ago, and he already quit.
Vance Jochim​
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