Tavares, FL June 12, 2015
The Obama administration and HUD have been moving the "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule " forward. It will require some 1250 cities to do a study and enact programs to rebalance ethnic percentages among richer communities that do not have a desired percent of low income people.
Here is Kelly on FoxNews describing it in a 9 minute segment.
The regulations would apply to roughly 1,250 local governments.
Are you ready for Section 8 welfare rental voucher recipients to be moved into your neighborhood? I wrote about this over the last two years as the rule was moving from proposal to comment stage.
It is coming closer to implementation.
In the past, they bused low income kids to wealthier schools, but now the Feds plan to hold Federal funds hostage from cities unless they force integration of low income folks into wealthier neighborhoods. I will be waiting to see which Lake County cities are on the "target" list. Of course, once the initial 1250 cities are "integrated", look for more to be affected. That is how liberal programs work.
The first indicator will be when specific cities or communities (i.e. The Villages?) are added to the initial target list.
The second indicator will be when they are required to do a study to identify which neighborhoods don't have the "right" ratio of low income residents.
Watch for it and let me know if the subject comes up in your City Council or neighborhood meetings.
Vance Jochim
Here are some notes and other links on the issue, including a link to the HUD site where many comments were posted when the rule was proposed last November.
Obama HUD program to relocate low income folks to "diversify" richer neighborhoods.
Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule
The regulations would apply to roughly 1,250 local governments.
"The Supreme Court is expected to weigh in on housing discrimination in a related case in the coming weeks. At issue is whether government policies that unintentionally create a disparate impact for minority communities violate federal laws against segregation.
The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs is facing accusations that it makes low-income housing funds more readily available in minority neighborhoods than in white neighborhoods. This promotes segregation, critics argue, by encouraging minorities to continue living in poor communities where government assistance is available.
Court observers say the case could have a profound impact on HUD’s rule."
Comments on proposed rule - closed Nov. 2014
HUD Community Planning and Development (CPD) programs include: ■ Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) ■ Home Investment Partnership (HOME) ■ Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) ■ Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA). The CDBG program contains a regulatory requirement to affirmatively further fair housing based upon HUD’s obligation under Section 808 of the Fair Housing Act. The CDBG regulation also reflects the CDBG statutory requirement that the grantees certify that they will affirmatively further fair housing. The HOME program regulation states the statutory requirement from the Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) that the jurisdictions must affirmatively further fair housing. Through its CPD programs, HUD’s goal is to expand mobility and widen a person’s freedom of choice. The Department also requires CD grantees (those State and Entitlement jurisdictions that administer the above identified CPD Programs) to document AFFH actions in the CDBG and CHAS annual performance reports that are submitted to HUD
Applicability Although the grantee’s AFFH obligation arises in connection with the receipt of Federal funding, its AFFH obligation is not restricted to the design and operation of HUD-funded programs at the State or local level. The AFFH obligation extends to all housing and housing-related activities in the grantee’s jurisdictional area whether publicly or privately funded.
As part of the Consolidated Plan, grantees will submit an AFFH certification which requires them to undertake FHP through: 1. The completion of an AI Fair Housing Planning Guide Chapter 1: Historical Overview 1-5 2. Actions to eliminate any identified impediments 3. Maintenance of AFFH records. As with consolidated planning, the Department encourages multiple jurisdictions in metropolitan areas or regions to consult with one another and initiate metropolitan areawide or regionwide FHP. 1.3 P
CDBG for Fair Housing Agencies
State and Entitlement recipients are required to sign a certification to affirmatively further fair housing. As part of the jurisdiction's Consolidated Plan, these recipients are required to undertake fair housing planning. Fair Housing Planning consists of the following:
(1) an Analysis of Impediments (AI) to fair housing choice;
(2) actions to cover the effects of the identified impediments; and
(3) maintenance of records to support the affirmatively furthering fair housing certification.
Mapping for AFFHT