July 10, 2015 Tavares, FL
This Daily Commercial article by Livi Stanford explains why you want to resist buying homes that are not on paved roads or may be subject to future assessments for public works projects.
A neighborhood in Lake County has 10 homes that were on a dirt road.
Some of the owners petitioned the County to pave the road and levy a property assessment on each home.
Since a majority of the owners wanted the road, the County Board approved the road paving, with an assessed fee of $1800 per home per year for 10 years.
But three of the owners (who objected to the paving) say they could not afford the tax, however the Board this week re-approved the assessment without providing any more relief to the resistant home owners.
So always find out if a home you plan to buy may be subject later to some type of assessment for road paving, light poles, sanitation pipelines, septic tank replacements, etc.
Vance Jochim