Sept. 26, 2015
Early Warning - Agenda 21 is becoming Agenda 30 or 2030 - The UN met this week in New York with one world communist government supporters and issued new guidelines to replace Agenda 21 with ones referred to as Agenda 2030 or Agenda 30. Another code word for this is "Sustainable Development"
These "Agenda" plans are to consolidate all countries into a One World government led by the UN. They use environmentalism as a cover.
Here is an early overview of Agenda 2030 by Agenda 21 watcher Charolotte Iserbyte. There will be even more efforts to implement regions and methods to control areas by bypassing elected officials and going directly to local governments.
Here is an earlier article by another Agenda 21 critic, Tom DeWeese:
I no longer post much on Agenda 21 since the above two critics follow it much more closely, so bookmark their pages.
My older factsheet on Agenda 21 is here: