Tavares, FL Nov. 29, 2015
Concerned about Obama Education inititiatives and damage caused by Common Core? More damage will occur if you don't call Congress to derail a ESEA or No Child Left Behind bill vote on Tuesday or Wednesday, Dec. 2 or 3. Here is some background why you need to act.
An emotional but extremely factual Utah mom, Christel Swasey, made a video that is going viral to encourage parents and voters to call Congress to postpone or derail a Dec. 2nd or the 3rd vote to stealthily renew the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law with many stealth modifications and no written version available to review yet. She also describes how it rebrands "Common Core" into "College & Career Ready" to fake out readers.
WATCH the video to understand what the liberals are doing to damage education for years to come and to understand why you need to call your Congress members now.
"Most likely it will pass unless thousands and thousands of people call their Congress members and urge delay or rejection of the ESEA bill".
The bill is also called the ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act - implemented by Pres. Lyndon Johnson in 1965), and will be renewed for many more years with hidden liberal objectives. As of today, the bill is still not available for public review for a vote in two days. This is like Obamacare, no public debate.
I won't write anymore because Christel's 19 minute video is extremely intelligent and well crafted. Watch it to get a good grounding on how bad ESEA is, and call 202-224-2121 to connect to your Congressman's office to leave a message to KILL the ESEA renewal or delay it for 1-2 months so the public can read it.
Bonus - Here is another very good 7 minute video explaining the bill and why you need to lobby your Congressman to kill or delay it.
Below is text from a memo sent out by well known Florida Stop Common Core Coalition expert Karen Effrem with more details about reasons to kill ESEA.
If ESEA does pass, research how your Congress members voted and immediately give them hell.
Dear Friend of Educational Liberty, ACTION ALERT! We pray you all have had a blessed Thanksgiving and a chance to celebrate with family and friends. Just before the break, the ESEA bill passed conference committee. The House is planning a vote on the most consequential education bill in 14 years after a holiday on DECEMBER 2nd or 3rd after a holiday when the language will not even be available until Monday 11/30. See below for details on this appalling process and use this great op-ed by Jane Robbins. It is very important to contact Speaker Paul Ryan, the House Freedom Caucus and the House in general:
a few minutes DAILY from now through Monday's twitter rally from 9-11 EST PM on 11/30 to save our kids! It is super easy! http://patriotjournalist.com/StopESEAAction.php?v=0
http://bit.ly/1Lj6uz5. THE EMAIL AND SOCIAL MEDIA DIRECTORIES OF CONGRESS ARE AVAILABLE AT THESE LINKS FROM OUR FRIENDS AT PATRIOT JOURNALIST NETWORK: HOUSE: http://patriotjournalist.com/usHouse.php?src=Home SENATE: http://patriotjournalist.com/usSenate.php?src=Home
The No Child Left Behind Conference Committee considered a few mostly symbolic amendments and adjourned on November 19th.. Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY)i who spoke well the day before about problems of too much federal pre-K offered an amendment to study the problem, which will likely only provide political cover..Rep. Glen Grothman of Wisconsin mentioned the ineffectiveness of preK and the need to strengthen families but unfortunately still voted for the bill. There was another symbolic amendment on privacy that funds teachers more to learn how to protect data by Democrat Jared Polis of CO. Unsurprisingly there was nothing done about psychological profiling. Senator and Republican Rand Paul was the only one with courage to vote no on the final bill. After the committee refused to allow the public see the bill language they were amending that will have such profound effects on millions of children, we are equally appallingly told that final language will not be available until November 30th and they will ram through final passage in the House on December 2nd or 3rd. See Jane Robbins' excellent column on how the new House boss, Speaker Paul Ryan does not appear to be acting any different than the old boss, John Boehner: The conference report looks to have these of many problematic features we have been warning about for months in this short note that you can send to Congress: Dear _______________ As a parent and citizen, I am outraged that congressional leadership has negotiated a compromise bill for the reauthorization of No Child Left Behind in secret. This legislation has such enormous implications for the future of our children and the nation. The available information about this compromise contains much disturbing news, especially since it appears to be based mostly on the Senate bill
No parental opt-out provision The one excellent piece of parental rights language in the House bill has been removed and the 95% test participation mandate remains. This is unacceptable to me as a parent and will also continue forcing our teachers to teach to the test instead of meeting the individual needs of students.
This conference report MUST be voted down. While much of the Common Core system with its associated tentacles was implemented via regulatory fiat without Congressional vote or oversight, a vote for this bill will be seen by me as your affirmation of all that is wrong with federal interference in education. This system is harming students, teachers, school boards, states, and local districts. We need a bill signed by a president that understands and will follow the rule of law and will not participate in the destruction of public education, not a lame duck with an abysmal record of overreach and harm to teachers.
Thank you so much for sacrificing time during this special season to fight for our children! |
The work of fighting for our kids is expensive. There are always costs of printing, travel, artwork, media, etc. Please, as we fight this enormous battle against the well-funded Washington Cartel and as you have been blessed as this season of giving is upon us, please consider sharing with us. Checks to FSCCC, INC. may be sent to: Thank you for all you are doing to protect the hearts and minds of our children! Blessings, Karen R. Effrem, MD Executive Director The Florida Stop Common Core Coalition 888-376-5550 |