Tavares, FL Nov. 9, 2015
Florida ranked a D- in a new, national study comparing all states in 13 "integrity" or accountability categories.
A well known national watchdog, Center for Public Integrity ( http://www.publicintegrity.org/ ), published their annual "State Integrity Investigation" report comparing how each state ranks in 13 categories related to transparency, oversight and accountability.
A partner, www.GlobalIntegrity.org was also involved in the report development.
Florida, like MOST states, ranked near the bottom with a D- and only three states had higher C or B rankings.
Based on points, Florida "achieved" a 61, and was 30th out of all 50 states (or 57 states if you are Obama).
The report was first published for 2011, and this is the second publication and includes more evaluation factors.
I have often said in my Fiscal Watchdog blog www.FiscalRangers.com , that Florida is still a "huckster state" without adequate management or accountability systems.
Florida, like MOST states, ranked near the bottom with a D- and only three states had higher C or B rankings.
Based on points, Florida "achieved" a 61, and was 30th out of all 50 states (or 57 states if you are Obama).
Here is the page showing the details of Florida's ranking in 13 Integrity categories.
Here is the Florida Today article on this report.
HERE is the Washington Post article on the entire report.
"Alaska received the top grade, earning a C. Only two others — California and Connecticut — earned better than a D+; 11 states received failing grades, with Michigan coming in last. The rankings and grades are based on detailed answers to 245 questions that were researched by experienced reporters in each state. The queries are divided into 13 categories — from public access to information to campaign finance to ethics enforcement — and deal not only with the laws but also how well they’re enforced or implemented. Many states saw their grades decline since the investigation was first undertaken, in 2012. While that’s partly the result of changes to the project, such as new questions about “open data” policies on which most states scored poorly, it also reflects that there’s been little progress on these issues. In some cases, conditions have gotten worse."
Florida ranked F in "Public Access to Information, Political Financing, Electoral Oversight, Judicial Accountability, State Budget Processes, State Civil Service Management, Lobbying Disclosure. One reason for poor F grades for Electoral Oversight is the lack of standards and action required of County Elections Supervisors to actively detect illegal Voters - that isn't done, at least in Lake County (in my experience). Instead, questioners are told "that isn't my job".
Florida ranked D in Executive Accountability, Procurement, Ethics Enforcement Agencies and State Pension Fund Management.
Florida ranked C's in Legislative Accountability.
The only B received by Florida (no A's) was for Internal Auditing. Thus as a former internal audit manager, it seems that the only force improving Florida accountability seems to be internal audit, not management or legislators.
At least Florida is not as low as Michigan and 11 other states which had F's.
You can read about the methodology used in the study HERE.
"The State Integrity Investigation assesses the existence, effectiveness, and accessibility (i.e. citizen access) of key governance and anti-corruption mechanisms through a qualitative and indicator-based research process - Center for Public Integrity."
A typical example of Florida's weak oversight at the County level is the lack of accountability provisions for elected County Constitutional Officers such as Sheriff or Tax Collector. They have no public hearings over their budgets, do not provide detailed program and line item budgets or financial statements online, and do not have required, cycled performance audits to evaluate efficiency, effectiveness and economy.
The detailed methodology used for this report provides improvement targets for every state, and Florida legislators should start working to improve Florida's perceived integrity and emphasis on reducing corruption, and improving accountability.
I will be using the methodology details to dig up more details on needed improvements in Lake County and Florida.
Vance Jochim