To: Kevin Spear
Orlando Sentinel
Re: Your FRONT PAGE article today, May 22, 2016 on "Florida coastal cities eye rising seas" is very biased, citing unscientific claims like Florida cities "are studying maps that depict areas
submerged by as much as 2 to 3 feet of sea rise by 2050." You also say
"Along Central Florida's Gulf coast, seas will rise between a foot and 7
feet this century, according to Tampa Bay Climate Science Advisory Panel
convened by University of Florida programs.
But, you don't disclose data from skeptics of those claims. Why don't you
cover BOTH sides of the story? Why use the newspaper to incite unjustified
fear in readers?
This is so biased and fails to present the viewpoint of many people who
think this "sea rise" theory is hogwash and scientifically unjustified.
There is no way seas are rising like this alarmist article written clearly
using biased sources. The idea of "seas rising" is a Saul Alinsky crisis
designed to give power to government departments to spend funds and to
provide income to all the alarmist consultants. The same is happening in
global warming which was disproved, so the useful idiots supporting that
claim used faulty predictive models and ignore historical measurements over
many years. This is all a liberal con to get government grants focused on
proving inaccurate results. The claims of global warming and then, since
they couldn't prove that, climate change (which is a nonsense word) have
been debunked.
So now the new bogus crisis is "rising seas" which has been
debunked as early as 2009.
Even saying seas might rise 1 foot or more is unprofessional and unproven
and is all hype, and any reporter who writes this should lose their job.
Here is just one source to explain how poorly researched statements like
this are being used to get followers for the liberals:
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us (the One World
Alarmists) , we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global
warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill."
- Aurello Peccei founder of The Club of Rome quoted from "The Final Global Revolution" 1991.
Another trick used to claim faulty issues is to "adjust" baseline data,
which was proved to be the basis for Al Gore's Global warming hype. He then
used the bad data to create models and graphs to support a new crisis. One
source says: "I'm someone who recognizes patterns of behavior. In this case,
the behavior of warmists which can best be summed up as - "If the data
doesn't fit the hypothesis then adjust it until it does.""
The Orlando Sentinel clearly has low standards if they permit a reporter to
print such an imbalanced and biased article like this.
"Climate change journalism is mostly crap if you didn't
notice, because it's not done by journalists. Mostly advocacy & self
-Climate scientist Ryan Maue via twitter (@RyanMaue)
Why not write about BOTH sides of the issue so readers can decide for
themselves? Search in Google for "sea level rise skeptic" and you will find
many detailed exposes of Al Gore and the theory of sea level rising, so view
the videos below.
Nov. 29, 2009 video - Al Gore lies about Melting Ice and Rising Sea Levels -
in Inconvenient Truth
Gore said Greenland melting could cause sea to rise 20 feet, and illustrated it with an automated map of
Florida, and San Francisco bay.
However, the UN IPCC study cited shows the most sea rise that will happen is
59 cm or 23 inches in 100 years.
"The only possible reason for Al Gore to use such a BLATANT distortion of
truth would be to create a sense of raw fear among viewers of the video"
A Skeptic's Guide to Sea Level Rise 4:23
Marlo Lewis, Senior Fellow, competitive Enterprise Inst.
May 22, 2015 - The Sea Level Scam by Jonathan DuHamel
Climate alarmists put forth scary scenarios saying that carbon dioxide
induced global warming is causing unprecedented and accelerating sea level
rise which will drown our coastal cities and wipe out South Pacific Islands.
The Past Half Century of Sea Level Rise - debunked by this video
Uploaded on Oct 30, 2008
In his testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee
on Energy Independence and Global Warming, NASAs James Hansen stated there
is increasing realization that sea level rise this century may be measured
in meters if we follow business-as-usual fossil fuel emissions. Agreeing
with Hansen, many people have been quick to jump on the CO2-induced global
warming/rising sea level bandwagon. But how close to reality are the
projections of a future sea level rise that is measured in meters?
The Orlando Sentinel should be ashamed by allowing such a biased article to
be published on the front page and not on the cartoons page. Mr. Spear's
bio page does not show he actually has any scientific or analytical
background, but " reports for the Orlando Sentinel, covering springs,
rivers, drinking water, pollution, oil spills, sprawl, wildlife, extinction,
solar, nuclear, coal, climate change, storms, disasters, conservation and
restoration." This article is not objective, but biased editorializing.
Vance Jochim