June 18, 2016
News you won't find in the local newspapers or TV.
It has been a few days since the massacre of 49 gays in Orlando by a Muslim.
Now gays are starting to realize that the liberal leaders like Hillary or Obama are more interested in placating Muslims with blaming the violence on guns, bad lettuce or anything else. The message between the lines is that Muslims are higher in the pecking order of liberal leaders than gays. The liberal leaders aren't describing the Muslim threat or demanding Muslims change course or be dropped. Of course, that won't happen when Hillary and Obama are collecting BILLIONS from the Saudis and other Muslim contributors.
So here are some articles illustrating the realization by gays they could die by Muslim hands and liberals won't take a stand against the Muslims for doing so. They might be realizing there are some mostly faith based conservatives that don't like them, but don't plan to KILL them. After all, in Orlando, it was Christian churches who rounded up support, donations and prayers for the murdered gays, not Muslims.
This same BAD liberal behavior explains why the liberal press ignores any attempt to link Muslim theology to killings and violence by Muslims. Instead, blame it on guns, or the victim caused it to happen. They don't read or quote or tell you about conservative sources like these:
1) Milo Yiannopoulos, a famous, conservative gay writer in the UK writes a year ago (Nov. 16, 2015) on Breitbart.com - "I'm a gay man and Muslim mass immigration (in Europe) terrifies me...".
He says "I’d hate to be thrown off a roof. I mean, imagine if I landed on this face. But that’s the future Europe and even the US are sleepwalking into if we let wacky progressive hand-wringers keep apologising for radical Islam and calling the rest of us racist for expressing our concern at mass immigration from cultures that care nothing for the rights of women and gays." Read more here.
2. John Hawkins on Townhall.com ( June 18, 2016) reaches the same conclusion, explaining "Why Liberals Support Muslims Who Hate Everything They Stand For".
He quotes an anonymous commenter "I also now realize, with brutal clarity, that in the progressive hierarchy of identity groups, Muslims are above gays. Every pundit and politician -- and that includes President Obama and Hillary Clinton and half the talking heads on TV -- who today have said ‘We don't know what the shooter's motivation could possibly be!’ have revealed to me their true priorities: appeasing Muslims is more important than defending the lives of gay people. Every progressive who runs interference for Islamic murderers is complicit in those murders, and I can no longer be a part of that team." Read more HERE.
3. And here is a June 19, 2016 article from the UK's Audrey Russo on http://www.libertygb.org.uk/ why European leaders are still confused why Muslims are not assimilating into their culture: "Assimilation's Stalemate: Islam & Freedom are mortal enemies"
"European leaders appear to be a bit confused as to why Muslims, invading their countries, are not assimilating. The answer is actually glaring. But in order to recognize it, they will have to abandon intellectual laziness, adherence to political correctness (cultural Marxism) and to reject those that employ the aforementioned.
Let's begin with democracy: a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. It respects individual rights, governed by the rule of law and all are considered equal under those laws. The bedrock of all forms of democracy is the freedom of individual expression (and dissent).
There lies the rub... there is nothing stated in the above definition that agrees with Sharia Islamic law, which is extracted from both the Qur'an and Muhammad's Sunnah (Hadiths) found in the Reliance of the Traveler. Islam is INCOMPATIBLE with democracy. Islam is a theocratic system with only Allah at its head, and dictated by Islam's self-proclaimed prophet, Muhammed."
Read more of Audrey's perspective here.
4. Gatestone Institute ( http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/ ) in the UK publishes daily reports on the effects of Islam and Muslim migration into Europe. HERE is their June 18, 2016 6-minute video recap "Is Europe Doomed by Migrants?" He explains "Here we are before this summer's migrant crisis starts over again..."
"Most of the millions of overwhelmingly male migrants who have come to Europe in the past two years are not refugees fleeing war zones. Douglas Murray discusses the total failure of Germany and other countries to integrate the migrants, and what the consequences will be. "If you have jobs in Germany that need filling, why on earth wouldn’t you fill them with the young people from Italy, Greece, Portugal and other European countries, who are unemployed at the moment?”"
I really support reading the local press, but they clearly are politically correct and fail to balance coverage and don't tell you the very real perspectives of conservatives like those above. You, including Democrats, Gays, NPA's AND journalists need to start liking or subscribing to their sites to get "the other half" of the news.
Vance Jochim
And of course, you can read my Factsheet on the Dangers of Islam the liberal press doesn't tell you at http://tinyurl.com/IslamDangers .