Lake County, FL Jan. 25, 2017
The Florida House Children, Families and Seniors Sub-committee is holding a hearing on the refugee program on Jan. 26, 2017.
Update: Late Jan. 25, 2017 - Reports say that President Trump will issue an Executive Order or Memo halting inbound acceptance of ALL refugees, and prohibiting acceptance of any from six designated countries like Syria.
I sent them the sub-committee the following document earlier in the day.
- Refugees are selected by the United Nations, then the US State Dept. and sent to each State without vetting by State authorities. This needs to be fixed. No admissions should be approved until State based departments with public input can review their qualifications and approve refugees who agree to assimilate into the American and Florida culture, and are capable of communicating and supporting themselves.
- Communities are not notified or involved in approving new refugees: Federal authorities or VOLAGS (voluntary agencies like Lutheran Refugee Services) rarely ever notify a community when a new wave of refugees are brought in to a new area. All of a sudden, 100 refugees might be transported into an area by one of the nine VOLAGS . Thus Florida should reject all refugees because communities can become overwhelmed with social costs after they arrive. No refugees should be allowed in Florida as long as the Federal Government and the VOLAGS refuse to provide notice and public hearings for community input BEFORE arrival of the refugees.
- NO Florida agency or VOLAG apparently provides transparency over plans for inbound refugees by community. The Federal government creates projected refugee reports known as “R&P” reports based upon estimates from VOLAGS, but when contacted, the VOLAG offices for Tampa/Orlando would not respond to requests for the official R&P projection reports. The Florida State Dept. of Refugee Services told me they do NOT have the R&P reports. Why not? ALL refugees should be rejected by Florida until monthly and quarterly detailed inbound refugee projection R&P reports are provided on the websites of the State and District Refugee Services websites, plus the VOLAG websites. We would expect the projections be at least TWO months before actual transportation of refugees to named communities. Additionally, reports should show the names and public meetings scheduled to allow local community public input.
- There are no education or language standards for inbound refugees. As a result, schools have a heavy burden teaching refugee children, and adults go on welfare because they are not employable for one or more years. Why should American classes in arts, music, etc. be canceled in order to fund English Language learner refugees?
- Many refugees are seeking economic and welfare benefits, and are not TRUE refugees escaping persecution. The refugee program was created to assist people escaping violence and persecution. Many refugees are only coming to the US to get a job and are considered “economic refugees”. Those applicants should be screened and rejected by Florida professionals BEFORE they are put on a plane for the US and Florida.
- Syrian and some other refugees cannot be vetted for national security purposes. The FBI has said so in Congressional hearings. They are now coming through other countries as well, thus all refugees should be deferred at least a year until the US has better screening systems over refugees from all countries.
- Refugees selected by the United Nations are almost all Muslims, who are raised to HATE America, when many Christians and Jews are persecuted and not encouraged to register for refugee programs by the UN or the US State Dept. Christian and Jewish refugees are RARELY ever considered for transportation to the US. This must be stopped - Islam is not conducive to the American way of life, and they intentionally tell their followers not to assimilate into the American culture. There is no reason to admit people who hate America, but reject critial free speech, reject freedom of religion in their countries, incite violence against ALL non-believers, practice beheading, killing of gays (like in the Orlando Pulse club), stoning, mandate female genital mutilation (FGM), practice downgrading of women, and demand their own, separate Sharia laws and courts. There is NO reform movement in Islam. They all follow the same Koran and other "holy books" that condone violence against ALL non-believers. Muslims have a violent belief system and are practicing stealth Jihad to enter the US and other countries. When people criticize Muslim practices, they are called racist or Islamophobes. My response to that is Islam is practiced by MANY races, so criticism is not racist. Additionally, Muslims should be considered Americaphones for hating America and our way of life. Critics are just standing up to violence and abusive practices by Islam. Islam is not consistent with the American culture, and Muslims refugees should be rejected since they reject assimilation into the American culture. For more information, see this fact sheet on the dangers of Islam:
- Refugees are brought in to the country with different beliefs than the American culture, and commit crimes and transgressions because there are no effective re-education programs before they are allowed into the public. Examples are Muslim men raping or committing violence or discrimination against women and non-believers. In court cases, they have actually claimed rape is ok in their country and did not know it was illegal in the US. Thus the rapist insists they should NOT be charged with a crime. VOLAGs and the US State Dept. should be held legally liable for transgressions by refugees they "vetted".
- Federal programs only pay for the first 3-8 months of support for refugees, then states and local agencies have to absorb welfare, education, and other costs for refugees. Some smaller towns are running out of funds for normal government services in order to provide for refugees claiming welfare benefits.
- VOLAGS and social service groups run programs to find subsidized housing and jobs for inbound refugees, which takes jobs away from citizens and escalates rents. As long as many Americans live below the poverty level and unemployment exceeds 4% (including many people out of work, but not reflected in employment reports), then non-sufficient refugees should not be allowed in to the country.
- Many Refugees refuse to learn English, causing a splitting of the American culture. Florida and the US should do like England does now, mandating that visa holders and refugees speak and write English adequately to communicate and work in the country.
- Refugees arrive bringing communicable third world diseases like Hepatitis, TB, Polio, etc. Screening takes place, but disease carriers are still arriving, spreading diseases. Outbreaks of TB are increasing in high refugee locations.
- Cost of Refugees is Unacceptable - According to the Center for Immigration Studies, ."On average, each Middle Eastern refugee resettled in the United States costs an estimated $64,370 in the first five years, or $257,481 per household. " However, the United Nations says care for refugees retained in their home region only costs ONE TWELFTH (1/12) that of the US cost, or $1057/month. Taxpayers cannot afford to throw funds down a funding sinkhole and refugees should no longer be brought to the US.
- Florida does NOT post any type of credible study on the TOTAL cost for refugees brought into Florida, including Federal, UN, VOLAG and Florida taxpayer funds. Refugees should not be accepted until a valid study is posted on the Florida Refugee Services website describing the total cost per year for five years, of each refugee, including education costs for children, and compare it to services provided to low income US citizens. Here is a list of cities in the US currently receiving refugees, and starting on page 8, it lists 26 offices in Florida cities receiving them.
- Initial Refugees Arrive, then they bring or start extended families three or more times the size of American Families - Some ethnic families may have 8 kids to go on welfare. Anecdotal evidence indicates they bring in any relation or even friends and claim them as family so they can get welfare and other US benefits. Family size should be limited. There should be no extended family approved without local agreement and funding matches. A study is needed to see that for every 100 refugees allowed, how many added family members arrive later. No benefits should be given to extended family.