Tavares, FL July 30, 2017
This will be a busy week in local Lake County politics.
People are commenting how the Lake Democrat Party were booted from their house headquarters in downtown Tavares, and it was ll decorated and now used for events. We have no idea where the Dems went - just after the Republican count of registered voters exceeded 100,000.
Monday night at 4pm, the School Board has a short budget review workshop, then the first of two millage rate approval meetings. Not much else on the agendas. By now, they have discussed the budgets (which have not been coherant to me) and millage rates, so not much discussion is expected, although public input is allowed.
By the way, a National committee is signing up volunteers to review K-12 Textbooks by using a method developed in Texas, and another Florida group is signing up volunteers to review local textbooks using a new law that allows parents and others to review and challenge textbook contents. What is driving this is Common Core biased content, biased Islam propaganda in some books and a conservative perception that schools are skewing learning objectives to liberal viewpoints. That is also one reason why charter schools are taking off.
Later, at 6pm on Monday, The Groveland City Council will discuss the controversial idea of bringing back the City Finance Director who was accused of making an unapproved expenditure several months ago. I thought it was a trivial issue where a fast decision was made. However, another issue has cropped up, and the controversial Mayor is gone, so maybe the rhetoric and insults will be less. I will be there to video it.
Tuesday, there is no Lake County Board meeting, which is a good thing because they have taken over TWO MONTHS to rebuild the front entrance, and it is still not open, although a manager told me everything is done. Possibly, they are waiting for a "grand opening"? They have security screening equipment now installed in the revised lobby like they have at the court building, so everyone may have to remove their shoes, belt and gold teeth to get through. Just think what groups, like Islamic terrorists, Antifa or the Resist movement, caused the "need" for this new barrier to freedom of entry.
Wednesday at 10am is the Lake County Schools Professional Services Committee to turn in rankings for a vendor, then there is a four hour drone regulatory class by Lake Tech, then the Tavares 4pm City Council meeting which is usually pretty sane without drama, and the proposed budget will be discussed.
Thursday at 6pm is the Eustis City Council meeting where they may hear details from a hired Jacksonville Attorney about the merit of investigating residency issues for Council member Anthony Sabatini. He has been heavily supported on Facebook by Lake's Property Appraiser Carey Baker, who got involved in a long dialog with a Snowflake over Sabatini's voting registration and residency. At 7pm, the North Lake Tea Party will host FL Rep. Jennifer Sullivan, giving an update on Florida legislative issues. Then my calendar tells me I have to put the trash cans out.
Friday, the deadline approaches to submit talking points for the Lake County Legislator's Delegation meeting on Aug. 28.
Saturday evening is the annual Lake County Republican Lincoln Day Dinner and fundraiser, with Dinesh D'Souza talking about his new book, The Big Lie, "exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left".
Sunday, well known Constitutional Attorney KrisAnne Hall will be on Cspan at noon. Hall has spoken to local conservative groups several times.
Lake County Republicans Lake Federated Republican Women's Club North Lake Tea Party Jennifer Sullivan Carey Baker Bill Mathias Tracy Jacim Myrt Price WFTV Daily Commercial Orlando Sentinel The Deploreable Party of Lake County Cheryl Hall
Vance Jochim
[email protected]
YouTube Channel "FiscalRangersFlorida"