Consumer WARNING about "Eclipse" glasses to view the upcoming Eclipse. WATCH OUT and do not buy any "Eclipse" glasses except those four brands specified by NASA. Many are counterfeits and not properly certified and could harm the eyesight of the users.
Even Amazon is selling counterfeit versions of the brands as described in the "1" review comments. Track down NASA's original recommendation and only buy from the manufacturer website or learn how to ensure your glasses meet the official certification standards.
There is a link on this NASA page below to the list of official glasses certified by the American Astronomical Society (AAS) that are safe:
FoxNews also issued a warning about these glasses HERE on July 28.
Don't think because you find the manufacturer name on Amazon's website that the glasses are from them. Most likely they can be knockoffs from "sold by" vendors. (Amazon allows a lot of counterfeit sales).
And, this link leads to the “1” comments for a “Soluna” brand Eclipse sunglasses on Amazon. You can read the actual comments saying a first order might be legitimate glasses, or the picture is, but the shipped items were Chinese knockoffs that were not certified. The same pattern of comments appear under different sunglasses advertised that I looked at. I would NOT buy any glasses from Amazon vendors.
I am concerned many school teachers or parents will get improper, Chinese made knockoffs which may damage their kids eyesight. Class action lawyers are lining up, but how to they go after Chinese counterfeiters because stupid buyers didn't research for proper glasses?
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