Tavares, FL May 21, 2018
Lake County, FL roads are getting worse and worse. Two different proposed Tavares residential developments were slowed down due to a public outcry about poor conditions of the County connector roads (Shirley Shores and Dead River Road). The cities are happy to collect property taxes from adjacent annexed properties, but refuse to take responsibility for the roads. And the County says "no funds" so nothing is done.
One of several reasons for unfunded roads is that the current and prior Lake County Boards CUT the needed road impact fees down to 15% in North & Central Lake County, and to 70% of the needed funds (per a 2017 Florida required study) for south county.
And another complaint is the overcrowded intersections or roads. During hearings on the Tavares Dead River Road proposed development, residents complained of how they have to wait up to FIVE traffic lights to get through the intersection with Highway 19. It seems Dead River Road is a COUNTY road, and traffic backs up five light cycles, AND recently an ambulance could not get out of the area with a patient who later died at the hospital. That happened because according to public input at the Tavares City Council meeting, there is only one lane each way, and ditches on the side. Exiting traffic was backed up at the light, and inbound traffic filled the other lane, so the ambulance could not find a way out. Lawsuit anyone?
However, tomorrow's County Board agenda #26 is a vote to advertise a new impact fee ordinance that raises the Central and North rate to match the 70% rate of South County. AND, they will no longer let builders prepay impact fees when they are low to bank for future projects.
But, a 70% rate means they are still under-funding new roads and building up a larger unfunded backlog. And, they arene't paying down the unfunded road needs from earlier. This is your local Board's version of unfunded pensions to subsidize local builders. At the same time, the Board is proposing a 5 cents fuel tax to make everyone pay for what should be part of the cost of new homes. Thus your fuel tax will go up to offset the unfunded road needs.
Got that? Tomorrow is a Board vote to advertise the ordinance for formal approvals at two future meetings. If you think builders should pay the full projected road infrastructure costs for new construction, tell your Lake County Board members.
Note: The pictures are not from Lake County, but based upon complaints I have heard, they could be. If you live on a bad road, post a picture in the comments.
This is my personal opinion.
Vance Jochim
Vance Jochim
[email protected]
YouTube Channel "FiscalRangersFlorida"