Lake County, Florida's School Board member Dr. Kristi Burns has decided at THE VERY LAST MINUTE to reverse her earlier announcement about NOT running for re-election and instead, stay here and run for re-election to the County School District Board. She needs to reimburse two candidates who spent over $2000 each after she said she would not run.
She had told many people she was not running and was re-locating for another job opportunity, but then recently decided not to leave and announced her re-election campaign. Thus Jim Miller has dropped his campaign for the position after spending $2475 on it.
However, based upon her earlier statements about not running, Jim Miller went ahead and spent $2795 on his campaign (see his elections reports here: ) while she has not spent anything.
I think Dr. Kristi Burns - School Board, District 2 should repay Miller for his expenses.
She should also repay Patricia Brassell Nave for the $2479 she spent already.
Normally, if an incumbent runs for re-election, they file early and potential candidates will have full information to evaluate their chances and plan their spending as Miller and Nave did until this last minute surprise from Burns. Note: Although the positions are "non-partisan". Burns is a Democrat and Miller and Nave are Republicans. I noticed that no other major Democrats or Union members filed or spent significant funds, so was this all a known thing in Democrat circles and all a trick? Normally, the unions would support a candidate like they have done against Bill Mathias, but nothing this year for this position.
Vance Jochim
Here is the answer Kristi sent to me when I asked about her filing again. She needs to reimburse Miller and Nave for their spending before Burns made her last minute decision. To not do so is not ethical, in my opinion.
"Hi Vance,
I have decided to run. When Covid hit, my own relocating plans were a bust. We were going to try a European move to see more of the world with the kids but some things are just dreams. So when I saw all the effects Covid-19 was having on the schools, economy, people I decided to reconsider. I spoke with Jim Miller and we agreed that he would support me. So yes, I’ve decided to run because I think this board has a lot of good work in progress and I want to see us continue to move forward.
Kristi Burns, Ph.D.
Lake County School Board Chairman, District 2"
Vance Jochim
[email protected]
YouTube Channel "FiscalRangersFlorida"