Will your local Lake County or City agency be hit with RANSOMWARE?
Another local government, the Baltimore, MD School District, got hit with ransomware as described in this Nov. 30, 2020 news report. They actually had to close their schools and online classes for 1+ days.
This was AFTER Baltimore County Government got hit a year ago, paid $6-million in ransom, and another $12-million in recovery costs.
So are Lake County government agencies vulnerable? I think each agency board should have a public hearing to have their IT people explain HOW IT HAPPENS AT OTHER AGENCIES, and why it won't happen here (not the real details) by acknowledging they have enough budget to prevent ransomware.
I sent this already to the Lake County, FL Board, School Board, and Tavares Council.
Viewers should send this to their own local City Councils and agency boards wherever you live as a reminder that "it can happen to you".
Vance Jochim