Watch this video and join their FB page.
Visit their webpage at
They even started an online petition to initiate legislation last year:
"Florida Statute 100.361 allows the citizens of 20 counties the right to RECALL corrupt elected officials. "We the People" believe F.S. 100.361 should be extended to all 67 counties and to all locally elected officials. Your signature will help to convince our Florida Legislators that all Floridians"
And they started a GoFundme account and ask for supporters to contact legislators to support specific FL House and Senate bills:
"Our effort is growing quickly with the March 2, 2021 introduction of House Joint Resolution 1603 and House Bill 1605 (introduced by Rep. Jayer Williamson) and we need your help.
We are an aspiring non-partisan 501(c)4 nonprofit that desires honest governance. We are seeking "citizen power" through a Joint Resolution, amending F.S. 100.361 to allow recall corrupt county elected officials. Currently, only 20 charter and municipal counties have this right. We believe all 67 should have the same right and protection.
We need your support to get the word out to get our bill through the Legislature and onto the 2020 Ballot so that 60% of The People will vote to pass this Constitutional Amendment, making recall a reality across ALL of Florida!
Elected Office is a position of public trust. If a county official violates that public trust through say... acts of Malfeasance or Misfeasance , the people should be able to remove that individual through the exacting, detailed and ordered process already stipulated in the Florida statute. Waiting until the next election will almost ensure more damage to the home county's public systems.
We want a better Florida, so we are working hard to create a way for the people!"
We are an aspiring non-partisan 501(c)4 nonprofit that desires honest governance. We are seeking "citizen power" through a Joint Resolution, amending F.S. 100.361 to allow recall corrupt county elected officials. Currently, only 20 charter and municipal counties have this right. We believe all 67 should have the same right and protection.
We need your support to get the word out to get our bill through the Legislature and onto the 2020 Ballot so that 60% of The People will vote to pass this Constitutional Amendment, making recall a reality across ALL of Florida!
Elected Office is a position of public trust. If a county official violates that public trust through say... acts of Malfeasance or Misfeasance , the people should be able to remove that individual through the exacting, detailed and ordered process already stipulated in the Florida statute. Waiting until the next election will almost ensure more damage to the home county's public systems.
We want a better Florida, so we are working hard to create a way for the people!"
I think this is a great idea and needs you to support it.
Vance Jochim
Vance Jochim
[email protected]
YouTube Channel "FiscalRangersFlorida"