The Tavares City Council met yesterday, April 7, 2021 and now you can visit the website and find links to the City staff created video of each meeting.
You can also find the agenda in the meetings section.
Get the PACKET which has many more documents, BUT, your Tavares Mayor Amanda Boggus and the rest have not yet mandated that the FULL meeting packet be online. Thus many documents are missing.
You have to formally email the City Clerk, Suzie Novack, and request the "FULL" packet given to the City Council to get all the information they get for decision making.
So. for instance, yesterday, the online packet DID NOT INCLUDE items such as the applications for two applicants for the important Planning & Zoning meeting (Tab 10).
The online packet also (tab 12) did not include the amount or list of proposed budget spending areas to use up some excess income. At the meeting they said it was about $250,000 but you would not know that or where staff proposed to spend the funds unless you sent an email request to the City Clerk.
Many other Lake County cities now provide ALL the agenda details in their online packet, but not Tavares. They can say that potential ADA lawsuits restrict what they can provide, but other cities are able to do so.
There are two City Council members up for election this November (Lou Buigas and Troy Singer). Ask them and Mayor Amanda Boggus why Tavares will not provide a full packet. Why have they not allocated the funds, if needed, to provide a FULL agenda packet ONLINE?
AND, ask them why they do not provide the DOLLAR impact of an agenda item in the main agenda like some other cities and the County do.
By not disclosing that information, they reduce the ability of taxpayers to comment or act on spending and other decisions.
Vance Jochim