by Vance Jochim, Tavares, FL -
This is a work in progress...Updated Aug. 28, 2015, added new info. - a watchdog blog on local government oversight in Lake County, FL.
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Purpose: To provide background on what Agenda 21 (aka "sustainable development" ) is, and how it affects all US citizens, including local residents of Lake County, Florida.
Read my introduction below, or scroll down to links to the Republican National Committee resolution exposing Agenda 21 and view online videos by others that explain Agenda 21 visually. Especially view the Glenn Beck video, and the videos by Mike Coffman.
Update Aug. 28, 2015 - The best source to monitor Agenda 21 and understand it is Tom Deweese's American Policy Center at:
He also has a monthly newsletter and THIS ONE from June, 2015 contains a speech he made to legislators in MAINE that clearly described the history of Agenda 21, the sustainable development movement and current issues. I would read this first, then go to my older info below.
HERE is my video of Tom DeWeese speaking in Orlando in 2014.
Agenda 21 is a massive indoctrination and action plan developed by the United Nations starting with the "RIO" Summit in 1992. It's purpose is to use stealth techniques to modify the curriculums and local government planning techniques used by local governments worldwide to achieve two main goals of what was the communism party, the socialist and now the US Democrats or "progressives".
The aims are to shift all power to big government (like Russia was) and eliminate individual freedom and property rights.
I am old enough to remember Russion leader Nikita Khrushchev beating his shoe on a table, news of B-52 bombers flying constantly in the air in case the Russians fired missiles at the US, having air raid practices in class and watching daily reports on the Cuban Missile crisis. If you want an idea how well communism and socialism work, watch videos or read about life in Cuba. (However, part of their situation was caused by the trade sanctions, reducing imports and exports with the US and allies.)
HERE is a list of the original 43 Communist GOALS published in the US Congressional Record in 1963. Every green checkmark indicates a completed goal, the red exclamations are goals in progress, and the yellow ones may not be an issue anymore. Notice how many of them are being implemented by the UN Agenda 21 methods described below, including the one specifying the UN should be setup as a "One World" government. On the same page, you can click a tab to see the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto or the 1919 Communist Rules.
After Ronald Reagan implemented the star wars initiative and caused the fall of the Berlin wall and bankruptcy of Russia, the communists didn't just go away, they shifted from using violence to achieve worldwide socialism. They faded into the background using the environmental movement as a cover to stealthily implement their goals using well meaning environmentalists as a cover. (my opinion after much research). The United Nations and 2,000 NGO's (non-government organizations) fund these efforts directly into local governments, skipping formal Congressional (in the US) or Parliament approvals.
Basically, rather than support the US Constitution concepts of property rights and individual liberty, they want to shift the US and other countries to control by a big government elite which owns the property (like China), and controls the economy. In earlier days, as in Communist Russia, the government nationalized businesses, but now the concept is to have "public-private" partnerships where favored companies receive grants, tax breaks etc in return for agreeing to implement Agenda 21 concepts like central planned, mixed use villages, transportation corridors focused on non-auto transportation like Polish villages using trains, bike trails and buses - all run and controlled by government. The idea of FREEDOM to drive one's car anywhere at a low cost without penalties and fines is something they want to stomp out. Here in Lake County, FL, for instance, the
head of the Lake-Sumter MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization) states repeatedly that highway 441 will never be widened more than the existing six lanes, thus only money losing, taxpayer funded trains and buses are the answer. You have to watch out for any quasi-government REGIONAL agency that puts priority on mass transit over personal transportation like cars and trucks. Currently, Lake County has a little used "Lake Express" bus system that must be subsidized with over $1-million of local taxes. A train system is being pushed by MPO that will require huge tax subsidies, again draining taxpayers discretionary funds.
Other code words for Agenda 21 are "sustainable development" or "smart growth". Most of the efforts to roll out Agenda 21 objectives are via State or local county & city governments. That is becoase Agenda 21 has never been approved as a policy by the US Congress, thus it is being stealthily moved into local governments first which bypasses approval by the US Congress. Generally, the Agenda 21 objectives were contained in a new 2002 local government planning guide issued by the American Planning Association after they were paid around $4-million in 1993 to develop the guidelines to be used as a model guide for city and county comprehensive land use planning guides, mostly known as "comp plans". Basically, those model comp plans contain many restrictions on private property intended to increase costs of rural and non-urban properties and drive residents into planned, "mixed use" communities located on rail lines and bike trails.
Another goal is to make rural land so expensive to own that foreclosures turn the property over to government or a favored "public-private" partner who limits human use of the land. One such mixed use community was recently pushed through the Tavares zoning commission. Other large ones are planned for South Lake County. By the government requiring mixed use communities, they remove property owner rights, and ensure government control over how land is used. Also, by defining many restrictions on the land, they are reducing available land, which will increase the costs of building and owning single family residences.
The Concept of Useful Idiots
We find numerous elected officials, staff and voters who do not challenge, or support the Agenda 21 type programs because they have fallen into the trap of being considered "useful idiots" by the socialists. The term useful idiots was attributed to Lenin, who used them to gain support for communism and deny all his atrocities in Russia. You can find more in this BBC 2-part video, or this Wikipedia document. Basically, they are people who have not educated themselves about Agenda 21 propaganda and are drinking the "kool aid" by supporting the camouflage of environmental objectives. So, are you educated about the dangers of Agenda 21, or are you a "useful idiot".
Rather than my writing more, please review these documents and videos BELOW to learn more about Agenda 21. This top section contains recommended documents and videos in a priority order to learn about Agenda 21. At the bottom of this document, I will insert many links to more info.
New Apr. 22, 2015 - Tom DeWeese testimony on Agenda 21 at Maine Legislature
Republican National Committee Resolution to Expose Agenda 21
Read this one page resolution "Exposing Agenda 21" from the Republican National Committee, published in Jan., 2012. Since January, 2012, several State Republican parties have issues similar resolutions, as well as County level Republican Executive Committees like the one here in Lake County, FL
Download RNC Agenda21 Resolution FR
Here are some Newer Agenda 21 Videos and Articles I wrote up for as of Jan. 27, 2013
Agenda 21 is a very well documented, long range, stealth “sustainable development” program from the United Nations (mostly made up of socialists and communist countries) to radically move the US and world to a “One World” socialist type of government. One major result in the US is the reduction in property rights due to “land use” restrictions that reduce value and uses of property and land.
It is not a “conspiracy” theory since everything is well documented and here are some resources to become educated.
1. Dr. Mike Coffman – Agenda 21 Presentation for New Hampshire Legislators – Coffman has many videos on YouTube about Agenda 21. This presentation was to some New Hampshire legislators on Jan. 22, 2013 (this week) and is very good and factual. He makes it clear who is funding Agenda 21 in the US, and who is helping it implement it, including all those “land use planners” in your local governments who have implemented restrictive land use plans pushed by the American Planner’s Association with assistance of ICLEI.. Part 1 (38 min): Note: Part 2 does NOT exist. Dr. Coffman told me that the recorder failed, so the “Part 1″ stops, and there is no Part 2.
2. Agenda 21 Explained by John Anthony – This Dec., 2011 1 hour, 23 minute video is for educated people who might have questioned more flamboyant presentations by average citizens. I am now seeing higher level, well organized, factual presentations on YouTube developed to give to “harder to sell” legislative bodies, professional groups, etc. This one by John Anthony walks you clearly through the differences between US Property Rights and Freedom philosophies stated in the US Constitution vs the Communist/ Socialist theories emphasizing the “State” (Big Government) and opposing the idea of Property Rights. US citizens can OWN land and property, unlike residents in many other countries, and their property value was used by many business founders for getting loans on their privately owned property to fund business start-ups. That is what created great wealth in the US compared to other countries. That doesn’t happen in most other countries where citizens do not own property, or the mineral rights, because the government owns those rights. Anthony walks you through the chronology of how the UN’s Agenda 21 started with early groups, meetings and publications, and links the people behind them to the implementation of Agenda 21 in the US and world. I recommend watching this, and showing it to business leaders, property owners and political officials and staff.!
3. Agenda 21 – the book by Glenn Beck. It was actually written by Harriet Parke, who sold the rights to him, and he probably added some Agenda 21 details in the Appendix. However, this is not a book listing the background or facts of Agenda 21 like the sources below, but a science fiction type novel about a young woman growing up 30+ years in the future and her experiences in an environment documented to be the goal of Agenda 21. Think in terms of Big Government relocation programs to compounds “to be efficient”, and people assigned to work specific compounds and all wearing the same color (Gee, kinda like China’s past, or Hitler’s youth?). There no longer are any fuel driven vehicles, all transportation is by human pulled carts, “energy bikes” that generate stored electricity for downloading to the government electricity system, and trains. Wild animals get all types of free food while people get “nourishment cubes”. There even is a smelly “ReCycle” compound (shades of the old Charlton Heston movie Soylent Green) where people are sent if they are not productive. It is a fast read of about 300 pages and mostly from the point of view of how such a world affects a woman’s relationships, husbands, kids taken for separate kid villages, etc. After you read this, you wonder how it could happen, which magically is answered by explaining Agenda 21 at the end. A great book to get a sense of how bad it can get if Agenda 21 and Obama initiatives are fully implemented that will reduce the quality of life of future generations.
4. Hunger Games – the Movie – this movie is a take on life in a post Agenda 21 world. In a future world where people are controlled by Big Government run by “elites”, and the leaders need to keep citizens from thinking about their depressed lives in high density transit villages and compounds. They use a drawing to take a male and a female teenager from each of 12 “Districts” in an area, and have them fight to the death on TV. You can get this on Amazon or Netflix or video rental stores. This is the “74th” Hunger Games. Watch the trailer.
New Apr. 22, 2015 - Tom DeWeese testimony on Agenda 21 at Main Legislature
5. American Policy Center books on how to STOP Agenda 21:
6. Agenda 21 for Dummies – a vintage video of 8 minutes. It gives you a quick, 8 minute overview.
7. Texas State Rep. David Simpson on Agenda 21 – 4 min – posted Jan 17, 2013
Texas GOP blasts Agenda 21 (Apr. 12, 2012)
American Policy Center ONE Page Overview of Agenda 21
- Good for Politicians and those that won't read much:
WATCH this 12 minute video on "Agenda 21 for Dummies":
Watch this short video on "Agenda 21 for Public Officials"
- includes a number of steps to take to reduce the effects of Agenda 21 on local governments.
Glenn Beck on Agenda 21 & Sustainable Development & Globalists (Jun., 2011) - 14 min
"It doesn't get spooky until... section 1"
"Reading through it discloses that sustainable development is centralized control over every living thing on earth..."
NEW Aug 1, 2012 - "A Brief History & Description of Agenda 21" from the Canada Free Press which writes periodic, very good articlea on Agenda 21 and many other subjects:
NOW that you know the Agenda 21 Basics, watch this professionally produced 4 min video on free markets and "If I Wanted America to Fail" - He doesn't mention Agenda 21, but see how many Agenda 21 objectives you spot in the video:
Now that you understand the basics, here is Newt Gingrich on Agenda 21 (1 min)
HERE is an excellent 47 page Powerpoint describing Agenda 21 by Donna Holt of the Virginia Campaign for Liberty.
Watch this Tom DeWeese video where he tells a meeting of 100 Sheriff's about Agenda 21. DeWeese is a long time expert on Agenda 21.
DeWeese's American Policy Center has more at:
Here is a a 1-hour video by DeWeese about understanding Agenda 21
Marielena Stuart's Agenda 21 page - Marielena Stuart is running for US Senate for Florida. She emigrated from Cuba and knows what Communism is, and this anti-Agenda 21 page is on her website, and she discusses the issue in her talks.
How to “smell” Agenda 21
American citizens can begin to fight at a local level against Agenda 21’s Sustainable Development and its infringement on our rights– by becoming aware of a few “code” terms and programs that should raise a red flag:
Public-Private Partnerships (PPP’s): Special “deals” between government and certain chosen corporations, developers and special districts. Benefits may include tax breaks, grants, credits, etc., and the power to govern and implement sustainable policy.
Local Sustainable Development policies and programs: Transfer of Development Rights (TDR’s), Receiving and Sending Areas, Smart Growth, Wildlands Projects, Resilient Cities, Regional Visioning Projects, STAR Sustainable Communities, Stewardship Community Districts, Local Visioning, conservation easements, development rights, sustainable farming, comprehensive planning, growth management, etc.
Many of these programs use the terms “facilitators” and “consensus”— while dismissing our individual rights and our right to vote.
Nancy Pelosi 1992 House speech to sponsor Agenda 21 Implementation Resolution:
If you doubt the Democrats are behind Agenda 21, here is the original Oct. 1992 CSPAN video of Nancy Pelosi (with long hair, and not a Senator yet) speaking on the House floor about her sponsored resolution to implement Agenda 21 after the recent UN Earth Summit in Rio (scroll down to the CSPAN video window, then advance to 11:43:30 on the video and watch until 11:51:48. Representative Eliot Engel (D-NY) speaks first, Nancy Pelosi speaks next and WM Broomfield (R-MI) speaks last. They all use the term “Agenda 21” and they all state it is from the “United Nations.” :
Video on how a County in Maryland is abolishing Agenda 21
Individuals Who Lived in Communist Countries REALLY Fight Agenda 21.
People who lived in Communist Countries like Cuba or Russia are very assertive about the dangers of Agenda 21 which would result in Socialism and Communism like they experienced. Here are two I have personally seen speak in Lake County, FL:
1. Marielena Stuart - running for US Senate in Florida in 2012 came from Cuba is fighting Agenda 21 is one of her objectives - Here is her Agenda 21 page:
2. Julio M. Lara - raised in Cuba - Wrote a 259 page book, "American Apocalypse" which covers history of Communism, risks, ACORN, etc, and how Obama is encouraging Communism in the US. He focuses on "How to Stop the Destruction of Liberty" and his book has a section on Agenda 21. His Agenda 21 page is here: Major website on Agenda 21 issues. Antime you see a group with liberty or freedom in their name, they probably have info on how Agenda 21 is reducing American freedoms by violating the US Constitution:
Karen Schoen's website on Agenda 21.
She gives talks on the dangers of Agenda 21 all over the east coast. - Master site of Agenda 21 information also known at - by Karen Schoen, who has spoken in Lake County, FL - in Texas and
Also on Facebook:
Heritage Foundation Report on Agenda 21
- read the Dec. 1 & Dec. 5, 2011 articles in this search of their website:
Florida Governor Rick Scott was asked about Agenda 21 during an interview by a Sarasota radio station on May 23, 2012 (read about it HERE or listen to the radio show), and he said:
" I know it's not good for Florida and so I'm going to make sure we're not giving someone else the power to figure out our destiny. I'm focused on our rights as an individual state. I don't believe the federal government should be telling us what to do and clearly the UN should not be dictating how we build our state."
Scott later shut down the Florida DCA which was implementing statewide growth & comprehensive plans full of Agenda 21 restrictions, and left implementation of county comp plans up to the counties. Some counties dumped the whole plan, and others are reducing Agenda 21 requirements.
Update April 24, 2012: I was told by an elected official that Gov. Scott just issued an email to Counties and/or cities to remove Agenda 21 related requirements from local comprehensive plans. I was told that the city of Eustis, FL in Lake County, just did that. More info will be posted here when I get it.
Rosa Koire, Agenda 21 & Sustainable Development Fighter in California
interview on Austin Internet TV regarding Agenda 21 - She authored a well known book on it, "Behind the Green Mask - UN Agenda 21" and fights its implementation in Santa Rosa, CA. This is a great book and very good as an introduction to Agenda 21. Find it on
It includes an overview of Agenda 21, but also many details on Rosa's personal campaign to halt a community redevelopment plan pushed by the Santa Rosa, CA city staff which would benefit large development firms, and force people into higher density housing areas like the Communist countries of China and Russia.
Here is a 12 minute interview of Rosa by Glen Beck about Agenda 21 in mid-2012 (added 3/3/2013)
Regionalism - A way used to bypass local officials and control to define land use, implement socialist wealth redistribution and reduce property and other rights
This is a concept being used by "social planners" to develop restrictions and regulations to push people into high density towns and cities that are "walkable" with bikeways and trains for transportation, and with reduced parking (intentionally). The planners develop regional planning groups where the board members are from several counties or municipalities, and the public doesn't vote on their membership.
The most notorious regional effort is the One Bay Area regional group described in Rosa Koire's book above, and in her videos and articles.
An example in Lake County is the MPO or the Lake Sumter Metropolitan Planning Organization. They use Federal grants and funds to get both counties and local cities approve transportation highway spending, railroads, bike trails, etc. without public votes or publicly elected officials on the Board. They are run by "professional planners" following Agenda 21 funded objectives of the American Planners Association (APA ) that emphasize spending taxpayer funds on "multi-modal" transportation systems when the voters never got to vote on it. An example is a rebuilding of local train tracks in Lake County for millions, including taxpayer funds for $12-million from the state, etc. Why don't they require that the train track owners and raillines make the investment rather than the taxpayers? Why didn't they let voters decide whether to spend the funds on corporate welfare for the railroads, or on local schools?
Another example is the 18-county St. John's River Water Management District where none of the Board members are elected, but appointed, and Lake County does not have a resident on the Board. They are driven by environmentalists who impose water restrictions that affect property values and rights without adequate compensation.
HERE is a Dec., 2012 overview article on Regionalism by FreedomAdvocates, what it is, and how regional groups were defined in the original Agenda 21 UN book as a way to circumvent voters and elected officials.
"In short, American regionalism is the instrument used to advance the globalist goals of political restructure:
- To implement a step-by-step approach to the abolition of private property;
- To promote the relocation of people from rural areas to Smart Growth urban centers;
- To conscript public private partners and mandate community volunteerism."
"Regionalists’ strategy to effectively merge cities and suburbs turns on two ideologically freighted buzzwords: “equity” and “sustainability.” “Equity” is code for using public policy to redistribute wealth and to engineer economic equality among demographic groups."
"Regionalists view metrowide “economic integration” as one of government’s primary responsibilities. Their plan to accomplish it is twofold: Disperse urban poverty throughout a metro area via low-income housing and make suburban life so inconvenient and expensive that suburbanites are pushed back into the city."
- watch the three "Confronting Agenda 21" videos plus others in the scroll down list.
"What is Agenda 21?" - LibertyNewsNetwork 8 min video
FreedomAdvocates 14 page pamphlet on Agenda 21 - "For the People and their Public Officials"
Henry Lamb's Excellent 37 page booklet "Sustainable Development or Sustainable Freedom"
is a great, well researched overview of "Sustainable Development" and Agenda 21. Lots of specific details leading up to Agenda 21 and President Clinton's Commission on Sustainable Development.
American Alert is a blog and Facebook page dedicated to exposing Agenda 21
- explore their website (added May 12, 2012) and FACEBOOK page:
Video of Maurice Strong, head of UN organization UNCED, speaking at the 1992 Rio Summit on Agenda 21 (where it was introduced).
American Alert also is running a national register of people by state who want to help fight Agenda 21. You can visit them, select your state and apply to join:
The original United Nations Agenda 21 1992 document from the Rio "Earth Summit"
- keep in mind much of the summary information sounds good and fuzzy environmental gobbledegook to use environmental issues to mask the true objectives like reducing land available to humans via the Wildlands project. You have to read the details from the standpoint of property rights and limitations on freedoms. Later conferences specifically described tactics and onerous provisions like what was "un-sustainable". In the UK, Agenda 21 sustainable development zealots already claim that raising cattle is un-sustainable because their hoofs "compact" the ground, making it harder for water to soak into the soil. Many farms are closing due to Agenda 21 based restrictions on land use.
Article how a South Florida regional group plan to roll out Agenda 21 is being fought by local residents.
Download 2012-01-21 So FL Rejects climate chg plan
Environment & Agenda 21
The UN is proposing this year a TREATY for a "UN Environmental Constitution for the World that Would Establish an Incredibly Repressive System of Global Government "- It uses environmentalism as a cover for converting the US and other countries to socialism, read this article. If the US actually signs the treaty (Agenda 21 is not a treaty, but pushed into local governments without Congressional approval), it would be obligated to follow UN laws described in the Treaty and not US laws. Article 31 requires efforts to "eradicate poverty" which means redistribution of wealth to provide "equity". It would be done by increasing the access AND control of other countries to US resources and land, including minerals, etc. Mandated recycling would be required, and most likely subject to compliance inspections. Article 33 requires countries to determine the population level that can be supported by their resources and make sure the population does not exceed that level. Of course, expect the UN to calculate population levels that "alleviate the stress on natural support systems caused by major population flows". If the UN prevents us from drilling, farming, mining, etc. then our allowed population might be lower that it is now. The treaty would require .7% of a country's Gross National Product for "Official Development Assistance" - thus a world tax to fund the UN treaty implementation. The treaty uses SHALL, not "May" for many provisions, thus they are mandatory.
Public-Private Partnerships (PPP's or P3) - These started in England and now are used by Agenda 21 programs all over the world to finance and roll out desired "human settlement" and green programs like railroads, land purchases, construction of government controlled housing and mixed use developments. You rarely see ANY cost analysis for green initiatives derived from Agenda 21 because they all cost more or take value from land.
There are some positive uses of P3's, including private design, construction, financing and operating roads, bridges, tunnels IF that is the focus and "sustainable development" objectives are not weaved into the programs, plus the the costs are closely monitored and operations are well managed. For example, think of toll roads and bridges if local government cannot fund the projects from standard tax structures. However, two (of several) basic negatives are: 1) this shifts the financing and debt of government projects "off the books" of government and onto a private funder guaranteed by taxpayer funds. If the government agency has hit legislated debt limits, why is it ok to use this process to build more projects with "off the books" financing? The private "partner" gets government immunity from construction and other liabilities, and earns a higher bond interest than government debt costs.
Favored vendors get the business because they agree to implement desired Agenda 21 goals defined by government planners without public votes, like forced inclusion of low cost housing, buffers, train depots, bike trails, reduced parking availability, and higher home costs due to reduced land available for development. 2) This process bypasses standard government procurement processes and can result in higher costs and profits for the partners. Later I will have a link to more on P3's. As of Feb. 20, 2012, there is a bill in the FL house and senate to establish an easier method to create P3's and it is being fought by Tea Party members.
Article on "The Problem with Public-Private Partnerships" (Smith - and another article by Weeks on PPP problems.
And, our own page on Risks of PPP's.
M-Consensus or Delphi or Visioning Methods to Sway local Public Support towards Agenda 21:
Local planning departments use "Visioning" public meetings to gain local "consensus" on pre-determined land use plans. They are usually sttributed to a modified version of the "Delphi" public hearing method but modified to generally ask for public input on a specific list of pre-determined objectives derived from Agenda 21. I call it the "M-Consensus" method, where M is for misleading, manipulative or the Spanish word "Mal" for BAD. No new ideas are accepted. If a member of the public says that one of the priorities of a local land use plan should be to ensure personal property rights were NOT reduced, or to reduce government restrictions, the trained facilitators might write it down, but that idea never gets into written reports. In my opinion, planning department "visioning" meetings run by trained facilitators are a scam to provide evidence that the public had a hearing, but the results are almost always the pre-determined objectives supporting Agenda 21 goals. The same method is used by "social change" experts to get school systems to adopt radical policies on religion, sex education, etc. Numerous firms with trained "facilitators" exist to implement "consensus" meetings, like this "Integrated Decision Making" service from the UK firm BAE Systems. There are several videos showing actual examples and I will post them here when if find them in my "stack of stuff". Here is an article about the problems with a local visioning process in California.
More on "Consensus" method: A 1998 REPORT from summarizes information from a UN 5-year Agenda 21 report. It clearly explains the purpose of the "consensus" method in the US to to "by-pass Congress" to implement Agenda 21 objectives:
"In America, the Constitution requires that consensus on public policy be hammered out in public by elected officials, not by 28 appointed individuals, carefully selected because of their known support of the principles expressed in Agenda 21. This UN description of the PCSD is found in a section of the report entitled "Integrated Decision-making," also known as the "consensus" process. All federal agencies have now adopted this "consensus" process to by-pass Congress and other elected bodies, to build consensus on Agenda 21 activities at the local, state, and national levels. The UN report describes America's progress in each of the activity areas in glowing terms. The report boasts that:"
"The government has included representatives of NGOs in the National delegation to every session of the Commission on Sustainable Development as well as at other major international meetings.
How to EXPOSE "Consensus" decision making processes used by Agenda 21 supporters: Get the book "How to Counter Group Manipulation Tactics: The Techniques of Unethical Consensus-Building Unmasked [Paperback] B. K. Eakman (Author)"
"Governance" = Global Government - The supporters of Agenda 21 and socialism use altered terms to hide their true meaning. In this case, when you see planners or foreign aid folks talking about governance, it really means Global Government which subverts US rule of law and the Constitution.
Here is a GREAT 16-minute video on how the liberals use the Delphi Technique in New Hampshire.
Wildlands Project & Property Rights Issues Caused by Agenda 21:
Additionally, part of the UN Agenda 21 implemented by the American Planner's Association and ICLEI is the "Wildlands" project which intends to use taxpayer funds or regulations to take over 50% of habitable land in the US and restrict it from human use. Huge portions of Florida have already ben purchased or restricted as conservation lands already. In Lake County, the County Government spent $30-million in public lands purchases and no one was allowed to use them until recent board actions forced the growth staff to spend limited funds and open four of numerous land areas for human hiking, etc.
The map at left indicates areas (in red) already owned by government, and the Agenda 21 & Wildlands plan is to increase Wildlands areas to 50% of the US land mass and move people to the black "population centers". This is happening now in Northern California where an area wide group called ABAG is passing plans to increase costs of single family homes and create incentives for citizens to move to "walkable" high rise, high density neighborhoods. The more land the government owns and removes from tax rolls, the less land there is for the citizens to own and build on.
Wildlands Project - Private land ownership rights vs government owned Lands - This 5 min video includes map and overview of Wildlands Project and how more and more land is converted to government ownership. "People are to live in islands of human habitat or sustainable communities " Describes "Urban boundary zones and villages" Development will only be allowed to occur in specified villages" - 5 min video
Florida Forever Program - part of Wildlands Project : In Florida, this concept was pushed via a Florida State funded program called "Florida Forever" which spent millions of FL taxpayer and Federal funds on buying "conservation land". However,
HERE is an overview article on "Re-wilding" which is the process to implement the Wildlands Project (added 8/12/2012):
HERE is a 1995 scary page explaining the Wildlands project from the viewpoint of an observer of rabid environmentalists. He says "Ideally, I would like to see certain large areas of the planet set off-limits to human entry of any kind, even aerial over flights.""
"Irregardless of how unlikely the Wildlands Project may seem, Wildlanders have an almost religious-like conviction that their plan must succeed. For Wildlanders, no less than the survival of life on Earth is at stake. Sophisticated beyond what many might expect, the Wildlands Project contains its own science, and its own philosophy, and if society's goal is to maximize biological diversity, to the exclusion of any other goal, it is a plan that merits discussion.
The United Nations agrees, and the Wildlands Project was mentioned in their "Global Biodiversity Assessment" as a possible approach to preserving biological diversity. (See Section, page 993, "Global Biodiversity Assessment", Cambridge University Press, 1995)" < This is a scary summary of the Wildlands project. "The goal of the Wildlands Project is to set aside approximately fifty (50) percent of the North American continent as "wild land" for the preservation of biological diversity." This is pushed by the United Nations and Environmental Groups as part of Agenda 21.
- Resource consumption above what is needed to supply "vital" human needs is immoral.
- Human population must be reduced
Components of a Wilderness Recovery Network (from a 1995 slideshow at above website)
"A wilderness recovery network is an inter-connected system of strictly protected areas (core reserves), surrounded by lands used for human activities compatible with conservation that put biodiversity first (buffer zones), and linked together in some way that provides for functional connectivity of populations across the landscape."
Characteristics of Core Areas:
- Expand park and wilderness areas to include adjacent old growth, roadless areas, and ecological areas.
- Size depending on context may range from 10,000 acres to 25 million acres, but bigger is better.
- It should be roadless, existing roads should be closed.
- Human access greatly reduced or eliminated all together: "Many ecologists (myself included) would just as soon see huge areas of land kept off limits to human activities of any kind."
Property Rights Issues & Property Rights Councils
(This whole section on Property Rights added Sept. 12, 2012)
As described elsewhere, one of the objectives of Agenda 21 is to reduce property rights and values to drive people into government controlled, communist styled, "planned" villages.
One method used is to push through land use plans in Counties and Cities, called "Comprehensive Land Use Plans". Many across the country were based upon legislative guides created by the American Planner's Association. These comp plans were pushed through by liberal control committees operating in stealth mode, where they created massive land use plans that supercede existing zoning regulations and property owners were never told, asked to vote on them or attend public hearings on their specific property. Once these comp plans were approved by a willing or ignorant County Board, they started implementing them. They would have restrictions on land development by requiring wide buffers, specific plant and tree approvals, etc. that all reduce the value of land usage, thus values.
Now there is a movement on to create property councils to review these plans for property rights violations (i.e. a restriction reduces value, which is a "taking" without just compensation). In our Lake County, FL, once two environmentalists were voted off the Board, 12 lawsuits were filed to reverse some of the damaging provisions, but there is more work to do.
Conservation Trusts & Dangers
Another method for taking land & reducing value is the use of Conservation Trusts where a land owner is coerced, forced or convinced to give up development rights for some perceived benefit. Once they do that, they find their land has lost all value, and or access by humans is prohibited.
READ this article about property rights damage caused by Conservation Trusts.
Public Lands Purchases
One of the Agenda 21 central planners objectives is removing land from human use (for hiking up to mining for minerals). See our section above on the Wildlands Project. However, a local, State or County version is to convince voters or officials to spend public tax money to buy public lands. Here in Lake County, FL, they floated $30-million in bonds to purchase 11 parcels of land, some without appraisals (thus maybe benefitting insiders who might have helped get the program passed). However, like many government capital spending initiatives, they did not requre or establish budgets to develop the land for human access, or maintenance funds. So, the lands sat unused and with "no trespassing" signs until a new, conservative County Board spent minimal funds to create parking lots, porta potties and basic facilities so FOUR of the parcels could be used. Thus, by not requiring an annual development and maintenance budget to be implemented at the same time, land is essentially useless and reduces land on tax rolls and increases costs of other developments due to less supply of land for development.
Just this week (Sept. 12, 2012) the local Parks & Trails Dept. asked for approvals to start shopping for more land for future parks, even though they admitted no funds existed to develop them for years. They wanted to create a "Land Bank" for the future, even though there was no certainty there would be revenues to develop the parks. Additionally, they didn't even have enough maintenance funds for the lands they already had. The entire pitch was that more people wanted ball fields for free, so just keep spending money because land prices were "good".
Taxpayers need to start opposing these land purchase programs when no development or maintenance funds exist. Don't allow any purchases where the land will not be developed and used as an "active" park where they have schedule ball games, etc.
Property Rights Councils (PRC's)
In response to the stealth method used by "professional" planners to implement Agenda 21 types of restrictions on land and property owners, some activists have convinced local officials to establish independent Property Councils with public members who review proposed regulations and land and property restrictions for violation of property rights issues. Here is a link to one of the first Property Rights Councils in Bonner County, Colorado:
And, here is a website of an environmentalist group trying to stifle the PRC with a lawsuit
And, here is another conservation group's article about the above lawsuit
And, here is a Libertarian's opinion that you don't need PrC's, but should ensure elected officials understand the State and Federal Constitutions and enforce the property rights defined in them.
We recommend that "Agenders" (people who want to eliminate Agenda 21 sustainable development initiatives) obtain support from local County & City officials and establish Property Rights Councils, plus development of a specific policy to be implemented that forbids staff from initiating any land and property restrictions without approval of the property rights council. This would include creation of a list of examples to prevent in Comp and Land Use plans, building codes, etc. One reason is to offset land use plans defined by environmentalist controlled committees. One of the basic issues would be to prevent adoption of any regulations based on non-American standards, such as international building codes, etc. The idea is to maintain US Sovereignty and not implement rules under the control of non_US agencies like the United Nations, NGO's, etc.
Other sources on Property Rights Councils: < this is a website created by Karen Bracken, a well known writer on Agenda 21 problems.
Article by Tom Deweese on Property Rights Councils - DeWeese is a WELL known writer about Agenda 21 problems: - Here is an older website with 8-million visitors on Property Rights Research. Among their most interesting points is that Agenda 21 planners now use the term "land" or "premises" in many regulations so it appears separate from legal definitions of "property" subject to property rights called out for in the US Constitution. Also they say watch out for the NAIS (National Animal Identification Sytem) rolled out by Federal and state agencies to give require all animals to be registered. Fortunately, the NAIS, which was from the USDA and not approved by Congress, was shut down in 2010. However, look at this web page to understand how the USDA was intending to track and control all animals. And read the NY Times backstory on why the program was shut down, but may still be pushed to state levels. The left column of this simple website, apparently last updated in 2005, contains a massive list of links to topic papers related to property rights. Be sure to click the link to the Property Rights mascot.
And, here is an article about Property Rights Councils and examples they are fighting in Northern Idaho (Boise area). It seems the Federal EPA slapped local homeowners with severe fines for violating unknown Federal restrictions on "wetlands". Cased like that in the article are one of the reasons they need support - in this case, the PrC's are fighting the Federal Government and not local restrictions.
The Property Rights Coalition - is a long time organization based in Orlando that focused on property rights legislation and cases. Early focus was on fighting the use of eminent domain to take property. Their new Executive Director has talked at the local North Lake County Tea Party (Florida - west of Orlando), and HERE is our YouTube video of his talk. They also give local seminars on becoming a property rights advocate and several local Tea Party members are attending. You can get their Training Booklet on their website. They recently started studying and discussing Agenda 21 and sustainable development implications on property rights, and some chapters in other states are forming. Caveat: It seems the organization is really a soft-sell marketing referral system for locating people with property rights issues and providing fee based consulting, but it is not clear, so be aware of that possible objective, but their information is good and they share much of it.
Their website is
Education K-12 & College initiatives to modify curriculums to include Agenda 21 "Values" - There is a whole, entire separate movement to change K-12 and college curriculums to get kids to support Agenda 21 & socialism concepts and to believe that the rights of the community (socialism) are more important than the rights of the individual as defined in the US Constitution. HERE is one of the first books "Rescue Mission - A Children's Edition of Agenda 21". Those plans are run by a separate United Nations program run by UNESCO and UNED which will be added later to this document.
There has been a movement to prevent the implementation of many "communitarian" and Agenda 21 concepts from infiltrating K-12 systems, and one of the earliest was , which was closed after 20 years of halting those concepts in Minnesota. The website still exists for reference, and the final closing letter contains their objectives HERE. has been replaced by another organization founded by one of the leaders, which is They are involved in fighting implementation of the Federal government "common core standards" and other socialistic educational programs.
In Lake County, FL, when I ask School District staff about the possible infiltration of socialist revisionist curriculum, they say they use the "common core" standards set by the State, which leads me to believe they have not reviewed it at the local level. Especially if an organization like Education Liberty Watch is fighting such standards in Minnesota.
Education Common Core Standards & Opposition - source for opposing viewpoints on Common Core Standards
READ this article about how the Common Core Standards being rolled out to over 40 states, including Florida, are defining curriculum in leftist terms.
Funding Methods Used to Facilitate and Roll Out Agenda 21 Sustainable Development to local Communities
Federal Government Sources:
When Bill Clinton formed the President's Council on Sustainable Development in 1992, he instructed most cabinet level Federal Departments to develop plans to implement Agenda 21 objectives, thus most large Federal Agencies created programs and grant programs to fund Agenda 21 in states, counties & cities. They provided millions of dollars to the American Planning Association (APA) to develop legislative guides and programs on Agenda 21.
HUD DOT EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities - this grant program was started in the Obama Administration in 2009, and provides grants all over the United States for "sustainable development". You should investigate your city or county to see if they have received one of these grants.
The main webpage for the Sustainable Development Communities Program is here: <<< look at the map
EPA Programs - Their website is here:
Scroll down the above webpage and you will find the EPA "Livability Principles" including: "Promote equitable, affordable housing. Expand location- and energy-efficient housing choices for people of all ages, incomes, races, and ethnicities to increase mobility and lower the combined cost of housing and transportation." Equitable means income redistribution. Lowering cost of housing and transportation means stack and pack, high density housing loved by socialist planners, and lower transportation costs means mass transit and no cars.
HUD Programs: Here is the page showing a story and a map (click on image) of communities receiving HUD / EPA / DOT Sustainable Communities grants:
Here is a page on the Sustainable Development Communities program about the launch of a Community Case Study Database:
Non-Federal Funding & Facilitation Sources for Agenda 21
United Nations: First, never forget many international United Nations conferences have Agenda 21 objectives, like the Rio Conferences held every 10 years starting in 1992.
United Nations Funded NGO's (Non-government Organizations) - this included ICLEI, described elsewhere in this document. It also includes many "green" or environmental groups receiving funding from the UN or intermediary NGO's.
ICLEI - provides Training, Guides, etc to roll out Agenda 21
Individuals like George Soros
Nature Conservancy
United Nations Foundation
Rockefeller Foundation
Sierra Club
Urban Land Institute -
Institute for Sustainable Communities:
National Resources Defense Council -
Local citizen efforts to kill Agenda 21 initiatives or Comp plans at local government agencies:
Great Video of citizen action on "Tea Party TV" to halt Agenda 21 regional housing plan implementation in Marin County, CA (2 hours - scroll down to see the link, plus tactics used by facilitators to control the outcome of the meeting)
- Boy, am I glad I moved out of California in 2006. San Francisco area Green advocates organized a "One Bay Area" program to make 9 counties follow high density housing plans to adhere to a new California law SB-375 taht was NOT voted on by the voters. The plan apparently included housing quotas for each city and county. This is a good video of how the greenies try to push Agenda 21 high density villages in a 9 county area affecting 7.2-million people, but they have opposition from educated, knowledgeable opponents of Agenda 21. This is also a very good illustration how the Agenda 21 implementers use Delphi decision making techniques to control the outcome. (Look for our separate section on this page about "consensus building" techniques, including the Delphi technique.) The OneBay Area proponents have a website, . The opponents even discuss the stealth Delphi technique using a trained facilitator that will be used to avoid questions and be used to show "consensus" on a pre-defined program. The greenies want everyone to move to "transit villages". "This is UN Agenda 21".
"There are no single family homes in the plan - only high density homes". "There are a lot of angry people here - why aren't elected officials pushing back at the State level - the regional group said they don't have a method for doing that - thus it appears you assume this should go forward...". "I felt very insulted this evening - not enough time to read materials, presenters rushing us through, spoke over questioners, not answering questions, no explanation of what "complete communities" meant, many comments did not address issues". "I don't want to live in a social engineered home where someone tells me where I can park..." "I know tyranny when I see it - this is tyranny". "In listening to this, I feel I am living in a foreign country - we worked long and hard to have a choice to have a car, etc and not to be run by a government entity." "This meeting includes maybe 60 shills designed to lead to a pre-ordained public consensus". "This is no conversation - the meeting is rigged". "Parking is essential, and it has been cut out of most affordable housing." "How can you take a vote on plans with so few people here?" (Answer was "that's a good question"). "Public-Private partners are favored developers." "We are getting bedtime stories and an infomercial for OneBayArea plans". Denouncing of home allocations between cities. "We don't want high density in our town." One website for activists is .
"How many of you want to be forced to share bikes? I want to drive to the store." "We don't like it - we want you to go away and bother some other country". One person asked what "social justice" is, and staff panel deferred, saying they would answer it later. "State parks money is going to the group running this". "What I see here is incomplete information where people don't even understand what choices mean - this needs a do over - what is actually being propose here - this is just a collection of questions". "Can you give an example of a city that has these rules and they are happy - best example is Portland, OR, and people are being forced into transit and they are moving away by the thousands. They even started a Sitcom called Portlandia, and it is something we do not want. This is the US with personal freedoms, and your plan is coming directly from the UN Agenda 21." "Marin County has been asked to take only 1.5% of growth, and 3% of jobs."
"Your plan wants to restrict development in many areas, with quotas for most cities. What will happen is that properties not in priority areas may not receive permits to build housing. You are using Federal transportation funds to dole out to cities to comply. Property values of properties not in priority areas will damage property values. Don't be dangling the carrot of Federal funds to get them to agree." "This is reckless government spending". "Federal money is being wasted on this project - needs to go to education". Facilitators quoted region wide statistics only, not ones affecting Marin County and changes from County General Plan were not answered or provided. Lots of women showing concern about social issues with vague, emotional statements (shills?). "Roads are land uses - we need to make them zero emissions land use". - Rosa Koire, author of Behind the Green Mask was there, pointed out that "no action" was not listed as a choice. That is a key Delphi method, which is not to allow opposing alternatives or choices for the public to choose.
At the conclusion of the 2 hour event, one lady said "The main problem was lack of time. There was a ton of information provided, and a ton of questions, but NO TIME allowed to provide answers to questions. People were totally ignored or spoken to patronizingly. Or, they were basically told to shut up, that it was the presenters turn to talk. I felt that to be extremely insulting. Some people were speaking out and we were treated like children. I didn't learn much except there is very definitely an agenda. I wouldn't be surprised if the issues we wrote down are tossed into the trask can." "No, my questions were not factually answered. It would have been better to allow a question, then provide an immediate response, but that was not the way it was setup. "
"If your property is outside the priority urban growth area defined in the plan for allowable construction, your property value will be so DIMINISHED you might not be allowed to sell your property or develop on it. This is a HUGE Constitutional conundrum resulting in unjust takings, unjust compensation. This is the stuff that Soviet nightmares are made of. The first meeting like this had 2/3 of the people vocally against the plan and many refused to vote for the limited choices in protest. Then tonight, they showed a film saying that people at the earlier meeting supported the plan, thus lying about the true "consensus. There is a trust deficit with government and a trust deficit with elected officials. I did not hear any questions that were actually answered. Not one single question had been answered in three group break out sessions. There was a person writing issues on a whiteboard, but who knows what they did with that. This is a VERY, VERY dangerous game they are playing. This is something that left a really bad taste in the mouths of most people here tonight. ". (Sally Zelivkosky, founder of Bay Area Patriots). "What you are seeing is called the Delphi technique. You can google it to learn how to navigate in it when it is used against you. The Delphi technique can be used both consciously and more insidiously subconsciously. It's mostly used by terrible human beings who can't convince people of their ideas so they instead try to dominate others and discourage dissent via social manipulation." "I think the big mistake here is that people keep bringing up Agenda 21. These criminals do not in any way believe they are implementing A21. If you just attack the policies you will get further. Attack the fact that they want to remove people from the rural land, stack and pack housing, get us out of our cars etc. These things are provable. They are trying to break people up into separate rooms to once again stop public input. I still think we should stay away from A21."
Classic "M-Consensus" (or modified Delphi) techniques used to "develop consensus" for a pre-ordained outcome"
- Breaking the group up into smaller groups so speakers are not heard by all.
- Using stickers to separate friends into different tables so they don't have support.
- Limiting speakers to two minutes
- Staff repeats untrue or hyped info such as "we need to plan for 2-million people.
- Using "ushers" or facilitators at each table to control the outcome.
- Posting comments on a website after opposition questions are excluded.
- Use of pre-formed "Initiatives for consideration" that exclude opposition points.
- Exclusions of of a "no action" alternative.
- Meeting site not accessible to public transportation to allow input from low income people.
- "We may not have time to provide answers to all questions" - thus limiting input time.
- "If question is technical, we may not have time to answer it..."
- More voting tokens existed than people who attended (rigging of vote, no method to ensure one vote per person)>
- Shifting discussion from all alternatives to only prioritizing staff selected objectives.
- Facilitator sets aside speaker request cards of those who already spoke once, thus if they hear something new, can't ask a new question or provide comment"
- Refusal to allow elected, well informed local official more than two minutes.
- Use of skillful facilitators trained in reaching pre-ordained decisions.
- Facilitator says "lots of these are rhetorical questions" and didn't want to handle answers.
- Facilitator slips into being advocate for pre-determined objectives.
- Use of paid facilitators who cannot answer questions or explain technical issues.
- Facilitator refuses to answer question in public, telling questioner to talk to them offline, thus audience doesn't hear answer, especially if it is not supportive of the plan.
- Control discussion by showing video asking questions only aimed at desired outcomes.
- Frustrate attendees by making it a SHORT meeting so many cannot comment or get good answers.
- "How to invest revenues ( $68-billion over 25 years) expected for transportation"
- Facilitator refused to allow answer to important question, and instead allows two more speakers, making audience mad.
- Use facilitators not from local area, so cannot answer local issues questions. (on purpose?)
- Facilitators speaking over questioners and not answering questions.
- OneBay area will consider several choices. Ask for help. Thus controlling choices.
- Requiring each attendee to vote using a token, with audience having many shills.
- Ignoring other spending alternatives, ie. schools, etc. Basically, they assume the funds will be budgeted and spent on transportation and planning, and not other areas.
- Deferring requests with "we will consider that", ie. say "investment" vs "cost"
- Only taking questions, but not providing answers, when groups are in different rooms.
- Show films or make presentations saying the public agreed with the plan at prior meetings when witnesses were there and said 2/3 of the attendees at the earlier meeting clearly were against it, and since voting choices were limited many did not vote in a protest. Thus the staff and facilitators were lying about what really transpired at the earlier meeting. That is why it is important to make recordings and videos of every meeting like this.
- Promising answers on website, when none posted after past meetings.
- Not explaining where funds will come from during terrible budget period.
- Why no vote - decisions only made by small groups.
- No answer regarding question about whether eminent domain will be used.
- People were given chips to vote on staff pre-ordained alternatives, but no added alternatives from the public and no choice for "no action".
- Facilitators take notes on whiteboards, but probably throw them out after the meeting, since their preferred outcome is already decided.
- Staff says "If you don't agree, you have an opportunity to make that known", but it was not a voting choice.
- Saving input from plan supporters to the end, then letting them talk last. One woman arrived very late, and talked in support of the plan at the very end, but she wasn't there to hear all the prior dialog.
End of Marin County video review section
Wake County, North County - Raleigh, NC - Feb 21, 2012 - County Commissioners vote to kill their entire comp plan ( read the 150+ comments also) developed by a 65 member "sustainability" task force that worked for 18 months, "saying the results reflected United Nations-style collectivism." "The board's Republican leadership said the resulting suggestions - such as requiring property owners to meet maintenance standards - reflected international efforts toward collectivism and could interfere with individual property right.""a third condition... said the county should consider the formation of a council to protect property rights. It passed on partisan lines, with Democrats all in opposition." The meeting Powerpoint slides show that starting in 2000, Wake County floated $91-million in bonds to acquire 104 parcels totaling 4,664 acres for "open space preservation" - this reduces land available for development and is part of the Agenda 21 process to keep removing land available to humans so the population has to move to high density, government controlled developments. Note: This plan is nowhere as complex as Lake Counties Comp Plan - this focuses mostly on solid waste, water and energy, and not much on land use (which is where Agenda 21 is the big problem). However, they did use "facilitators" from North Carolina State, and we assume they had pre-determined objectives since the process included a "consensus scale used to determine level of support for each recommendation". Water objectives include "quality and quantity fo groundwater resources are protected" which can imply restrictions, fines and other reduction of property owner rights.
Wichita, Kansas taxpayers fight Agenda 21 in Sedgwick, County over a regional planning grant (Apr. 11, 2012).
Agenda 21 Page by the Conservative Liberty Alliance, in Lady Lake, FL (near the Villages) - this gives some interesting background, but it is an editorial by a liberal. She clearly does not understand the background of Agenda 21, and makes an emotional decision without any facts . (added 4/6/2012)
ICLEI - A UN funded, worldwide non-governmental organization (NGO) that has about 500+ cities and counties as members in the US. They are an adviser for local governments on how to roll out Agenda 21 in comprehensive land use plans. No Lake County, FL cities or counties are ICLEI members as of Feb., 2012, but there are ICLEI members in nearby Orange and other counties. Visit their site and see if your city or county is paying dues (look at the members list). If they are on the list, that means the staff are involved in rolling out Agenda 21. Citizens in many communities are now protesting ICLEI membership and some cities and Countys have stopped paying dues. HERE is an article "BluePrint to Kick out ICLEI"
SPOKANE, WASHINGTON……Members of Spokane Patriots, the action driven Tea Party, will be filing several citizensʼ initiatives with the Spokane City Clerk at 4:00 PM, Thursday, 8 April.
The first citizensʼ initiative would effect a charter amendment regarding preventing the city from implementing aspects of the Mayor's sustainability task force by preventing the city from adopting any regulations, taxation, or other policies which would be targeted specifically towards modifying greenhouse gas emissions.
The second citizens' initiative would effect a charter amendment relating to preventing membership in and relationships with the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), the United Nations, and other organizations undermining United States Sovereignty.
Property Rights Activists in Lexington, MA fight to get ICLEI removed from town:
ICLEI and how it relates to Agenda 21
ICLEI is the UN NGO that "helps" local governments roll out Agenda 21. This video shows attempts by the public to get their city to HALT paying dues to ICLEI. It contains much public input and discussion by one Council member - the others didn't provide any statements and outvoted him to continue paying dues to ICLEI. The first person providing public input was Rosa Koire, author of the book "Behind the Green Mask: UN Agenda 21" which is a great book and can be found on San Carlos is near San Franciso, the center of much of the "sustainable development" or Agenda 21 programs. Here is the video on a San Carlos, CA City Council hearing on rejecting ICLEI dues -
HERE is a short Video of a public input speaker asking a City Council to Resign from ICLEI
How Agenda 21 Connects to ICLEI - from letter writer to Houston Chronicle
Liberal writer's will provide a portrayal of ICLEI and its goals as praiseworthy, voluntary environmentalism must not go unchallenged.
However, read the language from The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet (1993):
"Effective Execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced--a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level."
Sounds pretty comprehensive and tyrannical to me. Likewise, ICLEI is to be the facilitator for your city or county to embrace and execute 'sustainable development.'
Citizens need to push back and demand that their city (i.e. Houston) withdraw from ICLEI and thus stop using the tax payer's dollars to support enviro-socialism.
INCAE in Latin America Influences Socialist Agenda 21 approaches to "free trade" Agreements.
From Marielena Stuart's Agenda 21 page - she is running for FL State US Senator in 2012 (added Jul 12, 2012)
In Latin America one of the most notorious participants and promoters of youth Socialist indoctrination “encounters” at the college level is the INCAE School of Business. [2]
Why is this important? Because INCAE produces many business leaders that actively influence our “free trade” agreements with Latin America.
Go ahead.. try Googling your favorite university’s School of Business (including their campus abroad) and you may be in for a real surprise. You may find that it partners with INCAE. Then check the university’s Department of Economics to read their Socialist curriculum on Globalization.
INCAE has conducted studies to “understand the management needs of Family Planning programs in Central America”—funded by institutions such as the Ford Foundation. Family Planning (population control) is a key component of Agenda 21. [3]
INCAE was founded as a joint project of the Harvard Business School and USAID. USAID (US Agency for International Development) is notorious for aggressively advancing its population control agenda despite evidence that many countries it targets are actually in dangerous states of population collapse.
Professors from INCAE hobnob with members of the Club of Rome at the Stein am Rhein Symposium, where the powerful Socialist elite discuss their plans for globalization, sustainability, climate-change and de-population.
Florida State level bills related to Agenda 21:
Florida CS/HB7117 and CS/CS/SB2094 - Considered to be a "pro-Agenda 21" bill that should be rejected (Feb 2012). Details are HERE. This bill has passed the House and goes to a Senate Budget committee Feb. 28.2012
Please note: this pro-Agenda 21 bill includes:
- Allowing local governments to use sales surtaxes to acquire land for public recreation, conservation, or protection of natural resources.
- State investment in Hydrogen-powered vehicles and hydrogen vehicle fueling stations. If they work, fine; if not, we pay the bill.
- Provide technical assistance and guidance on growth and development issues, grants, and other assistance to local “sustainable” communities.
- Manage the activities of public-private partnerships.
- State grants for the development of ethanol, long proven to be costly and inefficient—but profitable to some mega-industrial interests.
Efforts to publicize Dangers of Agenda 21 in other States -
New Hampshire and Georgia are debating legislation to publicize the dangers of implementing Agenda 21. In Tennessee, a bill has been introduced in both House and Senate to prohibit that state from spending money enacting the UN’s Agenda 21.
We recommend you send the above section or a link to this page to any of your local elected officials to educate them about Agenda 21, then visit them to clarify questions.
Below are added links on Agenda 21 in no particular order
Radio shows devoted to stopping UN Agenda 21 (from ):
Host: Alex Snitker
Friday from 9-11am Eastern time.
STUDIO CALL-IN LINE: 1-866-826-1340
The Spirit of '76
M-F from 10-12AM EST
Listen, or call in 424-675-8307.
Host: Gerrick Reed Busl
American Freedom Watch Radio
Host: Karen Schoen
Tuesday from 3-4EST, 2-3CST, 1-2MST, 12-1PST
Listen AM 1230 NJ
or on line
Dr. Rich Show
The Conservative Talk Radio Network
M-F 11AM -Noon EST
Sunday Noon EST
replay via
Fabian Society - One of the founders of Agenda 21 Concepts is the Fabian Society in the UK.
Here is a British Video on Agenda 21 in the UK ( 68 min) AND the Power of the "Fabian Society"- kinda slow, but repeats much of our Agenda 21 info from a British perspective, citing local UK establishment and officials pushing Agenda 21. ( Jan, 2011) . They talk about the "Fabian Society" which has many "elite" members and is now controlling the UK government. " Today the Fabian Society is among other things the intellectual wing of the British Labour Party " and is a major force implementing Agenda 21 by stealth.
Here is an older 2009 article describing the Fabian Society control of the European Union (EU) and the UK governments. That Fabians apparently are Labour party representatives but they drafted the EU Constitution which merged all currencies into ONE currency, etc. "Today the Labour Parties in both New Zealand and Australia are closely affiliated to the Fabian Society in London." The Fabians use the method of "gradualism" to push through "soft laws" (like Agenda 21 does) which then later are converted into real law. Thus they bypass the higher order political bodies by not first trying to get their objectives into law. The Fabian Society intentionally uses deceit to implement plans rather than physical violence and wars like Communist Russia. That is why their logo (at left) actually shows a "wolf in sheep's clothing" Another tactic used by the Fabians is "permeation" which is developing a public consensus (like visioning meetings where pre-determined objectives are the only ones presented for public discussion and selection). Thus expected outcomes are pushed through without actually having to develop control of legislative bodies.
At a 2001 Australian government meeting, a Labour Party senatory said this: "“You probably were not aware that us Fabians have taken over the CIA, KGB, M15, ASIO (Australian Security
Intelligence Organization), IMF, the World Bank and many other organizations.”" The article also describes how the Fabian Society is a socialist group that started the "One World" order intending for British Banks to control it. Very interesting background.
"The British plan to takeover the world and bring in a “New World Order” began
with the teachings of John Ruskin and Cecil Rhodes at Oxford University.
Rhodes in one of his wills in 1877 left his vast fortune to Lord Nathan
Rothschild as trustee to set up the Rhodes Scholarship Program at Oxford to
indoctrinate promising young graduates for the purpose, and also establish
a secret society for leading business and banking leaders around the world
who would work for the City to bring in their Socialist world government." (Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar and went there. in 1993, after his election, Clinton established the President's Council on Sustainable Development, hiring many UN Agenda 21 authors. That is the group that funded the Agenda 21 based Planning Guide for the American Planner's Association described above)
New Zealand online publication "Communist Councils of New Zealand" by John Christian describes how A21 has been rolled out into New Zealand.
Fox News video on a North Carolina school "lunch inspector" who wouldn't let a 4 year old eat the lunch packed by her mom, and billed the parent for an alternative "good" lunch. This is the type of overreach by socialists who want the kids to yield to government authority vs the parents.
FDA fines Amish farmer for selling fresh, organic milk. In a unique twist, the movement unites people on the left and the right who argue that the federal government has no business controlling what people choose to consume.
China's Communist "Struggle Meetings" from the 1950's were public meetings where landlords and other "class enemies" of the state were subjected to physical and verbal abuse until they confessed to "crimes" and then killed.
According to Wikipedia, " During the 1950s when the CCP began the Land Reform movement, poorer peasants seized the land from their landlords, who were given the title of exploiting class (剥削階级), and an estimated 2 million landlords were swiftly executed after being subjected to a struggle session." See
These meetings were more violent early versions of Agenda 21 "Visioning Meetings" used to advance land use plans in the US, where questioners are vilified for asking about pre-determined Aganda 21 based land use plans. Never forget that Agenda 21 has goals similar to communism leading to socialism, and any action to get there is acceptable to Agenda 21 supporters.
Sources SUPPORTING UN's Agenda 21
United Nations Association of the USA -
Not surprisingly, the UN has a support organization in the US with 125 chapters, including several in Florida like Orlando & Tampa. They have a page specifically to explain to members that Agenda 21 is good, not evil, at They describe how their Oklahoma Chapter turned back an effort to pass an anti-Agenda21 resolution. Here is a quote, which according to MY "Facts" is entirely incorrect:
"Fact: Agenda 21 does not call for the elimination of private property ownership, single-family homes, private car ownership, individual travel choices, or family farms. It is fully consistent with personal freedoms and the rights of citizens to own property, homes, cars, and farms."
President Bill Clinton established the Presidential Commission on Sustainable Development (PCSD ) using Executive Order 12852 to implement Agenda 21 in the US in 1993. Here is their current homepage. This was the key commission that led to Federal agencies implementing Agenda 21 "sustainable development" programs and funding the American Planning Association ( ) development of a model legislative guide to roll sustainable development out in all states.
One of the official 10 goals was this one on Equity. Any time you see the liberals mention "equity" or "justice" they mean wealth transfer by taking money and land away from owners and give it to all to "equalize" their assets. That is communism.
Goal 3: Equity
Ensure that all Americans are afforded justice and have the opportunity to achieve economic, environmental, and social well-being.
Here is a long list of Agenda 21 resources provided May 4, 2012 in the comments on an Agenda 21 video:
U.N.’s Agenda 21 EXPOSED:
World Congress on Water, Climate and Energy – 13-18 May 2012 –
The Congress will explore the topics of resilient and sustainable cities with a focus on climate change adaptation and mitigation.
David Rothschild regrets Global Governance agenda tough to activate in Copenhagen
Lord Monckton: When the U.N. climate Treaty is ratified, a WORLD GOVERNMENT will be created
The goal is to begin with an advisory body associated with the UN – a citizens’ watchdog with clout – that gradually transitions into a WORLD PARLIAMENT – Website:
The Campaign was launched in April 2007… A UN Parliamentary Assembly would be the first parliamentary body directly representing the world’s citizens in the UN system. It is envisaged as a first step towards the long-term goal of a WORLD PARLIAMENT.
A Petition to endorse the creation of a WORLD PARLIAMENT:
Obama: ONE WORLD ORDER(/Army/Government) needed to defeat Al CIAda, tackle non-manmade climate change,..:
Security (and defense) are becoming increasingly important issues in the practical implementation of a “NEW WORLD GOVERNANCE”..
Ron Paul exposes United Nations plan to destroy US
DISARMING AMERICA – By Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow, Ret.
A determined campaign is being waged in the United States that is perpetuated by the Godless humanists who endeavor, at the leading of Satan the greatest criminal mind in the Universe, to pave the way to a sheer control of the people and to establish the United States as a constituent of a one-world order.
For Info:
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Pre-Agenda 21 History & Contributing Factors
1976 Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, Vancouver, Canada -
Described 64 action items known as the Vancouver Action Plan, and introduced concept that individual property rights and private land ownership should have less priority than for the "collective" (aka Communism). Below it says "Private Land Ownership contributes... to Social Injustice". It also talked about "Social Justice" as an objective.
"1. Land, because of its unique nature and the crucial role it plays in human settlements, cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. Social justice, urban renewal and development, the provision of decent dwellings-and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole."
"a) Land is one of the most valuable natural resources and it must be used rationally. Public ownership or effective control of land in the public interest is the single most important means or improving the capacity of human settlements to absorb changes and movements in population, modifying their internal structure and achieving a more equitable distribution of the benefits or development whilst assuring that environmental impacts are considered.
DICK Morris Video on UN History and Movement to One World Government (added Oct. 13, 2012) based on info in new book "Here Come the Black Helicopters).
Early History of UN and Actions to Move Towards "One World Government" and Agenda 21. Morris just came out Oct. 2012 with a new book, Here Come the Helicopters, covering the UN evolution towards establishing a One World Government.
David Rockefeller and Maurice Strong in 1960's setup Club of Rome with world leaders. Concept was to push for global governance by population control (Malthusian theory). Insisted need for global government to control population. After population control was a failure, in the 1970's, they turned to climate and global warming to justify having one world government. History has not borne out global warming damage. They predicted warming of oceans, releasing carbon dioxide. That hasn't happened in 30 years of study. Newest is Agenda 21 land use regulations to increase population density into high density urban areas. That is new goal of planners and Obama is creating tax incentives like Stalin did. All plans are against Democracy and based on the theory that global government elites know better than Democratically elected leaders.
Methods Contributing to Implementation of Agenda 21, Socialism, Marxism in US
The Cloward-Piven Strategy
"First proposed in 1966 and named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and his wife Frances Fox Piven (both longtime members of the Democratic Socialists of America, where Piven today is an honorary chair), the "Cloward-Piven Strategy" seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse. "
Later, Saul Alinsky (Rules for Radicals) would expand on that, saying "Never let a good crisis to to waste" and use it as an excuse to implement socialist goals.
Glossary of Terms:
Social Justice - See Wikipedia:
Collectives - One of the key concepts of Communism and Agenda 21 is that personal freedoms and rights should be secondary to rights of the "Collective". This is a reversal of the US Constitution freedoms which focus on individual rights first. This concept of the Collective being more important than the person, or more important than a child's parents, is already woven into many school curriculums facilitated by UNESCO (a UN agency). Liberals will use the idea of Collectives to support the need to control land, force people into high density villages, etc.