Tavares, FL Dec. 2, 2015
First, read about various examples of cronyism, foll owed by a Powerpoint from a "free markets" university that examines cronyism, defines it and provides in depth examples (mostly from Federal Government).
Cronyism generally refers to an unnatural and unhealthy closeness between government and special interests.
Examples of Cronyism in the US and Lake County, FL local government agencies include:
Dec. 7, 2015 - Cronyism in Chicago politics
Forbes.com - By Adam Andrezjewski, from March 2015, includes "... As a mayoral candidate in 2010-11, Rahm Emanuel gave regular people hope with his repeated assertion that he would "stop pay-to-play in City Hall" and "end the historical culture of corruption." ... Here's what we found: 600 city vendors gave Emanuel $7 million in campaign cash during the past four years and received $2 billion in city payments since 2002. ... Overall, our findings led to two conclusions: pay-to-play is still legal in Chicago and Rahm Emanuel has complete control of the entire corrupt Daley political machine."
2013 - Centinella School Distict, California -
A small, local newspaper investigated California's small Centinella School District and found corruption and cronyism. The District only had four schools, but the School District Superintendant was paid over $600,000 or more than the head of the much larger Los Angeles School District.
A local paper, the "Daily Breeze" started an investigation series that didn't stop until numerous corruption practices were unveiled and they won a Pulitzer Prize for the 10-part investigation.
A red flag to me was contractor Telacu, who was financing campaigns of school board members and was getting all the business. They were a large Latino owned construction firm, and the board members were Latinos. I am pointing this out because that is a common cultural practice in Mexico, and there are towns right now in Southern California (where I lived) where they booted out the existing professionals to hire relatives and friend of elected Hispanics.
Telacu had many employees and vendors contribute to two women on the board so they could win an election. They then got approval for large construction projects funded by $200-million in BONDS for school renovations in the 6600 student district.
"Critics, on the other hand, say the whole thing smacks of a money grab for the interested parties at the expense of the taxpayers.
“The problem with Centinela Valley, and so many school districts and community colleges, is that they have become bond-passing machines that milk the public to pay for lavish construction projects, outrageous salaries and terrible loans,” said Mariano Vasquez, the plaintiff in a lawsuit opposing a recently passed parcel tax floated by Centinela Valley and four feeder elementary school districts."
Lake County Government, FL
2008 - Lake County, FL SHIP home renovation work and funds steered to cronies. A citizen, Lee Johnson, researched rumors that a Lake County government housing program to renovate homes for low income residents was known as "SHIP" was managed by a corrupt manager. The manager directed government funded remodeling contracts for low income homeowners to a favored, out of county contractor. She also rebuilt homes belonging to relatives and friends using Federal and local funds. The manager wasn't prosecuted, but fired.
Jan 23, 2015 - Fruitland Park (Lake County, FL) Cronyism
A City Director personally applied for permits and did renovation work during City time on turning the Mayor's house into a bed & Breakfast. Lauren Ritchie's column is here.
Nov. 2015 - Lake County Board over-rode procurement committee recommended lobbyist services vendor for an Orlando law firm Gray-Robinson, NOT based in Tallahassee to lobby IN Tallahassee.
Chicago - Multiple cases of Corruption and Cronyism
This 2012 article is about the Chicago Public Schools CEO appointed by Liberal Mayor Rahm Emmanuel who steered $23-million in business to former employers to get kickbacks.
Understanding Cronyism, and how to stop it.
The Mercatus Center from George Mason University is a free market think tank. They produced this great 21-page powerpoint providing an in depth view of Cronyism, mostly in the Federal Government. Every elected official should read this. You can find the powerpoint HERE.