A jobs website, Insight.com, posted a study of the 50 largest cities and their ratio of unemployed workers to each open job. In the Orlando area, it is 6 to 1, while the best locations to get a job are in the Washington, DC area. So, if you want to get some of that stimulus money, chances are better in DC or Baltimore than Florida. See the entire list of 50 cities and their ratios HERE. PS: Two local retired friends just sold their houses which are located right on Lake Eustis and are moving to South Carolina. They each bought more than 6 acres, which up there can be zoned mostly as agricultural land, and the property tax is $1 per acre. Naturally, being guys, they had their priorities correct, and built a large barn for their toys first (which are taxable here in FL), then they each will build a house. (Unincorporated - not near a large city or town). However, the motive wasn't so much taxes, as weather, hurricanes AND then escaping FL property taxes. vj
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