Tavares, FL - Updated Jan. 24, 2020- 12,000+ words ( Created May 19, 2013)
by Vance Jochim, www.FiscalRangers.com
The short web address to this page is: www.tinyURL.com/HaltCommonCoreNow
- You can just scroll down to the "Summary of Sections" to find sections you want to read.
At the bottom of this document is a massive collection of website links to many articles on Common Core.
Update Jan. 24, 2020 - FL Gov. Ron DeSantis announces the end of Florida Common Core based standards and the new "BEST" Standards.
Update Feb. 15, 2019: A major source on stopping Common Core is the site TruthInAmericanEducation. Here is their page listing websites of many other web and Facebook groups opposing Common Core.
Update Feb. 15, 2019: A major expert in Common Core problems is Sandra Stotsky. In THIS article, she explains how teacher certification standards result in dumbing down training for teachers and administrators, thus parent expectations for content may not be met because the teachers are no longer taught some older standards.
Update Feb. 2, 2019: Here is an excellent perspective on the dangers of Common Core from Victoria Baer Pool on Facebook. It focuses on making family and parents look stupid so students rely on Government for advice:
"Here’s what EVERYONE is missing regarding Communistic Core - it is designed to degrade the parent to the child because a parent with any sense would not understand or grasp commie core because it’s not what they were taught (not to mention INSANE) and so now the parent looks stupid and “can’t even do math” in the eyes of the child and now the teacher aka Govt becomes authoritative to the child instead of the parent!!"
Update Feb. 2, 2019 - New Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has signed an Executive Order to remove Common Core (embedded in the renamed Florida Sunshine Standards) and re-emphasize Civics and other conservative, historic content.
June 11, 2016 - The Washington Post, of all papers, published THIS article "Common Core isn’t preparing students very well for college or career, new report says". "A new report that surveys curriculum nationally and reaches thousands of K-12 and college instructors as well as workplace supervisors and employees has some bad news about the Common Core State Standards: Many people in education and the workplace don’t think some of the English Language Arts and math standards — which are being used in most states — are what students and workers need to be successful in college and career."
Aug. 22, 2015 - New Stanford Univ. study shows Common Core is "bad for the brain" of young children. Find more below by searching on "Child Abuse".
Feb. 26, 2015 - Lily Chang grew up on China and came to the US in the 1980's. She published a Jan. 27, 2015 viral YouTube video warning US citizens of how Common Core compares to the Communist directed education system in China when she lived there. This second, separate Feb. 21, 2015 YouTube interview is a direct interview with Lily Chang with more info on the AlexJones channel.
Dec. 23, 2014 - The best daily information now on opposing Common Core is in state or county focused Facebook pages (or groups) and websites created in 2014 by parents now encountering Common Core issues. This factsheet focuses on big picture issues, but the Facebook groups listed below post more frequently. Search on Facebook or Google and find one for your State and perhaps local county. Subscribe to them. BE sure to subscribe to them and enable "notifications" so you get all their posts. Then read this factsheet for background.
Examples of local and statewide Facebook pages or groups include:
- "Lake County (FL) Against Common Core" - (800+ members)
- "Choose to Refuse Common Core" ( 8500 members)
- "Stop Common Core in Alabama" ( 9000 members)
- "The Florida Stop Common Core Coalition" - (2500 members)
- "Stop Common Core in Florida" - (4700 members)
Dec. 22, 2014: Is Common Core for K-6 really Child Abuse? Many early childhood development experts are saying so in videos on YouTube and articles. The reason is that kids brains develop slowly until about 6th grade, and VARY in development speed, thus they cannot handle many Common Core requirements for K-6 (or so). Parents are seeing kids hate learning and crying because they think they are dumb. The Common Core standards were developed by mostly non-teachers and not one early childhood development expert was included in the committee that defined the standards. It is my own opinion that parents would have the basis to sue school districts for child abuse which is already a legal concept. One public legal service firm, the Thomas More Legal Center, is already gathering info on Common Core and taking applications for legal help. I will post several links on this subject here:
Aug. 22, 2015 - New Stanford Univ. study shows Common Core is "Bad for the Child's Brain"
"Why the Common Core standards for grades K-3 are wrong" - Article by Diane Ravitch May, 2014
Findlaw section on legal concept of "Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress"
Dr. Megan Koschnick on early child development vs Common Core - 25 min Sept 18, 2013
Problems with Common Core ELA books on Children's mental development - 36 minute Chilling YouTube Video of Panel Discussion (possibly in Utah) on Clinical Mental Health Therapist ( Joan Landis - does psychotherapy with all ages of clients, and a lot with adolescents ) describing problems with Common Core ELA books on Children's mental development. The book is for first graders to learn words, but focused on using words with high emotional impact to manipulate the other person. She also describes problems caused by books written for kids.
New Apr. 30, 2014 - InBloom, the company setup to collect up to 400 data points on K-12 students from each participating state education system just shut down. Too many parents complained about privacy issues and many states did not sign up, or dropped out later.
New Oct. 22, 2013 - Excellent article from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on how Common Core is SUB-standard compared to some existing State education standards, and some solution.
NEW Oct. 22, 2013 - Here is a 96 page list of website links on Common Core articles I have collected from blogs, facebook and internet searches in the last year. I have included both pro & con items, but almost all are anti-Common Core. My view is that the education "establishment" and administrators have no clue about the depth of opposition to Common Core, or all the different reasons for opposition. Download 2013-10-15 Website Links to Articles about Common Core - 94 pgs
New Sept. 7, 2013 - 118 page manual to "Implement" Common Core from Achieve, Inc., one of the private firms behind Common Core.
New Aug. 11, 2013 - Many complaints about Common Core focus on how it is defined by corporate interests so they can profit, including Bill Gates' Microsoft, the Pearson Corp (textbook publishers) etc. This website goes over the very complex interrelationships of all the business interests behind Common Core. Who knew that Lou Gerstner, former IBM CEO is involved in Achieve, Inc?
New: Aug. 3rd, 2013 - Indiana Gov. signs legislation to pull Indiana out of Common Core. That is the state that fired their Education Commissioner Dr. Tony Bennett and he then was hired as Florida's Ed Commissioner, until he resigned due to prior Indiana scandals last week.
New: July 5, 2013 - entirely new section G-3 on actions to take in state legislation to mitigate Common Core, as well as other changes.
What is Common Core? - Common Core (CC) is a set of K-12 public school education standards adopted by 40+ states, including Florida in 2010. This was implemented after accepting the Federally funded (along with Bill Gates) and pushed standards in return for APPLYING for grant funding for "Race to the Top" Federal grant funds. Not all states got the grants, but they agreed to adopt CC in order just to apply. The standards are considered to be the source for future public and other school teaching curriculums and related exams, so they are important to understand.
Summary of Sections Below
Forward: A brief overview of why understanding Common Core is important - go to Forward
A: Top 10 video resources explaining Common Core & objections. VIEW #1 first.
B: Top 10 written resources explaining Common Core (CC) objections, including the resolution from the Republican National Committee (RNC) opposing it.
C: ALL the Main Reasons for Opposing Common Core (my summary of issues from all sources) including the Top 10 (or so) Reasons People OPPOSE Common Core followed by detailed points.
D: Primary websites and organizations fighting CC.
E: Additional Sources on Opposition to Common Core
F: Supporters of Common Core
G: Actions You can Take to Oppose or Stop Common Core
H: Website addresses on Common Core I have collected in my Bookmarks - Updated with a much longer list on June 30, 2013.
Many parents and citizens are now questioning the merit of Federally dictated, centralized education standards created by two private organizations without any transparency. Some experts are linking it to United Nations Agenda 21, which specifies using education to expand socialism objectives like "sustainability" and focus on the community over the individual. Others say that Common Core's standards will lead to curriculums for K-12 schools that dumb down students in order to meet another socialism goal of "Equity Justice".
What is this page for? This document is a collection of information on Objections to Common Core, since most State and School District websites contain only information supporting Common Core. You can see the sources for supporters of Common Core in Section F below. In this state, Florida, Common Core has been adopted by the State, thus each of the 67 County School Districts have to implement it. However, I find that the administrators and elected officials only know the "For" side of Common Core and have no idea or will not discuss any opposing reasons.
In my opinion, Common Core is an effort to FORCE a one world or one US set of questionable, non-vetted education standards with highly complex, SNEAKY tactics led by liberals who are circumventing the US Constitution (just like Obamacare or gun control or Agenda 21). It was pushed through without involvement of State legislators, parents or even School Districts, and there were no pilot studies to determine if the standards actually work. The process also ignored States rights and the US Constitution, which says any Federal responsibilities NOT defined fall to the States. The Constitution does NOT define education as a duty of the Federal government, thus the States should be controlling it. CC advocates will say that the effort to implement CC was "state led" which is a blatant lie as described in section C below. CC advocates will also say it is NOT a Federal program, but states were forced to adopt Common Core to qualify for Federal Race to the Top "stimulus" funds in 2010.
Florida HAS adopted Common Core to get the 2010 Federal Race to the Top Federal handouts, so School Districts are forced to comply and are rolling it out now. The Boards and administrators of Florida School Districts should not be blamed for rolling out Common Core, which is required by the State. It was a STATE of FLORIDA decision without adequate public input from the legislators, parents or school districts. However, the School District staff and Boards should be aware of many of the concerns described below and be transparent in discussing what can be done to mitigate some of the concerns, such as socialist focused textbooks and teaching methods.
The sources for this document were obtained from many websites, and not all of them might apply to YOUR State education standards, so you need to be aware of that issue. This page primarily focuses on providing issues against Common Core, but we include a section below listing PRO-Common core websites, so you can refer to them also to form your own opinion. When possible, we will explain how Florida is affected.
If you already know what Common Core is, jump to section C to see the Top 10 List of Reasons why people oppose Common Core, followed by a long list of the details.
You can find links to organizations supporting Common Core in section F.
This was written by Vance Jochim (Former Certified Internal Auditor, Corporate Internal Audit Manager and Anti-Corruption adviser in Iraq). It is his personal research and not by any other group.
FiscalRangers.com - our blog on local Lake County, FL government fiscal and management issues.
THIS is the long website link to this page.
The SHORT URL web address to this page is: http://tinyurl.com/HaltCommonCoreNow
A: Video Sources: Top 10 Video sources questioning the merit of Common Core (periodically updated)
Most videos are on YouTube.com. We link you to a video, but look at or subscribe to the YouTube CHANNEL that provided it to see others. While on YouTube, you can search on "Common Core" to find all kinds of videos. These are the best I have found as of June 19, 2013. READ the comments to each video.
1. Freedom Works got into the Common Core fight late, but has created a website with both professionally developed videos and written sources. www.CommonCoreFails.com - watch the excellent 4 min video on the homepage to get a clear idea how Common Core was created and states were bribed to adopt them without any reviews. This one "Testimony" page has numerous written testimonies by teachers and parents AGAINST Common Core with their reasons why. Another events page lists events fighting Common Core all over the US. You can also watch their 25 minute YouTube discussion on CC.
1b. American Principles Project 5 part video on Common Core - This is an extremely good video series on Common Core and addresses many of the issues we describe in section C. The videos can be seen embedded on this Wyoming website. Many websites link to this series.
2. Diane Kepus on Common Core background and reasons to oppose it. <<< This is our own June 17, 2013 video of CC opponent Diane Kepus giving a presentation at a local Republican Women's Club in Lake County, FL (Mount Dora). The first 15 minutes in our video is a talk by FL Rep. Bryan Nelson on other subjects until we asked him why he voted for Common Core, which he answers superficially, then Diane gives a presentation on problems with Common Core. Nelson could not answer the question why he voted for CC when there is no budget or even a cost estimate for it. (And, that was not planned - both speakers had been invited for separate reasons to the wine & cheese event, and the dialog just happened). Kepus is based in Orlando and is founder of Floridians Against Common Core Education (FACCE - her website is www.FLcommonCore.net ) which has LOTS of information about Common Core in Florida.
3. Common core: Subversive Threat to Education (April 18, 2013) - explained by Karen Bracken before the Chattanooga, TN Tea Party. This is a very well documented, recent video and should be watched. Bracken is a well known speaker and writer on education issues of Agenda 21, including Common Core. ( She has a YouTube Channel focused just on Common Core HERE ). Recommended by local North Lake Tea party CC activist. Describes how Common Core (CC) was implemented just after Obama was elected and allocated $4-billion to the Dept of Education, which would use it to implement CC via a "Race to the Top" grant program. States had to apply and get funds in early 2010 without seeing draft of CC or standards. ALL states that applied had to commit to CC or would lose Title 1 education funding (blackmail). Only 11 of 40+ states won Race to the Top funds. She gives in depth background on the people who are behind CC, including funders and CC advocacy leaders. She reads documents from Mark Tucker, friend of the Clintons, written in 1992. It was a plan that now is well incorporated into CC. Then there was UNESCO, and how George W. Bush re-instated support in 2003 for UNESCO, then created grants to implement IB (International Baccalaureate) schools in the US.
3b. Common Core public meeting in Thousand Oaks, California, hosted by the local School District. 300 People showed up for the 2 hr, 11 min meeting. One panelist is Dr. Sandra Stotsky who served on the Common Core validation board and refused to sign approval of the standards. Links to the unoffical and official videos are on this page.
4. Glen Beck on Dangers of Common Core - ( Apr. 3, 2013) if you are a subscriber to Blaze TV, you can watch the two hour special. His video drastically increased public awareness of the issue. This is a 12 minute extract of his initial video. HERE is a later Glen Beck video on June 9, 2013 of a discussion with parents in Texas. A teacher tells about how her principal told her NOT to discuss Common Core problems with parents or other teachers (i.e. to warn them about issues). The teacher wanted to tell parents what Common Core was doing for "an open dialog". They talk about using iris scans to track students on buses.
5. Common Core State Standards - An Introduction To Marxism 101- ( Nov. 11, 2011 - 1 hr, 15 min ) This is a GOOD video for "Educators" to watch. VERY good talk includes history of education "reform" in the US vs now. Explains how John Dewey (Dewey Decimal Sysem ) was father of progressive (Communist) education. He organized first teacher's college at Columbia Univ. Describes Mark Tucker's influence using UNESCO (United Nations) theories on the Clintons in 1990's. Follows through to "No Child Left Behind" - NCLB. Education reform is "regifting" of methods you don't like.
6. Heritage Foundation 4-minute video about risks of Common Core. Focused on risks of Federal central control of Education. Focus on local control of Education and not Federal control. They consider CC to be "Federal Overreach" that eliminates control of parents and states on education standards.
7. The Pioneer Institute is a Massachussets "Public Policy Research" organization focused on different reforms, including Education and now Common Core. This is their Common Core page: http://pioneerinstitute.org/common-core/ . Watch their Playlist of 6 videos on Common Core. "Since 2009, Pioneer has led the campaign against Common Core national education standards and federal control of K-12 education policy, publishing a series of reports showing that the state’s adoption of national standards weakens the quality of academic content in Massachusetts’ classrooms, and raising serious questions about the legality and the costs of Common Core."
7b. Videos of the June 27th, 2013 Common Core Forum in Lake County, FL are HERE (Part 1) & (Part 2) . Hosted by the Lake County, FL Republican Party.
She explains why understanding "assessments" is important, because they set the standards for the tests used on the kids.
9. Math Education - An Inconvenient Truth - 15 min excellent video produced in 2007 by TV weather reporter M.J. McDermott on how bad math education is as used in an "Everyday Mathematics" textbook by Terc Investigations used in current schools in 2007. She very clearly compares traditional methods for calculating formulas vs a new dumbed down textbook "new math" method used in schools in Washington State. This is how stupid your schools are becoming. This also means kids can't explain number problems using tried and true techniques to parents or others. Same for long division techniques. Book recommends using calculators over learning manual formula methods to do math. She shows books for 4th & 5th grade, and lots of space is on NON-math skills like a 40 page section on designing a "World Tour" that has no math involved, or use of calculators. She explains why she got involved in this because she still used traditional math skills when returning to college to get a higher level degree in science. Her younger fellow students in a graduate class could not understand or do math required for the advanced topics even with a calculator.
10. Ben Swan Exposes Common Core Curriculum ( Apr. 7, 2013) - short 4 minute news type segment.
10b. Presentation by Utahns Against Common Core (May 12, 2013) -two moms provide an unsophisticated review of Common Core problems.
A-1 - TV Reports on Common Core - either pro or con
- CBS News 12 TV in Indian River, FL - http://cbs12.com/news/top-stories/stories/vid_7868.shtml (read the comments also)
-Indiana TV show from Jan 17, 2013 reporting efforts to kill Common Core in Indiana, and how Common Core "dumbed down" Indiana standards.
B: Written Sources: Top 10 Written Sources questioning the merit of Common Core (periodically updated)
1. Pioneer Institute in Massachussets has fought Common Core since 2009 due to their concern that it replaces states's rights and would reduce the quality of education in Massachussets.
"Since 2009, Pioneer has led the campaign against Common Core national education standards and federal control of K-12 education policy, publishing a series of reports showing that the state’s adoption of national standards weakens the quality of academic content in Massachusetts’ classrooms, and raising serious questions about the legality and the costs of Common Core." http://pioneerinstitute.org/common-core/
1b. This website is new to me as of March, 2015, but full of current info on Common Core dangers. Based in the NorthEast US. http://stopcommoncore.com/
2. Wall St. Journal 5/28/2013 Editorial questioning Common Core (attached)
2b. Great report by LibertyNewsOnline about how Common Core was derived from Agenda 21, and shoots down the claim by advocates that CC is "evidence based". Not one pilot study of Common Core has been conducted before blackmailing states into adopting it in order to get Federal "Race to the Top" funds in 1010. Thus, if no pilot studies, there can't be any evidence it works.
3. The Republican National Committee (www.GOP.com ) approved a resolution in April, 2013 to Oppose Common Core. Download this attachment from RNC - go to page five. Download 2013_RNC_Spring-Meeting_Resolutions The RNC clearly describes why CC should be opposed.
3b. Facebook pages opposing Common Core - HERE is a MASSIVE list of many of them.
4. Michelle Malkin "Rotten to the Core" article series opposing Common Core. Michelle is a widely known Fox News conservative commentator, and wrote this series of columns on her blog opposing CC. Here is the first one: http://michellemalkin.com/2013/01/23/rotten-to-the-core-obamas-war-on-academic-standards-part-1/ Change the last number in the web address to 2, 3 or 4 to see the rest of the series.
4b. NEW July 1, 2013 - This is an outstanding Powerpoint on the HISTORY of Common Core presented by Whitney Neil at a FreedomWorks Common Core seminar in Orlando on June 29, 2013. Once the video is available, we will also post a link here. She shows the history of all the NON-State groups involved and where the funds came from, and who benefits. Download 2013-06-29 FreedomWorksOrlandoPresentation
5. The Republican Party of Florida ( www.RPOF.org ), unlike RNC, has not issued any statements or resolutions on CC, but if you search on their site on "Common Core", you will find 556 links to many conservative blog articles on Common Core. So it is an issue they follow. However, I was told efforts to get them to issue a resolution against Common Core were stymied because former FL Governor Jeb Bush and RPOF officer Blaise Ingoglia are FOR IT. The current FL Education Commissioner, Dr. Tony Bennett is also FOR Common Core. A Florida bill to DELAY implementation of CC due to the exceptionally high costs failed this last legislative session.
6. Washington Post article on how English teachers are mad that they have to drop literature to add "informational text" documents for reading classes. READ why they think that is wrong. http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/common-core-state-standards-in-english-spark-war-over-words/2012/12/02/4a9701b0-38e1-11e2-8a97-363b0f9a0ab3_story.html
7. Common Core History by Tom DeWeese: Lesson 8 in a series of tutorials on Agenda 21 by well known Agenda 21 expert, Tom DeWeese - this lesson is on Education & Sustainable Development and explains Common Core history and issues in depth. http://www.agenda21course.com/lesson-8-education-and-sustainable-development/#more-142
8. Common Core: The Sixteen Billion Dollar Educational Scam by Truth in American Education
http://truthinamericaneducation.com/ - Big focus describing anti-Common Core actions
9. Efforts to Delay CC implementation in Florida - Feb 14, 2013 Tampa Bay Tribune (Note - The Florida legislators in early 2013 did NOT pass the bill that was discussed)
9b. Outstanding April, 2013 written analysis by Craig Thurtell, a history teacher, of how the teaching of History is being gutted by Common Core by shifting history subject discussions to ENGLISH & literature teachers where Common Core practice tells them NOT to discuss historical perspective when discussing historical "information documents". This apparently applies also to Social Studies, Civics, etc. In my opinion, it completely reduces student exposure of history and lessons of history. For instance, he describes an example of reviewing the Gettysburg Address by Lincoln without providing ANY historical perspective. As a consequence, the student will treat the document like any story he found on the internet for analysis. Imagine if they read Mein Kampf without being told about how the author, Adolf Hitler, created huge destruction and killing of millions.
10. Article: "The Beginning of Common core's Trouble" - May 29, 2013 update on the ramping up of opposition to Common Core. Covers many of the reasons why it is being challenged.
11. Jane Robbins, a Senior Fellow with the American Principles Project describes problems with Common Core in a very clear article on a North Carolina group's website on May 17, 2013. Parents should read this.
C: Main Reasons People Oppose Common Core
"The Common Core has set new copyright precedent by creating a privately copyrighted document, then asking State Departments of Education to accept the document as a public policy document. To our knowledge, there’s never before been a public policy document that is privately copyrighted. This misuse of copyright law–intended to make sure that the standards are not modified at a local level–is a startling political development."
- No CC pilot programs were introduced first or have yet been conducted to prove CC actually works (a typical liberal trick to avoid accountability for recommended programs). All states are required to implement it without any pilot program or proof it is any good. Some articles are appearing showing where some states with high education standards actually DROPPED the level of standards to implement CC (like Massachusetts). Even the Republican National Committee (RNC at GOP.com) cited this as a reason to oppose CC.
- The Common Core Standards were developed by un-named, secret groups. Here is an excellent overview by Sandra Stotsky and Jane Robbins of how the standards were developed without transparency or subject matter experts.
- No one has a CLUE how MUCH it will cost Florida or other states to implement Common Core. In May, a Florida bill was filed to DELAY implementation for two years due to unclear ideas of costs. Schools have to give tests electronically, but the bill failed. This means schools have to BUY more computers and devices to give the tests THIS COMING school year (gee, CC advocate Bill Gates benefits from that), AND tests are not even developed yet, so schools can't determine the curriculum to teach to match the tests.
- NEW - 7/3/2013 - Early Childhood Education (K-3) professionals were SHOCKED at the lack of proper teaching methods for K-3 in Common Core. HERE is a solid June 29, 2013 critique of what is lacking in Common Core for teaching K-3 students which was published in the Washington Post. As they point out, there was not one Early Childhood Education professional or teacher on the 135 person Commission that reviewed and wrote the standards. “The people who wrote these standards do not appear to have any background in child development or early childhood education”. The critique says that the Common Core promoters ignored a major Early Childhood Education professional association and also ignored "a critically important statement opposing the K-3 standards, signed by more than 500 early childhood professionals. The Joint Statement of Early Childhood Health and Education Professionals on the Common Core Standards Initiative was signed by educators, pediatricians, developmental psychologists, and researchers, including many of the most prominent members of those fields."
- NEW - 7/6/2013 - US Citizens are concerned that the CC standard will be used as an excuse to implement revisions of US History textbooks, including expanded sections glorifying Islam and eliminating mention of all the violence they have incurred, including the Twin Towers destruction. One reason is that many of the US textbook publishers are now owned by a UK firm, Pearson, which has revised texts to reduce mentions of the role of Christians, Jews and others in history, while expanding indoctrination sections supporting Islam. Reports I have read is that Saudi Arabian interests are spending significant funds to accomplish these revisions. This issue may not be directly defined in Common Core, but since Pearson firms will be producing most Common Core texts, it is a related concern. HERE is one report on this issue, and describes how the Palm Beach School District forced Pearson to reverse all the Islamic history revisions in US History textbooks and insert balanced reports on religions in History:
"In mid-2008, Citizens For National Security ( www.CFNS.us ) assembled a volunteer Task Force to uncover and evaluate Islamic efforts to exert their influence in Florida’s public schools. In its initial report, CFNS focused exclusively on “flawed” K-12 history and geography textbooks – defined as those that included egregious errors, glaring omissions, questionable inclusions, or political, ethnic, cultural and other biases that clearly seek to foster an Islamic agenda at the expense of Christianity and Judaism."
"Pearson's textbook “World History” was so biased in favor of Islam and against Christianity, and Judaism, that it contained 3 paragraphs on Judaism, 4 paragraphs on Christianity and 32 pages of biased, misleading information on Islam. “World History’s” Islamic Chapter was written by Susan Douglass and Shabbir Mansouri who both believe that the United States should be under Sharia Law. Douglass is a supporter of the Madrassah education system that spreads Islamic radicalism world-wide."
"Over a two-year period of research, CFNS found almost 250 fully referenced quotations and excerpts from flawed textbooks that exemplify their Islamic slant. Of all the Islam-flawed K-12 history and geography textbooks identified, almost half of them were in use in Florida. Six school districts were using at least five of these flawed textbooks, and seven districts at least four. 64 of Florida’s 67 districts use one or more, and nine were using flawed textbooks not adopted by Florida statewide."
The full downloadable CFNS Textbook report, as well as the CFNS Teacher’s Guide with corrections, can be found at www.CFNS.US. WATCH the videos on that website.
- Teachers will be UNHAPPY starting in 2014 when students will be required to take computerized tests, which will be extremely costly due to buying new computers for the tests. Those costs will reduce funds available for teachers raises.
"Seasoned teachers are likely to be unhappy with the educational “innovations” described above. And once the SMARTER Balanced national test is implemented in 2014-15, teachers will have to teach to this test because their performance evaluations will be tied to the test scores. The national test will be completely online, which means schools without sufficient technology will have to rotate their students through computer labs. (SMARTER Balanced suggests a 12-week testing window). This means students who are tested in the first week will have significantly less instruction under their belts than students who are tested later – but all teachers’ evaluations will be tied to the scores."
- Conservatives worry that the liberal (and RINO) led Common Core programs contain content heavily biased to one world government, UNESCO objectives, and support of big government and liberal causes. Here is a long Education Week article describing the process one school followed to implement Common Core, and notice the HUGE amount of liberal slanted books, poems and "information texts" used as study aids. Here is a review of a book on radical liberal Bill Ayers (who taught at Columbia Univ where his protege Obama went) and how he developed a method for teaching future teachers in colleges how to shift students to a radical socialism viewpoint. It to me is a clear bias to get students to support socialism. What's next, reading a biography of Cuba's Castro rather than President Truman or Teddy Roosevelt?
- Math standards have been dumbed down - Math is one of two major Common Core subject areas that are being rolled out NOW into schools. read the specifics about dumbed down math teaching standards in part 1 of columnist Michelle Malkin's series on Common Core "Rotten to the Core"
- Common Core standards focus only on learning abstract skills and dumb down ELA (English, Language, Arts) and remove needed skills and society perspectives. This webpage has a great analysis by a teacher on exactly how Common Core dumbs down the curriculum.
- Federal legislators are pushing a new bill, HR-5 which is said to reduce the need for Common Core (need more info, but HERE is an overview of HR-5, the Student Success Act, from the website of the US Congressional Committee on Education & the Workforce.
- Data Mining & Collection of Data on Students & Parents - CC mandates the collection of LOTS of private & personal data on kids that will be added to central databases run by an independent third party firm funded by Bill Gates, "inBloom". ( UPDATE 6/2/2013 - Florida apparently is NOT one of the states signed up for this database. See article link below explaining the inBloom program.) Included in the inBloom master database are health histories, parent's income, etc. Many YouTube videos and blog posts talk about this. CC defenders will say CC does not require data mining. New Apr. 30, 2014 - InBloom, the company setup to collect up to 400 data points on K-12 students from each participating state education system just shut down. Too many parents complained about privacy issues and many states did not sign up, or dropped out later.
Additionally, local Lake County, FL staff say that they don't collect much personal information, so this needs further research. It could be more aggressive data collection systems are being implemented in some states only at this time, and then they may be introduced to Florida. Critics say the data is being staged to determine which courses kids get starting in early grades (as opposed to student or parental choice). They also say the data will be used to CHANGE tests given to students based on the data, thus different students will get tailored tests where no one knows why.
Note: On 5/29/2013, Reuters published a story HERE, which was also partially in the Orlando Sentinel on 6/2/2013, that clearly described the central database, "funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" of "millions" of public school students. It said the firm, inBloom, said 11 states committed in March, 2012, but now some are pulling out. "The database, funded mostly by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is intended to track students from kindergarten through high school by storing myriad data points: test scores, learning disabilities, discipline records - even teacher assessments of a child's character." Florida is not one of the participating inBloom states. Thus reports of Common Core's massive data collection, data mining and ability to sell student data are true, but only for some states, and perhaps not Florida.
HOWEVER, the Lake County FL School Board has authorized staff (in May, 2013) to apply for a grant from the Gates Foundation for learning management techniques. We will monitor it to see if this grant or training contains any hooks or emphasis on collecting excess data without public hearings or parental approval, or submitting it to offsite locates like inBloom. They do not have the grant yet as of 6/2/2013.
One article HERE says: "Along with asking us to adopt Common Core, the federal government pushed the State Longitudinal Database Systems (SLDS) which now exist in each state. These give aggregate information to an Edfacts Data Exchange. Although private information gathered by schools, found in an SLDS, is not required to be given to D.C., it is requested. Federal entities request that states share identifiable student information: see the Common Education Data Standards, the Data QualityCampaign, and the National Data Collection Model. To make matters worse, the Department of Education altered federal regulations in the Family Educational Rights Privacy Act (FERPA) reducing parental consent requirements and redefining "authorized representative," "directory information" and "education agency" to obliterate privacy."
- HERE is a Glenn Beck video segment discussing Common Core data mining, and that many teachers and administrators using it will NOT be trained in privacy or usage methods.
- FAITH based groups are researching Common Core and have objections. I am researching what they are. Two objections I know are 1) ignoring parental rights by implementing a set of standards, resulting curriculums and tests without any parental involvement or approval, and 2) mandating Common Core topics are woven into final exams AND in ACT & SAT college entrance exams. That gives higher grades and rankings to students in Common Core schools vs private, charter or home schooled kids. It basically eliminates freedom of choosing teaching methods and schools and penalizes kids who attend them. HERE is an article where the rate of students being enrolled into home school programs by parents due to dissatisfaction over public school methods has increased SEVEN TIMES faster than the rate of enrollment in public schools.
- CC does not allow Parents to have recourse about what their kids are being taught, the methods used, or HOW they are being taught. This is a very basic argument for state and local rights over centralized Federal planning for education. The State of Florida adopted Common Core without any pilot programs, solid evidence of success or parental approvals. Thus parents are becoming concerned about hidden intrusions into their parental rights.
- American History is being dumbed down or replaced in K-12 by social studies or "literature" courses excluding any emphasis on learning US history. READ this article from activists in New Jersey and how many schools districts are testing History teachers NOT on History, but on soft social studies subjects.
“This is just a start. Public concerns about possible collusion between the Department of Education and education corporations could be addressed with a few straightforward answers to these and other questions."
- Rigor or rigorous - One source defines rigorous as "The quality of being extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate." - BUT, THIS webpage defines Rigorous as "unyielding or inflexible".
So that means earlier teaching systems were not rigorous, or they were "flexible" and CC will eliminate that attribute of teaching? This seems to be a vacuous term meaning nothing specific. Or it could be code for "our prior methods were lazy and now they are more exhaustive..." . However, rigorous compared to what standard? Massachussets is known for high education standards, so is that the new baseline, or the lower standards set by Common Core? HERE is an absolutely hilarious 3 minute cartoon showing a teacher defending how "rigorous" her class is. - 21st Century thinking or 21st Century skills or 21st Century anything - this is a warm and fuzzy marketing speak term. But, THIS article explaining how Common Core dumbed down the Massachussets education process in weeklystandard.com says:
- "Common Core draws from the so-called “21st century skills” movement, which elevates soft skills like global awareness, media literacy, cross-cultural flexibility and adaptability, and creativity to equal footing with academic content. This less academic approach has, in fact, been road tested in places like Connecticut and West Virginia. Predictably, the results have been dismal."
- Systems Approach - No facts explaining what this means and why it was not used before.
- Looking always at student data - Very vague - why not EXPLAIN and JUSTIFY changes, if any? Wasn't this done before?
- Pedagogy shifts (Pedagogy is defined as the "art of teaching"). Another vague term without factual backup describing how it relates to Common Core.
- Backwards design approach (means they create the assessments or tests, then work backwards to match a curriculum to it. This also means that a claim that School Districts have curriculum flexibility is a LIE, because they can't vary from the standards since the exams are controlled by the Federal Government. If districts were to modify the curriculum, students would not pass the Federal exams. Note: As of June, 2013, the exams have not been defined, but the Schools must start teaching Common Core without knowing how or what will be tested.)
- Common Core is a "state led" initiative - a pure marketing LIE ("state led" is considered incorrect by many opponents) - HERE is a very good three part column by Joy Pullman of the Heartland Institute describing how CC is NOT "state led" but was developed by two private associations One of them, the National Governor's Assoc. was 50% funded by Federal funds, indicating the Feds were behind the standards, plus Bill Gates who contributed significantly. Also see THIS link for a very clear explanation how the "state led" claim is not considered accurate, even when said recently by Florida Education Commissioner Dr. Tony Bennett in this May, 2013 video). And, HERE is another article explaining that "state led" is a big giant FIB. (aka marketing hyperbole). Here is a fourth article (scroll down) on the ROPE (Oklahoma) website about how "state led" is a fallacy. AND, another article says: "How is Common Core state-led when boards who are not accountable to the public bypassed parents and 99% of all teachers and legislators, operating behind closed doors to develop and copyright the experiment?" One critic, Dr. Sandra Stotsky, who WAS on the final CC Committee, says that state led is a lie. Why, she asks, are the Common Core standards COPYRIGHTED by the two creating private lobbying firms, NGA and CCSSO? If they were indeed "state led" they would be public standards and not copyrighted.
- Exemplar as in "Text Exemplars" - another academic buzzword not specifically explained in relation to Common Core. We had to research it.
- Exemplar Definition
- ex•em•plar (ɪgˈzɛm plər, -plɑr)
n.1. a model or pattern to be copied or imitated.2. a typical example or instance.3. an original or archetype.4. a copy of a book or text.[1350–1400; Middle English exaumplere < Middle French examplaire < Latin exemplar=exempl(um) example]Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc.
- ex•em•plar (ɪgˈzɛm plər, -plɑr)
- Common Core Text Exemplars - The official Common Core standards refer to "Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks in Appendix B HERE (downloaded pdf file). This appendix contains 183 pages dedicated to listing text samples, including books, to be used for classes. CC advocates keep saying districts have flexibility, but if they want their student to pass the "assessment exams" they will only use the texts recommended in this appendix. The foreward also tells you excuses why they did not include excerpts from some books, which means they could contain liberal posturing objectives. READ this article for an example of one recommended text to be used in curriculums that teaches sex techniques and other issues. One book contains several passages with glowing praise for Bill Gates, who funded much of Common Core. One book for 2nd & 3rd graders is "If the World were a Village: A Book about the World's People" (shades of Hillary Clinton's "It Takes a Village". This Appendix B only lists texts and some excerpts, so we don't know what other contents are now shown here. Remember, these are just the sources. The textbooks that use these sources COULD contain lessons to illustrate objectionable progressive theories, whether anti-Family, pro One World government, or importance of big government as a solution to problems vs self reliance. Until I find an analysis by a conservative think tank on these "texts", I believe some or many of them may contain progressive theories. It can either be in the actual text, or in the lesson plans telling the teacher what to discuss.
- Exemplar Definition
- Stratified way of testing - what is new from old ways? Justify it? This seems to imply different students, based upon a database of items like religion, demographics, etc. will get different tests. Is this a way to allow low achievers to pass without teachers or parents even knowing about it??
- Evidence based (with no clear examples of what that means related to Common Core and prior methods, but it sounds good). Until I see some CC advocate actually provide the "evidence", I consider this a hogwash statement. Here is a great report by LibertyNewsOnline about Common Core , and shoots down the claim by advocates that CC is "evidence based". Not one pilot study of Common Core has been conducted before the Federal government blackmailed states into adopting it in order to get Federal "Race to the Top" funds in 1010. Thus, if no pilot studies exist, there can't be any evidence it works. If any advocate claims CC is "evidence based", demand to see the "evidence" from pilot studies or ask where it can be verified.
- CC is claimed to reduce content emphasizing morals, ethics, thrift, honesty, etc. I need a better source on this, but my initial review of a first grade CC approved textbook indicates they are teaching kids how to use negative, emotional words to instigate conflict. Here is a review of a book on radical liberal Bill Ayers (who taught at Columbia Univ where his protege Obama went) and how he developed a method for teaching future teachers in colleges how to shift students to a radical socialism viewpoint.
- The CC term "Standards Based Education" replaced "Outcome based Education" after that failed in many schools. (Another liberal trick - once one named program is proved to fail, they just recycle the program with a new, fuzzy and warm title.)
- Science Standards used by Florida are controversial but not part of the "Common Core" modules. They are called Science Next Generation Sunshine Standards (NGSS) that existed in Florida before CC, but they were developed also by Achieve, Inc. the firm that helped create Common Core. You can see the actual Science Standards, adopted in 2008 at THIS "CPALM" page by clicking on the drop down search box and selecting Science. HERE is a blistering analysis of the problems with the Science Standards. "The Thomas B. Fordham Institute, an education think tank, gave the NGSS a “C” grade, criticizing it for weakening current science standards that prevail in many states." However, some of the reasons for complaints center on the use of Evolution as the basis for human development vs some religious centric views of how humans evolved.
- President Obama sends his kids to a NON-CC "Sidwell Friends" private school which is NOT implementing CC. Here is one story to support this:
"Sidwell Friends is the school in which Barack Obama sends his daughters. I have seen statements that OBama's kids are not being educating under Common Core standards. So I called Sidwell Friends myself and talked to admissions……..they told me they are not using Common Core…they know what it is and they are not using it and have no plans in the near future to use Common Core….they have their own standards and curriculum. So just like Obamacare, Common Core is not good enough for his kids but it is surely good for the common people's kids."
- Many teachers are leaving the profession due to CC standards and effect on children. Here is a video by one. Note: Some of this might be attributed to implementation of K-3 standards not respected by the teachers.
- CC MAY be based on (IB) or International Standards (i.e UN or UNESCO) that focus on One World Government views, but many question the source of the ideas. If there is an emphasis on reducing the use of common literature, reducing coverage of US History or reducing the importance of the individual vs importance of the "community" or socialism, then you know. It appears that CC folds history subjects into ELA (English, Language Arts) with English teachers covering history subjects using historical documents but without describing any historical perspective. Search on History in this document for other analysis.
- Chapter 25 of UN's Agenda 21 covers using Education & Children to spread their objectives of socialism and communism. Read Section 25.14, which says "Governments should take active steps to: ". One of the items clearly describes components of socialism.
- Communist Goal #17, published in 1963, says: "Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum (which is what Common Core does). Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks."
- Confusion over what classes are Common Core, and which are not. - Are some parents reviewing class text books from prior curriculums that are not Common Core? It is only Math and English Language Arts (ELA), plus Science in some areas. You need to find out specifically which classes and grades are planned for Common Core methods from your local School District.
- Many CC lessons are "laced with messages about liberal sustainability" - i.e. environmentalist goals (Agenda 21) - K. Bracken (I am looking for examples- vj)
- Students receive only narrative evaluation instead of marks or curve based grades until Grade 5. Thereafter, their grades rely on how they’ve performed AS A GROUP or relative to their individual potential rather than as compared to their classmates. Thus they lose the ability to COMPETE. A related result is the lack of will to act in situations without group approval. Thus, to me an example is the recent attack in the UK by a Muslim on a soldier was observed by many people, but no one acted to help the soldier.
- Common Core shifts the base for reading skills from literature to reading public "informational" non-fiction documents like government publications that emphasize the benefits of big government. Some say this is a result of corporations like Microsoft who want graduating students to be able to read "boring" government policy and technical documents vs idea invoking or critical thinking literature.
Here is an article claiming the shift to "informational texts" is to indoctrinate students with government propaganda: http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2012/12/obamacore-the-substitution-of-propaganda-for-great-literatiure-in-our-schools.php
Here is an overview from the Pioneer Institute describing how the literature base of the Massachussets school system will be damaged by implementing Common Core. However, the Institute says that since school districts are allowed to ADD 15% to the curriculum, they recommend Districts add back literature to reading programs. (Note- However, CC required Assessments (tests) would not include those added subjects, so local exams would need to be developed just for the District) (Note: The FL Dept of Education decided in 2010 that no added 15% of content was needed).
"Massachusetts is testament to the value of literature,” said Professor Stotsky. “Its literature-rich standards include a recommended list of classic authors broken down by the educational level for which they’re most appropriate. As a result, the commonwealth’s students have consistently scored at the top on national reading tests and college readiness measures for nearly a decade.”
"Common Core reduces the amount of literature students will study by more than half compared to the former Massachusetts standards. The literary content is being replaced by non-fiction reading material."
"Among the items missing from Common Core are a list of recommended authors and titles, British literature apart from Shakespeare, and any study of the history of the English language."
See also this article on how "A stress on informational reading in the English class will not develop “critical” thinking (by Sandra Stotsky). She says use of literature in classes results in critical thinking."
- It shifts the base for learning from facts based learning to vague verbal discussions and analysis of public documents, including newspapers, with many sources supporting socialism or big government (vs rights of the individual). The boring documents make students lose interest in reading and reduces their common base of literature knowledge with the rest of the American educated population.
- School District Administrators & Staff are blindly implementing Common Core without any knowledge of the problems in this section. While they may tell their boards of the risk in investments or policies, they are not practicing "critical thinking" and reviewing both sides and telling their Boards of the negative aspects of Common Core. They cannot give estimates of the implementation costs to the Boards or public, and avoid discussion of possible liberal biases in the standards, suggested reading materials, etc. One video said that progressives intentionally rolled out Common Core on non-controversial subject first like English Language Arts & Math, waiting to implement biased standards for US History, Civics, Social studies, etc later. Reports are being posted of teachers who are told NOT to talk about problems with anyone. At least one teacher publicly quit in Wyoming after being told to not question Common Core.
- Common Core Tests (known as "assessments") are Controlled by two Progressive led firms funded with $350-million from the US Dept. of Education. With the progressives controlling the tests, their theories will be woven into the tests, and schools will have to develop curriculums to fit them. Or, it creates an incentive to cheat to continue getting funding. All required exams are to be given using computers.
The exams are developed by only two groups which are both aligned with the Progressive (liberal) movement. They are "PARCC" ( Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for Colleges & Careers - "assessment" is education speak for TESTS) and "Smarter Balanced" (SBAC). Each state education department has selected one of the two companies to provide the computerized tests. PARCC is affiliated with progressive socialist & Obama mentor Bill Ayers. Smarter Balanced (SBAC) was created by Linda Darling-Hammond, a radical Stanford Professor, and a former colleague of Bill Ayers. Her testing method is said to oppose standardized testing of students and uses preferred methods like "Journaling". HERE is an overview of the two "assessment" providers, including the $350-million given to the two by the Federal (not state) Dept. of Education to develop their testing systems. This to me is a major reason alone to not trust the Common Core standards exam process.
Three issues regarding qualify of the PARCC or SBAC testing:
- The test questions can be dumbed down without any peer review or transparency.
- Test questions by computer can use student profile information in a database to tailor questions to certain groups, so it is easier for them to pass and graduate.
- The "cut score" is where the student can get a C - it can be lowered to let more people pass and may not be transparent.
"Along with the Federalist Society, the American Principles Project, and the Pacific Research Institute, Pioneer released a Feb., 2012 research paper, The Road to a National Curriculum: The Legal Aspects of the Common Core Standards, Race to the Top, and Conditional Waivers, co-authored by former United States Department of Education counsels general counsel, Robert S. Eitel and Kent D. Talbert, questioning the legality of the use of the Race to the Top Fund, the Race to the Top Assessment Program, and the NCLB conditional waiver program to push states to adopt the Common Core. Their study cited three federal laws barring federal departments or agencies from directing, supervising or controlling K-12 curricula and instruction."
Read about the possible illegality of Common core at the "Road..." link above.
This quote from a website comment is more specific:
Stacie Clarke · Top Commenter · Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Worldwide So change is good even if it means stomping on our Constitutional rights?
"Two former U.S Dept of Education Attorneys (Kent Talbert and Margaret Spelling) looked into the actions of the US Dept of Education and that of the Federal Government. They both declared three Federal Laws were broken with Common Core implementation. That's why 9 U.S Senators have moved to stop the implementation of Common Core and more Legislators are waking up. The three laws broken:
1) The Dept of Education Organizational Act, established in 1979. Section 103b;
2) The General Education Provisions Act
3) The Elementary and Secondary Act, first enacted in 1965 and most recently amended by the NCLB Act of 2002. Each of these laws has language that essentially says the same thing; "The Federal Department of Education shall NOT be involved in developing, supervising, or controlling instructional materials or curriculum...of any educational institution or school system."
According to Lance T Izumi, the 1979 law also prohibits "direction, supervision or control 'over the selection of content of library resources, instructional materials by any educational institution or school system."
"We need to fight Common Core otherwise we are sacrificing our constitutional rights with regard to the education of our children, the safety of our personal information and the intrusion of private industry under the auspices of the federal government into what should be an educational system controlled by the people of the state of Florida."
- The National Governor's Association (NGA), along with the CCSSO, created CC and both are private organizations and NGA OWNS the copyright to the CC standards, thus they cannot be changed by states or schools without their permission. HERE is a great article (part 2 of 3) explaining exactly how NGA and CCSSO formed Common Core ahd how theri funding came 50% from the Federal government. The article explains that only five people wrote the Common Core standards, not states or governors. The standards were written by a firm named Achieve, and not by the States. Advocates keep saying that the States initiated CC (aka "state led"), but that is not true. It was based upon a letter written to Hillary Clinton by Mark Tucker, and Obama's Administration paid grants to the NGA and separate, private CCSSO to create the standards. States were not involved until Obama bribed them with grants when they agreed to commit to CC. The RNC says "the NGA and the CCSSO received tens of millions of dollars from private third parties to advocate for and develop CCSS strategy, subsequently created the CCS through a process that was not subject to any Freedom of Information acts (FOIA) or other sunshine laws, and never piloted the CCSS. Thus I really get the impression that CC is a big con by companies to achieve business wealth, similar to the corn industry lobbying and forcing motorists to use fuel with ethanol in it.
- Former FL Governor Jeb Bush is deeply involved in CC implementation, which angers many conservatives as they learn about CC.
- K-12 textbooks focus on brainwashing kids to believe the community is more important than the individual or family. Liberal implemented student text books before common core talk constantly about the "common good" which is that the collective and community are more important than individual freedoms. That contradicts the importance of the individual defined in the US Constitution. This method is expected to continue with Common Core. They are teaching kids that the government and compliance with their community is more important than parents or the individual or individual rights.
- CC reduces importance of family and thus babies out of wedlock are not a problem. I am seeing some analysis where authors claim liberals are deliberately implementing programs to reduce the value of families (and marriage) in order to reduce values that might conflict with socialism. (Need references).
- CC teaches the importance of one world government, and not the soveignty of the US. Thus they want the UN to run the world and all CC educated kids to accept that. (Need references on this)
- Home schoolers and parents of kids in private schools worry because their kids won't be able to score well on ACT or SAT college entrance exams. This is because one leader of Common Core is now the head of the college entrance exam firm ACT, and he is modifying the tests so that only students who took Common Core classes will get passing grades. SAT tests are already "aligned" with CC. This effectively would screen out home schoolers or private school kids that use different teaching methodologies, which reduces choice in learning methods.
"I would like to see folks recognize the negative affects of the common core on special education students, particularly those with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities (IQ range 70-55). Their curriculum has changed radically away from functional/useful. Students have great difficulty processing, remembering, sequencing and understanding abstract concepts, such as the quadratic functions and geometric sequences in the common core. When faced with mixed problems in different formats, and word problems, the students struggle and feel ashamed. It is wrong to make them endure this curriculum’s assessments in their current form. It needs to be modified to allow these students to be successful, even if that means only changing their tests, not the content of the curriculum."
D: Primary Websites and Organizations Fighting Common Core
Each of these has background and issue documents or videos just on Common Core
- Facebook pages opposing Common Core - HERE is a MASSIVE list of many of them.
- Facebook Page: Stop Common Core in Florida
Added Feb. 15, 2019: A major source on stopping Common Core is the site TruthInAmericanEducation. Here is their page listing websites of many other web and Facebook groups opposing Common Core.
- StopCommonCore.com - added March 25, 2015 - a massive, current site on issues.
- Florida Parents Against Common Core - they have a great document "Twelve Steps Parents Can Take to STOP Common Core".
- Karen Bracken's Anti-Agenda 21 and Anti-Common Core - www.AmericaDontForget.com
- Floridians Against Common Core Education (FACCE) by Diane Kepus - http://www.flcommoncore.net/common-core-toolkit.html (This is a Florida website). This website is owned and operated by Diane Kepus, who is a former accountant/auditor. She began researching school issues many years ago with the International Baccalaureate Program and has studied Common Core intensely. Diane gave a presentation on Common Core at the Conservative Liberty Alliance meeting in The Villages, FL on May 7th. (Thanks to Jer Broadhurst for reminding me about Diane). She will be giving another presentation on June 17, 2013 at the Golden Triangle Republican Women's Network at the Mt. Dora Library 4-7pm.
- Florida Parents Against Common Core - also has Facebook page
- Education Week has a website tracking attempts to pass bills to halt Common Core in various states.
- www.EducationAlchemy.com has numerous pages on Common Core issues. See their excellent analysis of all the corporate influences on Common Core to produce profit for a small inner circle of corporations.
- Stop Common Core in Oregon - video is by two moms
= The Tea Parties are being reborn in fighting Common Core.
- Indiana (NEW 8/3/2013) - Indiana Gov. signs legislation to pull Indiana out of Common Core. That is the state that fired their Education Commissioner Dr. Tony Bennett and he then was hired as Florida's Ed Commissioner, until he resigned due to prior Indiana scandals last week.
- Californians United Against Common Core ( CUACC ) - www.CUACC.org
- Georgia based "Stop the Common Core" website.
- Missouri Coalition Against Common Core -
- Connecticut against Common Core: Stop Common Core in CT - Facebook page
- National Common Core Education Forum on Facebook - by a CT mom.
- Wyoming Efforts to Stop Common Core:
- Read this testimony by a Wyoming teacher, Christy Hooley (her blog is below).
- http://wyomingagainstcommoncore.wordpress.com/
- On Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/stopccinwy.
- Alaskans against Common Core - Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/StopCommonCoreAK
- US Senators Against Common Core: letter to Congressional Committee objectiving to Common Core and signed by 9 US Senators. http://www.scribd.com/doc/138556960/Common-Core-Letter#page=1
- Restore Oklahoma Public Education ( ROPE ) - http://www.restoreokpubliceducation.com/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Restore-Oklahoma-Public-Education/116011401766695
- They have a massive, long page HERE listing links to articles on many Common Core issues.
- Video: Common Core State Standards - An Introduction To Marxism 101- ( Nov. 11, 2011 - 1 hr, 15 min ) Very good talk includes history of education "reform" in the US vs now. Explains how John Dewey (Dewey Decimal Sysem ) was father of progressive (Communist) education. He organized first teacher's college at Columbia Univ. Describes Mark Tucker's influence using UNESCO (United Nations) theories on the Clintons in 1990's. Education reform is "regifting" of methods you don't like.
- Congressman Ron Paul (Libertarian) is against Common Core. Here is a 4 min radio segment with the transcript.
- TruthInAmericanEducation.com - Why CC is bad for America - by Pioneer Instittute and American Principles Project. Appears to be developed by professional educators to fight Federal programs like Common Core.
- One source listed these groups that OPPOSE Common Core:
- The Heritage Foundation,
- The Goldwater Institute,
- The Friedman Foundation, seems to focus on School Choice
- FreedomWorks at www.CommonCoreFail.com
- The Pioneer Institute,
- The Eagle Forum,
- CATO Institute,
- Home School Legal Defense Association and
- Reclaiming America for Christ.
Other State groups opposing Common Core:
Truth In American Education
Utahans Against Common Core
Hoosiers Against Common Core
Restore Oklahoma Public Education
Californians United Against Common Core
Eagle Forum Alabama
Stop Common Core In Georgia
Education Liberty Watch (MN)
Where's The Math (Washington State)
Citizen United For Responsible Education
WhatIsCommonCore - Utah Blog
Illinois Freedom Coalition Against
Idahoans for Local Education
Coalition of NH Taxpayers
E: Additional sources of information on Opposing Common Core
- Map of States accepting, rejecting and rejected Common Core Download RetainMap050413v3 (3)
-Article - Here's what kids will read under Common Core
Lake County Related Common Core Articles:
- Articles on June 27, 2013 forum on Common Core in Tavares, FL hosted by the Lake County FL Republican Executive Committee:
Orlando Sentinel: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/lake/os-lk-common-core-opponents-20130701,0,92113.story
Sunshine State News: http://www.sunshinestatenews.com/story/war-common-core?utm_source=July+2%2C+2013&utm_campaign=ML-06122013&utm_medium=email
News of Actions to Halt Common Core
2013-07-17 - Douglas County, CO Issues Resolution to Oppose Common Core and to Implement their own "Guaranteed & Viable Curriculum" instead.
Other Sources Opposing Common Core:
- DeliberateDumbingDown.com - website by author and former educator Charlotte Iserbyt to publicize her eBook of the same name, which appears to be focused on fighting school choice and charter schools. The book is a chronological history of the past 100 years of "Education Reform". The website includes articles, video links, radio interviews. Not clear how this affects Common Core, but she now offers a free ebook download of her first edition (to publicize a new edition). She might cover Common Core in the new book, which can be purchased.
New York Times June 8, 2013 Opinion column on "Who's Minding the Schools" and focuses on problems with Common Core.
Great YouTube video of 1992 Dr. Peg Luksik talk - "Who Controls Our Children" - How Public Schools Dumb Down the Kids ( 1 hour). PARENTS should watch this eye opening, outstanding video after the above videos. Luksik was a candidate for Governor in PA and has many speeches on Youtube. Describes move to "Outcome Based Education", the predecessor to Common Core as it was implemented in Pennsylvania. She uses sales methodologies to describe how progressives are stealthily implementing Outcome Based education. Very clear description of how child in class can't escape sales pitch for socialism built in the education programs. Kids are being taught to comply to goals never provided to parents. Describes how the education goals were rolled out to states and "exit outcomes". and most state plans have same outcome goals. Talks about how programs focus on "Democracy" and not that the US is a Republic. Clear examples how kids are asked questions on "EQA" exams that push kids to believe in collectivism vs rights of the individual or family. Schools would refuse to let parents see how the tests and scoring worked. EQA was thus stopped, but then later added into PA State "assessment" standards. By 1993, PA state was able to re-start use of EQA exams. New American Schools Development Corporation used grants to push common goals for all states. 1987 John Hopkins study said Outcome Based education does not work. Even then, PA state was creating a database on children and it was used to give them different questions on computerized tests based on the database. 1992 Drug Free School Act. Mandated that classes had to be taken and no opt out. Mandated "self esteem" focus. Described services that had to be provided. Mandates that any education agency, national or local, can access your child's data without parental approval or knowledge. Employer's can access it by requiring your consent to interview for a job. Focus is to get kids to "conform" to desired outcomes or they won't progress in school. She links it to documents showing the Dept. of Labor, not Education, was involved to develop "proper workers". She describes specific examples of biased questions to mold child behavior their way on social issues. To keep their teaching certifications, teachers must comply with the new system, so non-public school teachers will be teaching this also to retain their certification. Focus is on putting all students at same level and average, with funds shifted from strong areas to poor areas to bring poor kids up to average level, which means smart kids get less resources and they dumb down to become average. Issue is who owns the kids... who controls the next generation of kids.
BOOKS on Fighting Common Core ( just search on Amazon.com on "Common Core" )
- Common Core: A Trojan Horse for Education Reform by Orlean Koehle
- Spreading the Wealth: Obama's Plan to Rob the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities (and education) by Stanley Kurtz.
- Moms Fighting Common Core: Here is a story quote and link to it:
The money quote from this article....#StopCommonCore in Texas #StopCSCOPE
"It’s not just stupid politics to tick off suburban moms. It is unjust and elitist to manufacture crises to herd families and voters into prepackaged options. It is especially appalling to do this to serve the political and business preferences of select cronies at the expense of everybody else’s rights and freedoms.
Common Core reflects a profound distrust in the ability of parents and communities to solve their problems, and a blind trust in forced, centralized solutions. The parents have noticed." http://ow.ly/lY3T5
F: Sources Supporting Common Core in Florida & Elsewhere
New Sept. 7, 2013 - 118 page manual to "Implement" Common Core from Achieve, Inc., one of the private firms behind Common Core.
NEW Jul. 8, 2013: National Football League announces they will convert to Common Core Football Standards. Every team had decided to drop competition and use the same play books as everyone else. Thus no one can change the standards and use better techniques.
1. HERE is the list of when the Florida Dept. of Education adopted not only the Common Core standards but others like the Next Generation Sunshine Standards for Science (which is also very controversial).
1b. Lake County Florida School District staff presentation video on Common Core - Here is a 5/21/2013 97 minute video of the Lake County FL School District staff presenting Common Core to the School District Board. It includes several public input speakers at the end, including the author of this blog, Vance Jochim. Watch all the "warm and fuzzy" buzzwords they use, such as "rigorous" and "21st Century Learning". http://youtu.be/Tr7gKypnxww
And, here is the Powerpoint they gave, so you can watch it in a window while you watch the video in another window. Download 2013-05-20 Common Core State Standards PPT to Lake County School Board
AND, here is a two page brochure from the Lake County School District administration describing their view of Common Core:
Download Common_core_Pro-Myths-brochure2
AND, here is a list of websites they provided related to SUPPORT of Common Core ( some are already in this section). "ruc2 Ready" means "Are you college and career ready":
1) http://www.fldoe.org/schools/ccc.asp
2) http://www.corestandards.org/
3) http://ruc2ready.lake.k12.fl.us/
4) http://www.corestandards.org/resources/frequently-asked-questions
5) http://ruc2ready.lake.k12.fl.us/
6) http://ruc2ready.lake.k12.fl.us/download-common-core-brochure/
7) http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/06/10/193328/separating-fact-from-fiction-about.html
8) http://www.cgcs.org/domain/33
1b. NEW July 5, 2013 - NPR radio report advocating Common Core - read the article or listen to it. They talk about the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) where individual states show high test averages for kids in their systems, but NAEP compares all states and many of their rankings are much lower. Advocates claim that data indicates state standards are not hard enough, or comparable to other states systems, justifying national Common Core standards for comparing all states using the same teaching standards.
2. Official website of the Common Core Standards creators. Right now (June, 2013), only CC standards for Math & English Language Arts are being rolled out. This website includes links to the actual CC Math & English Language Arts standards BY GRADE being rolled out NOW in all states that committed to them. Thus you can view each school grade's (like first grade) standards for Geometry and follow through for each grade to see the escalation of knowledge. http://www.corestandards.org/ My caveat is like many liberal programs, these sound nice, but you won't know the bias (i.e. towards socialism, or dumbing down of concepts) until you actually see the textbooks and what is tested.The danger is not so much in Math, but in "soft" topics like reading, literature and history. The above website contains a statement of supporters with links HERE.
3. NGA - National Governors Assocation, along with CCSSO (below) was the creator of Common Core. It is a private organization based in Washington, DC, which seems aimed at lobbying, not an official governors' organization. CC opponents say it is a private organization not subject to Freedom of Information act research, sunshine laws, etc. and produced the CC standards with NGA without Transparency. NGA OWNS the copyright on Common Core Standards, thus they cannot be modified by a State or school district without legal permission from NGA. http://www.nga.org
4. CCSSO is one of the founders of Common Core (Council of Chief State School Officers). Opponents say it is a private organization not subject to Freedom of Information act research, sunshine laws, etc. and produced the CC standards with NGA without Transparency. http://www.ccsso.org/
5. Official Florida Dept. of Education (FLDOE ) Common Core Page: http://www.fldoe.org/schools/ccc.asp
Here is FLDOE's page related to issues on "Common Core Resources" on "Exceptional, or Disabled" kids. http://www.fldoe.org/ese/ccs.asp You can also find other CC documents by searching on the term "Common Core".
This comprehensive Florida DOE page describes a "Countdown to Common Core" and implementation procedures AND parent guides for each grade's CC implementation. It contains MANY links to training guides, etc. Parents should look at this page.
FL Dept. of Education Commissioner Dr. Tony Bennett is an advocate of Common Core and gave this talk in Lake County, FL on 5/29/2013. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEP7MBUnAo0
6. Former FL Gov. Jeb Bush is an "education reformer" who supports Common Core. He founded a Foundation that supports it: The Foundation for Excellence in Education - find the blog and READ the comments. He also has another Foundation for Florida Future website.
6b. Center for College & Career Readiness (CFCCR) - advocate for Common Core. Organizers of national conference on Common Core in Orlando, FL on June 29th, 2013 that was picketed by Common Core opponents. They have an 18 page Common Core State Standards "Frequently Asked Questions" FAQ which is BELOW (it was sent to me, and I cannot find it on their website) . Resident expert is Kevin Baird - [email protected] . Both these downloads DO have some interesting supporting facts which are better than seen from other organizations.
Download Localizing Common Core and Maintaining Local Control << 61 page PPT
They are a CC Training and Consulting & book selling organization biased to support CC. Look at their "store" tab for "products" which uses a different website address of "Common Core Institute".
7. HERE is the list of which Florida Senators and House members VOTED for Florida Bill SB-736 (2011) in March, 2011 to Accept Race to the Top funds from the Federal Government which required committing to Common Core. In Lake County, FL, Senator Alan Hays, Rep. Marlene O'Toole, Rep. Bryan Nelson and Rep. Larry Metz all voted for it.
"In 2011 we (the "TenthAmendmentCenter.com" website) asked how “conservatives” in Florida state government could embrace SB736, also known as the Teacher Merit Pay Bill. The bill was sold to their base voters as ending teacher tenure and attaching pay to merit ratings.
The Florida senate’s own analysis of the bill plainly describes how SB736 put Florida in compliance with the federal department of education’s Race To The Top grant program. This bill paved the way for Florida to collect seven hundred million dollars in grant money.
With this Race To The Top (also called Obama-Ed) grant money also came a commitment to implement the Common Core educational “standards.”"
8. This Washington DC Public Schools 3-minute animated cartoon tells you why Common Core is good. It mostly focuses on selling you on why US wide education standards created by three Federal providers are needed rather than let the states determine the standards. However, they don't say that Federal Common Core standards violate 3 Federal laws and the US Constitution by ignoring States rights to establish education standards. So, if you are ok with violating the 3 laws and Constitution, and want the Obama administration, not the states, to set the standards and the content used in teaching, you might like Federally set education standards.
9. "Myths vs Facts" Document on official Common Core website. Attempts to debunk CC opponents, but all the statements are vague without links to details or verifiable sources. Many of the statements (like CC is "state led") were debunked in our section C above.
10 TWO firms linked with Progressive / liberal interests are the only ones allowed to provide computerized tests for the Common Core subjects. They are "PARCC" ( Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for Colleges & Careers - "assessment" is education speak for TESTS) and the "Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium". Each school district has to choose one of the two companies to provide the computerized tests. PARCC is affiliated with progressive socialist & Obama mentor Bill Ayers, and Florida is using that system. Smarter Balanced was created by Linda Darling-Hammond, a radical Stanford Professor, and a former colleague of Bill Ayers. Her testing method is said to oppose standardized testing of students and uses preferred methods like "Journaling". HERE is an overview of the two "assessment" providers, including the $330-million given to the two by the Federal (not state) Dept. of Education to develop their testing systems.
10b. The National Educators Association (NEA - teacher's union) just came our July 1, 2013 for Common Core and provided this statement - "Six Ways Common Core is Good for Students" - READ the comments. They also have a Common Core Pinterest page HERE. And, then there is a CC page on the NEA website. What is interesting is that lots of teachers are complaining about Common Core and quitting because of it, such as the rapidly growing Facebook page BadAss Teachers Association (BAT) - they don't talk about Common Core by name, but refer to it as "corporate reform".
G:Actions You can Take to Oppose or Delay Common Core
1. All Concerned Parents or others
- Florida Parents Against Common Core - they have a great document "Twelve Steps Parents Can Take to STOP Common Core".
- Verify if your state is adopting Common Core (some are not) by asking a teacher or Principal and ask for an implementation schedule. Check the state Dept. of Education website to see. If your state is not adopting it, you might still look at issues like textbook content, etc. to see there are issues with bias, dumbing down to show more graduation rates, etc. Florida HAS adopted Common Core. For those states that have not adopted Common Core, they can still have problems. Texas adopted "CSCORE" which turned out to be worse and more biased, and voters rose up and got it rejected.
- Educate yourself by viewing the above videos, documents and lists of reasons to oppose CC on this page.
- Whenever proponents of CC say it is rigorous, demand proof by comparing quality of prior classes and skills to CC classes. "Rigor" is considered by many a political & marketing buzzword without any evidence or specifics on what it means.
- Write down the reasons why YOU are concerned about CC with references to support your viewpoint. Use it as your personalized talking points for talking or writing about CC.
- Attend school board meetings and ask your Board and Principal the status of Common Core implementation and provide public input at the meetings. Watch out that there may be public meetings during the day called workshops, and many times that is the best place to get details while attending. In Lake County, most presentations and decisions are made at Monday afternoon workshops, then officially enacted at Monday evening "regular" Board meetings. For the Lake County, FL school district, go to this page, http://www.boarddocs.com/fla/lake/board.nsf/Public . and select the meeting date and open the agenda to get details and any attachments. After the meetings, more attachments (like Powerpoints) and results of decisions are added to the agenda.
- If you use Facebook, search on "Common Core" and find any groups or pages opposing Common Core and subscribe or like them. We have listed a large number of the Facebook Common Core pages in section D or E above. Focus on locating ones for your state such as "Stop Common Core in Florida" and "Floridians Against Common Core". Read some past posts and comments for info.
- Search on Google for Common Core blogs and subscribe to their RSS feeds or Facebook pages, etc. Read for ideas.
- SEARCH the internet, Facebook etc for articles and comments about Common Core and share your comments on those websites. Post comments on newspaper or TV segments on their websites.
- Pick a specific media outlet and reporter who covers education topics and keep sending them feedback and Common Core issues.
- Do the same for your FLORIDA state legislators AND your Federal Congressman and Senators. The laws have to be changed at the Federal or State level. The local school district cannot change the laws, but you might ask the Board members if they are monitoring CC and HOW, and can you see the sources they get. If they don't have an answer, they are part of the problem and tell them so.
- Visit a local Tea Party meeting and ask what they are doing on Common Core, and volunteer to work on any action they plan, such as setting up demonstrations in front of School or State offices, holding forums, etc.
- Develop a Powerpoint talk, and give it to local groups or ask them to send out info to their members like the link to this blog page.
- Do the same for your local political party. More Republicans oppose Common Core, but if you educate Democrat parents or grandparents, they might get active in opposing Common Core.
2. Parents or Grandparents of K-12 Kids
- ASK to get a printed list of the books to be used for your kids class and review them for issues. Look at any reading lists and see if they are dropping literature and adding "informational text" documents. Ask to see those and determine if you think they are acceptable.
- Go to Amazon.com and search on the book titles to find the books. Read any comments to see if parents complain about them. If you have complaints about the books after your reviews, post them there.
- Download the Common Core "Opt-Out" form at this Truth in Education website and try it on your school. I have no idea what the reaction would be in Florida, but let me know. Michelle Malkin created one and it is mostly to use as a tool to notify school leaders about your opposition.
- Watch out for efforts to attain the liberal Obama goal of "Social Justice" by reducing teaching time, books, optional classes, advanced placement classes for "normal" students in order to spend the resources MORE on low achieving or non-english speaking or disabled kids to bring their scores up. The result is dumbing down the teaching and high achieving, english speaking "normal" kids will get less help or support. In such cases, you may only complain, and be told "that is the way they have to do it". More parents are evaluating home schooling or "non-conversion" charter schools. "Conversion" charter schools teachers still are paid by the School District and may not be as independent.
- DOCUMENT any personal negative experiences based on Common Core. Use an audio recorder to record comments or discussions and post on a website or blog or Facebook or YouTube account. Send it to ME.
- REVIEW your kid's textbooks and make a video of it, or a written outline with specifics. Again, send it and post it to make it public, and copy the School Board members.
- TRACK any teacher who quits due to Common Core and get their info, and write their story. Get them to make a YouTube video and send me a link. You can see a bunch of those types of videos at www.CommonCoreFails.org in the "Testimonials" tab.
- Document your kid's feedback on video or audio or in a written document and publicise it. ASK them what they are being taught and if it is objectionable, take time with them to provide a counterpoint. Ask them for information on other kids problems with Common Core and document and publicize it.
3. Legislator or State Education Dept Actions (this section added 7/5/2013)
- Dept of Education can decide to drop out of the two favored liberal testing consortiums, PARCC (FL is now in it) and SBAC. The Oklahoma Dept of Ed did this and is selecting own testing firm to develop tests, thus they eliminate worry of liberals salting exams with liberal philosophies or dumbing down the tests, or using computers to give better scores to some preferred ethnic or other groups.
- Legislators can DEFUND Common Core per MI Rep Tom McMillan. Make sure the bill says state or local funds cannot be used to IMPLEMENT any national or Federal standards including Common Core. (from 7/5/2013 phone conference held by his office with Sandra Stotsky speaking.)
- Local Groups or State Educators can form committees of representatives from Higher Education (colleges) to examine ACTUAL capability of Common Core graduates to be ready for higher education and for SELECTIVE colleges. Some quote CC developer David Coleman as saying math standards are set lower and are sufficient to get into "non-selective" colleges. Do this by getting representatives of higher level selective colleges look at standards by course and identify if they are sufficient for college courses.
- Create Differential High School Diplomas - The State Education Dept. should create more than a standard high school graduation certificate, since Common Core is dumbed down. Create higher level graduation diploma (not prohibited by an Federal law or CC) only for those with defined higher level courses like Trigonometry. Thus schools can still offer higher quality math and other AP classes that were not watered down for CC standards. Example is higher level, more ambitious students can take higher level math not part of CC like Trig and Calculus. The Common Core exams won't test for those higher level subjects, so the schools would have to have their own exams. (from 7/5/2013 phone conference held by Mich. Rep's office with Sandra Stotsky speaking.)
- Initiate Efforts to Change the Appointed Education Commissioner position (like in Florida) to an ELECTED position so he (Dr. Tony Bennett) is accountable to voters and actually listens to parents, voters and taxpayers, rather than special interests and those who profit from a program like Common Core.
- REDUCE Islam indoctrination in US textbooks by visiting www.CFNS.US and reading their reports on how Florida and other History textbooks have been massively revised to glorify Islam. Write your legislators demanding that bills be enacted to ensure all Florida (or your state's) textbooks be free from religious and political subversion. (This is not defined in Common Core, but a side effect, since the favored Common Core textbook firm, Pearson, is doing this per a well researched report at CFNS.us . ) Watch this video.
- Demand that legislators REVERSE a 2011 SB-2120 bill that removed the requirement to allow citizens to be on the Florida Dept of Education "State Instructional Materials Commitee" which selects textbooks, and reduced the number of textbook reviewers from 40 people to just TWO FDOE "appointed" & handpicked people. Read HERE about the FDOE sneaky, last minute tactic to remove citizen participation and public transparency over textbook selections and the resulting lawsuit by CFNS.us . The page has a link to download the actual CFNS.us lawsuit with the details in it. CFNS.us claims that the FDOE initiated the change after CFNS reported massive revisions in textbooks to indoctrinate students with only favorable statements about Islam and degrading statements about Christianity & Judaism. The secrecy of the new committee means it can also select books with highly liberal slants also.
"The FDOE did this very quietly on May 6, 2011 in a last-minute desperation move by getting new adoption-process language surreptitiously inserted into a so-called "conforming" budget bill - just three hours before the Florida legislature adjourned for this past session. No notice...no debate! It was rubber-stamp passed and sent to the Governor for his approval."
- Demand legislators and the FL Dept of Education implement strong procedures to monitor "computerized learning" (i.e. virtual schools, eBooks, computerized testing, inbound online videos (like BrainPop) and learning aids) to ensure they are not incorporating any indoctrination of political or religious principles. Common Core in Florida requires computerized testing and many books will be in electronic format, so this is important. Public copies of all electronic learning files should be transparent, understandable and stored online for public access and review. The formal review process should also be public with hearings, video and audio recordings and studies be posted online for public review.
- Legislation Needed to Protect Personal Privacy & STOP Collection of shareable data on students. I found these on the blog BadAssTeachers:
– No collection of data from preschool to the first year out of high school
– Eliminate the US DOE regulatory change allowing some student data to be shared with government agencies and research organizations
– Modify FERPA by the U.S. Congressional action so no data can be shared without parent consent and so no such regulatory change can be made
– Modify FERPA by U.S. Congressional action allowing students and families to sue in a court of law over privacy violations
- A Teacher proposed these "compromises" if Common Core is to go forward: (my comments are in parentheses)
- Adopting CC in all states is part of a complete repealing of No Child Left Behind. (No reason to have two standards)
- New federal education legislation fully funds CC implementation and bans any public funds being spent on private corporation materials or tests. (i.e. exlcudes profiteers)
- All CC materials and resources will be produced, distributed, and monitored by the USDOE, and funded by federal and state resources allocated for education. (This may not be a good idea when liberals control the USDOE - I prefer the states do this).
- The USDOE will create a centralized web-based clearing house for educators to upload lesson plans and other resources for all teachers to implement CC. (good idea - create a teaching knowledgebase - I asked an administrator in the Lake County School District if they had something like this just for Florida County School Districts, and the answer was NO).
- States accepting federal funds and implementing CC must end immediately all high-stakes testing and linking teacher evaluations and pay to test scores. (Teachers don't like being ranked)
- NAEP assessments will be aligned with CC and then administered in 3rd, 8th, and 11th grades to random samples of students in all 50 states to create a data base for examining the effectiveness of CC. (Good idea of random samples vs 100% data tracking)
4. Other Interested parties:
- HERE is another list of recommended actions to fight Common Core in Florida at the website of the Florida Parents Against Common Core.
-Locate reference webpages that discuss Common Core (or blogs, newspaper articles with comment sections, etc. and enter Common opposition reasons. For instance, on the Wikipedia page for Common Core, I added a link to this Factsheet in the "Opposition" section.
- Attend public school district meetings and give public input.
- Submit comments on Facebook, blog and other webpages with specific reasons to oppose CC.
H: List of Website Links I have collected on Common Core
The more important ones have been inserted in the above sections.
Updated with a much longer list on August 25, 2013, and is sorted with most recent entries at the BOTTOM of the list.
- Common Core
- The Ambitions of Bill and Melinda Gates: Controlling Population and Public Education | Crisis Magazine
- Anti Common Core Face Book Pages Listed By State | Right Reason
- Two Moms Against Common Core - YouTube
- http://www.eagleforum.org/ publications/educate/apr13/ common-cores-political-agenda.h tml
- Central Florida Mom Explains Her Opposition To Common Core | StateImpact Florida
- Common Core | StateImpact Florida
- Are Common Core school standards right for Florida? | Joe Saunders | Florida Politics | Political Opinion | Florida Voices
- Eight Senators Join Fight Against Common Core www.christianpost.com Eight U.S. senators, including Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, have signed onto Sen. Chuck Grassley's (R-Iowa) fight to defund the Common Core State Standard's Initiative.
- Stop Common Core in Oregon: How Bill Gates and Rupert Murdoch are Data Mining Your Children
- The Destructive Nature of Common Core - YouTube
- Common Core Glenn Beck - YouTube
- Common Core State Standards - An Introduction To Marxism 101 - YouTube
- Obama trying to take over public education with ‘common core’ curriculum that teaches socialism... | RedFlagNews.com
- Obama trying to take over public education with 'common core' curriculum that teaches socialism
- AFT Calls for Moratorium on Common Core Consequences link.brightcove.com To fully realize the positive potential of Common Core State Standards, AFT president Randi Weingarten called for a moratorium on the stakes with assessments until the standards are properly implemented and field-tested. HIghlights from the speech.
- Here's what kids will read under Common Core | The Daily Caller
- COMMON CORE - Worms Milking the System www.flcommoncore.net Time and time again we find these “worms” slithering around in the name of “improving” the education of our children. Their latest attack on our children is coming under the name of Common...
- Union Joins Opposition to Common Core National Standards and Tests
- http://bit.ly/ZR0LgQ
- Common Core Doesn’t Effect Curriculum? stopcommoncorenc.org Common Core supporters often respond to concerned parents by saying, “The standards are not curriculum! The state and local boards have freedom to determine the curriculum. There is nothing to worry about.” They may think this sounds reasonable, but ...
- Common Core: Subversive Threat to Education - YouTube
- Here's what kids will read under Common Core | The Daily Caller
- Presentation by Utahns Against Common Core - YouTube
- How do Finnish kids excel without rote learning and standardized testing? - The Globe and Mail
- Californians United Against Common Core
- Stop Common Core » Reclaiming Local Control in Education
- Peg Luksik "Who Controls Our Children" How Public Schools Dumb Down Kids - YouTube
- Common Core Townhall UNITEPA Peg Luksik Part II - Part I is E. McGroarty - YouTube
- Math Education: An Inconvenient Truth - YouTube
- Common core implementation remains uncertain in Pennsylvania watchdogwire.com This week, Pennsylvania Republicans in the Senate and the House were informed that Common Core Standards implementation would be delayed.
- Texas Drops “Anti-American” CSCOPE Lessons; Battle Continues thenewamerican.com A highly controversial "progressive" school curriculum used in much of Texas known as CSCOPE was dealt a major blow by policymakers this week. by Alex Newman
- Missouri Education Watchdog
- Indoctrination in Common Core ELA Texts - YouTube
- Interview with a Clinical Mental Health Therapist - YouTube
- 0:59 Common Core Parent/ Expert dialogue. by LuvDaGadgets 1,295 views
- 1:41 The Common Core State Standards; Developing World Class Students for the 21st Century by CTBAssessments 852 views
- 2:55 Common Core State Standards: A New Foundation for Student Success by TheHuntInstitute 110,597 views
- Common Core Moms get Interviewed - YouTube
- Challenges to equity in American public education - Talk by Linda Darling-Hammond - YouTube
- 14:45 Linda Darling-Hammond Debates Rick Hess 1of3 by Grantmakers for Education 1,311 views
- 9:18 Equity and Gender-Based Education: Elizabeth Wolfson at TEDxMileHighWomen by TEDxTalks 568 views
- Teacher Resigns Via YouTube Over Standardized Testing
- Podcast_Dr._Tony_Bennett__5_24_2013.mp3
- http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fcherilyneagar.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Ffileuploads%2F2013%2F04%2FUNESCO-and-Common-Core.pdf&h=lAQEDzWox
- It Begins… Communist Indoctrination Included in Common Core Literature for First Graders (Video) | The Gateway Pundit
- Chicago Third Grader Aces Math Test: 9x9 = 'Hossa'
- 5-22-13 Community G+HOA 8p eastern – Topic Common Core | Around The Cabin
- 5-22-13 Community G+HOA 8p - YouTube
- What Anti-Common Core Activism in Tennessee Portends pioneerinstitute.org Across the country, from Florida to Michigan, Colorado to Alabama, and many states in between, legislators and governors are taking steps to withdraw from Common Core. Nationally, US Senators Ted Cruz, Chuck Grassley, Rand Paul and others are working to de-fund it, citing federal law prohibiting the...
- http://www.eagleforum.org/publications/educate/may13/push-against-common-core-gains-momentum.html www.eagleforum.org
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 5-27-2013 ~ 'Common Core' Nationalizes & Dumbs Down P.S. Curriculum www.youtube.com Please rate and subscribe!!! 'Common Core' Nationalizes and Dumbs Down Public School Curriculum In addition to shredding civil liberties, launching a utopian...
- Common Core State Standards attract controversy across U.S. | Deseret News
- Q-and-A: Answers to common questions about the Common Core State Standards Initiative | Deseret News
- The Dangers of Common Core to Liberty
- Teachers' Union President: Halt All High Stakes Linked to Common Core blogs.edweek.org Randi Weingarten argues that no high-stakes decisions based on the common core should be made about students, teachers, or schools until adequate support has been provided.
- Common Core | Pioneer Institute
- Obamacore: The substitution of propaganda for great literature in our schools | Power Line
- Common Core State Standards in English spark war over words - The Washington Post
- Lawmakers, commissioner sow seeds to delay Common Core in Florida | Tampa Bay Times
- Common Core Moms on "What Can I Do?" www.youtube.com Just because they call something "algebra" or "calculus" doesn't mean that's what it is. Before pulling my son out of school, what they were calling "algebra" was pre-algebra AT BEST. It will be interesting to see what they call "calculus", especially if "everyone" is doing it. The scarier thing is...
- Eagle Forum Legislative Action Center
- (1) Kansans Against Common Core
- Backlash Against Common Core
- Articles from the American Principles Project
- RNC Resolution Against Common Core
- Florida school lesson claims terrorists suffer from ‘low self-esteem’ |
- Florida school lesson claims terrorists suffer from ‘low self-esteem’ - EAGnews.org :: Education Research, Reporting, Analysis and Commentary
- Our Perspective - EAGnews.org :: Education Research, Reporting, Analysis and Commentary
- Florida Common Core history class teaching Bible could ‘justify the slaughter’ and terrorists may have ‘low self-esteem’ - The Global Dispatch
- Alabama Common Core Tests May Examine Kids’ Motivation, Behavior | Heartlander Magazine news.heartland.org As Alabama legislators tabled a bill to withdraw from Common Core national standards, its department of education is adopting related tests and attempting to convince legislators and voters to keep the Core.
- http:// catholicschoolstandards.org/ common-core/ 78-tools-a-resources/ 123-additional-resource-link
- Kirby Center Lecture Series Registration - Kirby Center kirbycenter.hillsdale.edu To attend a lecture in person, we invite you to join our live audience at the Kirby Center's location in Washington, D.C. Advance registration is required. Click Here to Attend in Person
- Conference Call Tonight ~ Wednesday 8:30 pm CST: Topic- CSCOPE Where do we do from here?... us2.campaign-archive2.com
- http://youtu.be/gEP7MBUnAo0
- Common Core: The Trojan horse of education www.timesfreepress.com Many Tennesseans are unaware of Common Core, a troubling new set of federal education standards, because it was agreed upon without the consent, knowledge or involvement of parents and taxpayers.
- "Common Core" Teaches Communism - Victoria Jackson
- Common Core: The 'State-led' Myth - Parentalrights.org - Protecting Children by Empowering Parents
- Polk County, FL Schools Conducted Iris Scans on Students Without Permission |
- Michelle Malkin | Confirmed: Polk County, FL schools conducted iris scans on students without permission «
- What is Common Core and why should I care? - WatchdogWire - Florida
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- ‘Do Not Pick Up the Pencil’: New York Parents Coach Kids to Refuse Common Core Tests | Video | TheBlaze.com
- (16) From a recent email: As I read and talk to many... - Anderson County, TN Tea Party Patriots
- Dumbing Down: Then And Now www.mindingthecampus.com This is the eighth-grade final exam from 1895 in Salina , Kansas , USA . It was taken from the original document on file at the Smokey Valley Genealogical Society and Library in Salina , KS , and reprinted by the Salina Journal.
- Vampires, McKinsey & Co., and the Future of Public Education: It’s All Connected. educationalchemy.com There’s a telling scenario in the greatly under-appreciated cult vampire film classic called The Addiction. In it, the main character (soon to be vampire) named Kathleen in cornered in a dark alley...
- Tea Party Revives to Fight Common Core www.nationalreview.com Today’s Washington Post has a front-page above-the-fold article on the battle that’s revitalizing the Tea Party: blocking the Common Core, the Obama administration’s push for a de facto national education system. The IRS scandal has surely helped to energize the Tea Party, but it’s the fight against...
- The Beginning of Common Core's Trouble | The Weekly Standard
- Michelle Malkin: Who's tracking your children? | WashingtonExaminer.com
- The Beginning of Common Core's Trouble | The Weekly Standard
- THE LATEST SMOKING GUN-- All in the family....... - Floridians Against Common Core Education
- DOJ warns Muslim bashing on social media may be federal offense www.bizpacreview.com It’s come to this: The two top U.S. Department of Justice officials in Tennessee have organized a meeting to discuss the fact that not all American Muslims are terrorists and those who trash Muslims on social media may be violating civil rights.
- School District Apologizes After Students Spied On
- Does Great Literature Make Us Better People? - NYTimes.com
- Florida teacher tells fourth-graders to give up constitutional rights, report says www.foxnews.com Report: Florida teacher tells fourth-graders to give up constitutional rights
- Michelle Malkin: Eye Scans in FL Schools ‘Disturbing’ Sign of Larger Trend | Fox News Insider
- Tea Party, Conservatives Protest Common Core as Federal Overreach, Threat to Homeschoolers www.christianpost.com As states and curriculum companies rush to fit new Common Core requirements, to take effect Jan. 1, 2014, Tea Party and conservative groups across the nation are rising to oppose the new federal educational standards.
- Remove the gag order, free teachers! | Hoosiers Against Common Core
- North Carolina Sixth Grader Refuses Common Core Tests | Heartlander Magazine
- Opposition to Common Core standards defies political lines
- Jeb Bush | StateImpact Florida
- Educational Policy Institute
- Home - Foundation for Excellence in Education
- Truth. As in, you can't handle it. - Foundation for Excellence in Education
- Questionable Quality of the Common Core English Language Arts Standards
- Search | Goldwater Institute
- Schoolhouse | Pioneer Institute
- American Coalition 4 Property Rights
- Common-Core-Dumbs-down
- Ron Paul TX Straight Talk, May 27, 2013: 'Common Core' Nationalizes & Dumbs-down Public School Curriculum! | Peace . Gold . Liberty
- Common Core State Standards Initiative | Home
- Florida Public Schools
- Is Common Core in Texas? You bet it is~ Listen to Author Bill Ames soundcloud.com On the WomenOnTheWall.org radio show we were honored to have Author Bill Ames call into the show and share his 3 min. Testimony that he shared at t...
- Crayola Common Core Lessons Promote Globalization and Interdependence ow.ly By Danette Clark Crayola joins the list of big name education companies who have sold out our children and America to the United Nations' global...
- hosted the launching
- About | Danette Clark
- Schools, Districts & Organizations Indoctrinating in Your State | Danette Clark
- Common-Core-Menu
- Education Week: Into the Common Core: One Classroom's Journey
- Pineapplegate: Exclusive Memo Detailing the “Hare and the Pineapple” Passage | TIME.com
- http:// whatiscommoncore.wordpress.com/ 2013/01/02/ schools-are-sharing-private-inf ormation-via-slds-and-p-20-sta tefederal-systems/
- http://blogs.edweek.org/ edweek/inside-school-research/ 2012/07/ ed_urges_states_to_make_data_s. html
- GUEST COLUMN: Leading the Way on Common Core Standards | Free Enterprise
- New book exposes how Bill Ayers has been using K-12 classrooms to continue his anti-America... eagnews.org Education Research, Reporting, Analysis and Commentary powered by Education Action Group Foundation
- Edit Page - Lake County Fiscal Rangers | TypePad
- Report: Homeschooling Growing Seven Times Faster than Public School Enrollment www.breitbart.com As dissatisfaction with the U.S. public school system grows, apparently so has the appeal of homeschooling. Educational researchers, in fact, are expecting a surge in the number of students educated at home by their parents over the next ten years, as more parents reject public schools.
- This Letter About Corporate Involvement in Education Policy Should Go Viral | Diane Ravitch's blog
- Obama Admin Announces: Common Core For Babies - Politichicks.tv :: Politichicks.tv
- Americans Defy Government ‘Common Core’ School Intrusion - The Shark Tank
- Contact
- Expert Highlights Dangers in Common Core Standards - Civitas Institute
- Who In Their Right Minds On The “Right” Voted To Sell Our Kids To Common Core? Here’s The Who’s Who – Florida Tenth Amendment Center
- Key Education Bill Includes Strong Defense of State Authority Over Education | Martha Roby - Representing Alabama’s Second District
- Alabama Congresswoman Takes Aim at Common Core Standards | Martha Roby - Representing Alabama’s Second District
- Alabama's common core fight makes its way to Congress | Martha Roby - Representing Alabama’s Second District
- School Shuts Down Valedictorian Speech for Talking About Constitution - The Free Patriot freepatriot.org A High School valedictorian speech was cut off prematurely after a student commented on the bill of rights and the constitution.
- Florida Parents Demand a Florida Pause Law to Stop Common Core State Standards by 2014-15 school... www.gopetition.com As a registered voter in the state of Florida, I, the undersigned, call on Governor Rick Scott and our Florida State Representatives to stop common core state standards before the 2014-15 school year by the creation of a Florida Pause...
- UPDATE: Principal confirms that politically loaded school lesson part of Common Core -... eagnews.org Education Research, Reporting, Analysis and Commentary powered by Education Action Group Foundation
- Classical public education coming to Florida: Teaching students how to think watchdogwire.com The Classical Academy of Sarasota (TCA) is currently in the application process with the Sarasota County School Board.
- The How And What Of CEDARS Data Mining stopcommoncorenc.org Parents are witnessing their children being turned into guinea pigs by an untested set of standards by teachers who are just as frustrated with the lack of training and teaching latitude. Billed as a 'State-led' initiative promoting the highest standards ...
- Rigor in the Classroom - YouTube
- The Blaze TV Video Highlights : Battling Common Core - Video www.video.theblaze.com
- TheBlaze.com: Video: Glenn Beck Program : Dangers of Common Core - Video
- Common Core Lesson Plans - Rated very funny! commoncorelessonplantemplates.com - YouTube
- H.R. 5: The Student Success Act | Education & the Workforce Committee
- Three-Minute Video Explaining the Common Core State Standards - YouTube
- Tea party, teachers form an unlikely alliance www.washingtonpost.com As an educator and school counselor, I was pleasantly surprised to see on the front page “A new battle for the tea party” [May 31], outlining the tea party’s opposition to Common Core State Standards. Such important education issues are often pushed aside because of crisis or scandal.But with the ex...
- Opinion: Schools fail when it comes to teaching history - NorthJersey.com
- First Empirical Evidence: Common Core Hurts Kentucky Students www.nationalreview.com The New York Times published a wonderful op-ed by Andrew Hacker and Claudia Dreyfus acknowledging that Common Core is a radical experiment adopted with almost no public discussion and that it is fueling parents’ anxieties. They also note something I did not know: Kentucky adopted Common Core in 2010...
- Common Core Information and Resources to Share from the Heartland Institute | Restore Oklahoma... www.restoreokpubliceducation.com Please, visit this webpage to download a copy of Heartland's "Tip Sheet". Heartland has authorized downloads and public use on this document so share widely. If you want to supplement the items produced by ROPE, please find this document very helpful!
- Portland Schools Spend $500k to Deem PB&J Sandwiches Racist
- Kids Who Move Across State Lines - Truth in American Education truthinamericaneducation.com One of the arguments behind having centralized national standards, such as the Common Core State Standards or Next Generation Science Standards, is the argument that kids who move from say Washington State should have the same standards if they move to Iowa. Since our culture has become more mobile...
- Common Core’s Big Mistake: Messing with Moms www.humanevents.com Common Core will “finally shine a harsh light on the quality of suburban schools, shocking those families and voters into action.”
- Education finance reform - buyer beware gazette.com This November, Colorado will be given the opportunity to vote for a more than $1 billion tax increase to fund Colorado education. This initiative will be sold to taxpayers as money for books, computers and better student/teacher ratios - all the necessities our kids need to have a better, more fulfi...
- Include parents in standards debate: Opposing view www.usatoday.com Effort produces inferior educational standards.
- APP's Emmett McGroarty Discusses Political Fight Over Common Core 6.11.2013 www.youtube.com Executive Director for APP's Preserve Innocence, Emmett McGroarty discusses the fight over Common Core on MSNBC's "The Daily Rundown"
- APP's Emmett McGroarty Discusses Political Fight Over Common Core 6.11.2013 - YouTube
- Common Core Letter
- (2) Common Core Tests How are children are being “Dumbed down”
- Op Ed: Professor Colorio of Massachusetts on Common Core whatiscommoncore.wordpress.com Shine light on Common Core By Donna Colorio Massachusetts Educator As I see it, our country is going through a major educational transformation and I ask myself, “Where are the parents?” In 2010, a...
- (1) We're Not Misinformed; We Know What Common Core... - Restore Oklahoma Public Education
- Flat-out false.
- skip a basic U.S. government course to graduate
- de-emphasizing great literary works
- “informational texts.”
- no more academic value
- pro-Obamacare opinion essay in The New Yorker
- English professor Mary Grabar
- “refrain from giving background context or substantial instructional guidance at the outset.”
- Deconstructionism
- available online
- Education Data Model (National Forum on Education Statistics). Strategies for building education software systems.
- Elements
- American Institutes for Research | Applying behavioral and social science research in education, education assessment, international development and health and work and training to enhance lives worldwide
- http://www.futureofsexeducation.org/documents/josh-fose-standards-web.pdf www.futureofsexeducation.org
- Common Core, Teacher Training, Linda Darling Hammond, Lev Vygotsky, Economic Planning | Stop the... stopalaskacommoncore.com This article describes the real Lev Vygotsky, and why Linda Darling Hammond relies on Vygotsky in teacher training. It isn't for learning.
- California parents, taxpayers get ‘rowdy’ during Common Core community forum - EAGnews.org... eagnews.org Education Research, Reporting, Analysis and Commentary powered by Education Action Group Foundation
- - SCHOOL SPECIALTY MARKETPLACE store.schoolspecialty.com
- State education influenced by corporations www.tulsaworld.com Read the documents showing the Oklahoma connections A new report sheds light on the influence of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's education foundation and its corporate ...
- The Day - Transition to Common Core: Getting Ready, Part One | News from southeastern Connecticut www.theday.com OLD SAYBROOK - No more racing to get through every textbook chapter before the school year ends-lingering on key topics will be the new norm. The Common Core is here.
- Alaska Succumbs whatiscommoncore.wordpress.com I used to think of Alaska as one of the hero holdouts, because that state, along with Texas, Virginia, others, once flatly rejected Common Core. I remember reading with a mixture of awe and envy, h...
- Five People Wrote 'State-Led' Common Core | Heartlander Magazine news.heartland.org Many education leaders continue to insist the process for creating national education standards was “state-led,” referring to its incubation within two Washington DC-based nonprofits, the National Governors Association and Council of Chief State School Officers.
- Don Gaetz/Will Weatherford column: Education a path to jobs www.tampabay.com Senate President Don Gaetz and House Speaker Will Weatherford are touring the state to tout their "Work Plan Florida" and today's Tampa Bay Times opinion page carried a joint column from the two. An excerpt:
- http://www.ccsso.org/ News_and_Events/Press_Releases/ CCSSO_and_Aspen_Institute_Relea se_Paper_Examining_Strategies_ for_Integrating_Common_Core_an d_Teacher_Effectiveness.html
- Obama’s “Mother of all Databases” Includes Our Children - Tea Party Nation
- http://www.eagleforum.org/column/2009/sept09/09-09-11.html
- http://www.utahnsagainstcommoncore.com/arne-duncan-exposes-the-real...
- https://resweb.passkey.com/ Resweb.do?mode=welcome_gi_new&g roupID=1634616
- Announcement for Common Core Protest Rally! conta.cc Ritz in Ballroom Salons 5 & 6 next door (on the same property as the Marriott) - 4012 Central Florida Parkway, Orlando, FL 32837
- Governor Snyder signs budget - Stop Common Core in Michigan stopcommoncoreinmichigan.com Today, Governor Snyder signed the $49 billion which included a provision that blocks the implementation of Common Core and related assessments unless they are authorized by the legislature.
- Common Core ‘Exemplars’: Graphic Sex and Praising Castro | FrontPage Magazine frontpagemag.com What the few remaining literary books on the national standards list will be teaching students.
- https://ceds.ed.gov/pdf/ ceds-v3-data-model-guide.pdf
- Who In Their Right Minds On The “Right” Voted To Sell Our Kids To Common Core? Here’s The Who’s... florida.tenthamendmentcenter.com Florida Tenth Amendment Center
- Obama’s “Mother of all Databases” Includes Our Children
- Americans turning against Common Core-related student database - EAGnews.org powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc.
- Common Core making it easier for activist teachers to bring politics into their classrooms - EAGnews.org powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc.
- Sol Stern and Joel Klein tell Common Core fairy tales
- Lawmakers in Wisconsin, Michigan put the brakes on Common Core standards, at least for the moment
- Will ‘alternative public school system’ be necessary to escape Common Core?
- Search for "common core" - EAGnews.org powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc.
- http://stopccssinnys.com/uploads/The_FACTSabout_CCSS_V4_-_No_Names.pdf www.stopccssinnys.com
- David Coleman SDP Beyond the Numbers Convening - YouTube
- Communication Team Conference Call ~ Wed. 8:30 pm CST: Topic- Connecting the Dots Tactics of the Left Common Core - Immigration - National Security
- http:// www.thefloridacurrent.com/ article.cfm?id=33287191
- Common Core State Standards Initiative | Myths vs. Facts
- Here’s Why a Florida Hotel Says It Canceled the Reservation of an Anti-Common Core Group | TheBlaze.com
- How Common Core Standards Work In The Incubator Lab Of Obama's 'Race To The Top' Schools -... freedomoutpost.com 9 mins ago by Anita B. Hoge How Common Core Standards Work In The Incubator Lab Of Obama’s ‘Race To The Top’ Schools 0The next several paragraphs teaches how to code standards and the objectives so that the Common Core Standards can be duplicated for computer retrieval. This also sets the stage for…
- Florida Public Schools
- Common Core ELA Informational Texts www.youtube.com http://www.utahnsagainstcommoncore.com - By high school, Common Core recommends 70% of reading is comprised of informational texts instead of literature. Her...
- Common Core not a big topic for local school groups | CJOnline.com
- Wyoming Against the Common Core | Bringing the TRUTH to parents, educators, and communities. Keeping Wyoming's LOCAL voice RELEVANT!
- Resources | Wyoming Against the Common Core
- Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers | PARCC
- Second Florida hotel cancels anti-Common Core conference - WatchdogWire - Florida
- Common Core State Standards: What’s it all about? www.edmondsun.com More than 100 people gathered Tuesday evening in an open forum at the Downtown Community Center to hear speakers sharing thoughts on the Common Core
- http:// www.palmbeachschools.org/ Community/BoardVideo.asp
- Exit Strategy: State Lawmakers Consider Dropping Common Core www.edweek.org Track the development of various state legislations seeking withdrawal from the Common Core State Standards. You can also find a short synopsis and a timeline of recent actions for each bill below.
- Central Florida "Florida Parents Against Common Core" (FPACC)
- Data Mining In Common Core - TheBlazeTV - The Glenn Beck Program - 2013.03.27 - YouTube
- Florida Stop Common Core Coalition www.flstopcccoalition.org Florida Stop Common Core Coalition was created to slow down implementation of Common Core in Florida until we have more information on what will be taught and how much it will cost.
- Common Core a sore subject for protesters www.yoursun.com SUN PHOTO BY ADAM KREGERHarvey and Donna Elliott attended a Charlotte County School Board training session Thursday regarding the implementation of the Common Core State Standards. The workshop was open to the public, and about 20 showed up early to hold signs and hand out information sheets about w...
- Missouri Education Watchdog: Does this Explain Why the Republican Establishment Supports Common Core?
- Missouri Education Watchdog
- Double-DownGraphic.png (PNG Image, 1203 × 926 pixels) - Scaled (68%)
- Missouri Education Watchdog: Why Believe The Lies of Common Core www.missourieducationwatchdog.com
- Missouri Education Watchdog: Pushback on Common Core Grows www.missourieducationwatchdog.com
- Missouri Coalition Against Common Core
- Unravelled! The 30 Year Agenda Behind Common Core danetteclark.wordpress.com Obama + Ayers + $50 million = Common Core By Danette Clark The Annenberg Institute, the Coalition of Essential Schools, Bill Ayers, and President Obama are the architects and the driving force behi...
- Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 5-27-2013 ~ 'Common Core' Nationalizes & Dumbs Down P.S. Curriculum www.youtube.com Please rate and subscribe!!! 'Common Core' Nationalizes and Dumbs Down Public School Curriculum In addition to shredding civil liberties, launching a utopian...
- (2) Nevada Parents & Teachers STOP Common Core
- What is Common Core and What it is not ~ States Across America are beginning to ask the questions…. tinyurl.com What is Common Core and What it is not ~ Common Core is a complete transformation of Education in the United States led by the federal Department of Education and the corporate education busi
- Under the Common Core, we face one-size-fits-all education. tinyurl.com What happens when a child refuses to take the Common Core assessment(s)? They go into an IEP
- Common Core has the IEP, the individual education plan. www.saveamericafoundation.com Common Core: IEPs (Individual Education Plans) rake in big bucks for our financially strapped public school districts.
- CCSD officials facing state ethics investigation - www.ktnv.com bit.ly Clark County's school board president and an associate superintendent are facing a state ethics investigation.
- Attention Florida Parents: Join the fight and... - Parent LED reform
- Common Core and Special Education, Part 1 youtu.be Learn more about what changes the new Common Core State Standards will bring to your classroom.
- Common Core and Special Education, Part 1 - YouTube
- Webinar: Common Core and Special Ed - YouTube
- Conejo Valley Common Core Forum - June 10, 2013 - YouTube
- Wow-Wow! Sparks Fly at First-Ever California Common Core Forum, in Thousand Oaks - venturacountyteaparty
- Phil Daro at CMC-North Ignite www.youtube.com Phil Daro gives a talk about the Common Core Standards at Key Curriculum Press' Ignite event at the CMC-North Asilomar conference.
- Common Core : conservative to the core
- National Sexuality Education Standards - Core Content and Skills, K-12 ~ South Dakotans Against... www.sdagainstcommoncore.com I recently typed up a blog post about the dumbing down of the Saxon Math curriculum. The whole education establishment needs to be privatized and divorced from Federal Money: http://jennyhatch.com/2013/04/30/uncommon-lore-the-original-saxon-math-curriculum-math-a-firm-foundation-to-build-a-homeschoo...
- (2) Facebook
- N.C. official releases a video explaining his concerns about Common Core - EAGnews.org powered... eagnews.org Education Research, Reporting, Analysis and Commentary powered by Education Action Group Foundation
- Public Forum on Common Core Standards - Tavares, FL - June 27th
- Obama Wants to Eliminate All Education that Does not Support the State politicaloutcast.com Obama wants to eliminate all ideological competition and that includes education that does not support an ever growing State.
- Common Core : Homeschoolers Face New Questions on College Admissions
- “The Alignment of Common Core and ACT’s College and Career Readiness System,”
- Ga. GOP Leaders Vote to Withdraw from Common Core
- DesJarlais: ' Common Core ' standards 'watered down,' 'uncompetitive'
- Can America Find Common Ground Against Common Core? - By WR Scott whotookmylightbulb.com Can Americans find common ground against Common Core? I think the answer is an emphatic YES and, in fact, I think we already have.As a country, we‘ve been trapped in a space in time where it seems...
- Your State's Progress | Data Quality Campaign www.dataqualitycampaign.org The DQC is a national, collaborative effort to improve the availability and use of high-quality education data to improve student achievement.
- 6-20-13 Common Core: A bad apple, say opposers
- Protesters urge West Haven to resist implementing common core curriculum in ...
- Focus on People, Not Technology for Common - Core Implementation?
- Race to the Trough: Common Core Conundrum Part 1
- Cape school board debates Common Core
- Protestors urge West Haven to resist implementing common core curriculum in ...
- Teachers Prepping for Common Core Implementation | Sunshine State News
- Common Core: Extraordinary Solution to All-Too-Common Problem | Sunshine State News
- Obama’s Pre-K Power Grab www.rightsidenews.com President Obama intends to place preschoolers' education under government control, away from parents, in the furthering of indoctrinating the American people.
- Harford Executive and Gubernatorial Candidate Craig: Adopting Common Core ...
- Arne Duncan To Defend Common Core , Call Tea Party Critiques 'Outlandish'
- Summer school for parents: Find out what's in Common Core
- Common Core foes spreading misinformation, Duncan says
- Restore Oklahoma Public Education: Oklahoma State Department of Education Denies Public Comment... restoreoklahomapubliceducation.blogspot.com
- Indiana Pulling Away From PARCC stopcommoncoreillinois.org Truth in American Education - by Shane Vander Hart Indiana is reducing its participation with PARCC. State Impact Indiana reports: As a governing state in the Partnership for Assessment of Readines...
- The Danger Of Common Core - TheBlazeTV - The Glenn Beck Radio Program - 2013.03.15 www.youtube.com Glenn goes over the dangers of Common Core and how it is indoctrinating kids with an extreme left wing ideology. This brief video clip has been uploaded, and...
- "Why Should I Be Concerned? It Doesn't Affect ME!" lifeinthelastfrontier.wordpress.com The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) initiative has been around since 2009. I've been keeping my eyes on it and following it for quite some time now, all the while warning and informing our local...
- #CommonCore: The Joke's On Us: 20 U.S.C. § 3403 : US Code - Section 3403: Relationship with States conservativeteachersofamerica.com by Gretchen Logue of Missouri Education Watchdog Neal McCluskey writes how the Federal Government seems to be directing testing in the Common Core consortia. From Saying Common Core Not Federal a ...
- Common Core Opponents Expecting Protesters From Across The State stateimpact.npr.org A group organizing a protest Saturday at an Orlando conference for new common education standards is expecting caravans of protesters from around the state and country will join them. Florida Parents Against Common Core expects groups from Southwest Florida, Port St. Lucie, West Palm, Georgia, Tenne...
- Staci Clark FL Parents Against Common Core by Sinclair News new.livestream.com Watch Sinclair News's Staci Clark FL Parents Against Common Core on Livestream.com. Sinclair News will conduct a live interview with Staci Clark, Central Florida State Coordinator for Florida Parents Against Common Core Friday June 28, 2013 from 7:30 to 8:00 AM. We will discuss FPACC's planned prote...
- ELAfeedback - View Comments elafeedback.com
- Five People Wrote 'State-Led' Common Core | Heartlander Magazine
- NYC Public School Parents: CNN story on inBloom and important update: NYS districts must choose... nycpublicschoolparents.blogspot.com Other Regents:[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]...
- GUEST COLUMN: The Common Core: Real College and Career Readiness | Free Enterprise
- GUEST COLUMN: Leading the Way on Common Core Standards
- The Low-Inference Room dianasenechal.wordpress.com One Tuesday morning in June, a cohort of one hundred novice principals was escorted into a classroom, ordered to fill out a checklist, and then herded into the Low-Inference Room, where they were a...
- Common Core Study Bill HB 718 Call To Action www.icontact-archive.com As many of you know, Representative Larry G. Pittman introduced a Common Core Study bill(HOUSE BILL 733 Short Title: Common Core Standards Study) during this session which was rolled into a larger study bill now identified as HB 718 (HOUSE BILL 718 Short Title: Study Issues in Education.) It has pas...
- Why Common Core’s Math Standards Don’t Measure Up (by Guest Blogger Ze’ev Wurman) pioneerinstitute.org Guest Post by Ze’ev Wurman (biography below) Last year William Schmidt and Richard Houang published a paper in the Educational Researcher that claimed to have explored the coherence of the Common Core state standards in mathematics (CCSSM) and their similarity to those of other high achieving natio...
- Is there anything “common” left in Common Core? www.edexcellence.net Where the wonks and the educators disagree
- SBAC Practice Test sbac.portal.airast.org The Smarter Balanced Practice Test is available to schools and districts for practice and training purposes, professional development activities, and for discussions with parents, policymakers, and other interested stakeholders.
- House News Conference on Common Core www.youtube.com Rep. Will Tallman participates in a news conference on legislation introduced to combat the implementation of Common Core education standards in Pennsylvania.
- House News Conference on Common Core - YouTube
- Watch Later
- Watch Later
- Watch Later
- Watch Later
- Watch Later
- Watch Later
- The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America www.thelibertybeacon.com By: Sam Blumenfeld Charlotte Iserbyt has put her great exposé of the dumbing-down agenda of American education on the Internet, so that anyone can now read it and download it free of charge. The De...
- Watch Later
- Watch Later
- Watch Later
- Common Core State Standards History | Education Northwest
- Do the Common Core Standards Flunk History? | History News Network
- Teachers' Domain: Close Reading of Text: MLK "Letter from Birmingham Jail"
- Ron Paul: ‘Common Core’ Nationalizes And Dumbs Down Public School Curriculum libertycrier.com In addition to shredding civil liberties, launching a utopian global war for democracy, and going on a spending spree that would make LBJ blush, the so-called “conservative” Bush administration dramatically increased federal control over education via the “No Child Left Behind” act. During my time i...
- Common Core Inspirations to Act - Dawn Kazmierzak
- Tactics of those who control what YOUR CHILD is LEARNING- Complete... ow.ly Let me preface this with- it is not teachers doing the deception it is those who control teachers via fear and intimidation of losing jobs. From...
- What Experts Realize About Common Core Standards: 2012 | COMMON CORE
- With the Common Core, the Whole Is More Than the Sum of Its Parts « The Core Knowledge Blog
- Robert D. Shepherd: Beware the Social Engineer and His Abstractions | Diane Ravitch's blog
- As Education Reform Act reaches 20, Mass. has more to do - Opinion - The Boston Globe
- About BAT
- Anita B. Hoge -- Parents Angry When Told their Children's Information Given to Big Business, Part 1 www.newswithviews.com The Rape of Your Personal Records. It's more than, 'What grade did you get in Algebra?' Or 'Government tapping personal phone records & emails.' It's All about You.
- McGraw-Hill Education Launches Adaptive, Common Core -Aligned High School ...
- Common Core Confusion
- Common Core Watch - EAGnews.org powered by Education Action Group Foundation, Inc.
- NO COMMON SENSE EDUCATION: Kindergarten Comparison www.nocommonsenseeducation.com About. garychatty~ A fine WordPress.com siteSearch: garychatty AGAINST STANDARDIZED TESTING28SundayApr 2013Posted by garychatty in Uncategorized ≈ Leave a Comment . [Edit]If you agree with opting out of these ridiculous standardized tests, please help.I am compiling statistics for my book TEACHING I...
- Tax-Sponsored Common Core Meetings Closed to Public | Heartlander Magazine news.heartland.org Though 46 states will spend an estimated $5 to $12 billion to implement a new set of national education standards called the Common Core, public officials are arranging these standards in hundreds of closed-door meetings.
- In this morning's news: Common Core debate, Detroit's new police chief, teen ...
- Public School's Sneaky Little Way To Get Parents To Sign Away Their Child's Privacy Off The Grid News For many Americans, privacy has become a hot topic of discussion. As story after story rolls out about the NSA, CIA, FBI, DHS, and any other overreaching government organization abusing its power, Americans find themselves asking the hard questions and not liking the answers that fly back and smack...
- State pulling out of consortium, to develop own standardized tests www.tulsaworld.com State Superintendent Janet Barresi announced Monday that she is withdrawing Oklahoma from a testing consortium of 20 or so other states to coincide with the new Common ...
- U.S. Secretary of Ed to News Editors: Spin It Like Duncan | COMMON CORE
- Duncan Pushes Back on Attacks on Common Core Standards | U.S. Department of Education
- VBS - Advertisement Detail
- Diamond Releases List of Common Core Graphic Novels at ALA www.publishersweekly.com Compiled from works produced by its publisher-clients, Diamond Book Distributors has released The Diamond Graphic Novel Common Core List, a collection of 101 graphic novels arranged by grade level that will satisfy the Common Core curriculum.
- http://pinellasrepublican.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/View-July-On-The-Move-Newsletter-Here.pdf pinellasrepublican.org
- florida grading system worries bennett - OrlandoSentinel.com
- Gates Foundation Responds To GSR Bracelets Controversy - Forbes
- Report: 46 States to Limit Classic Literature in Schools | Heartlander Magazine news.heartland.org Common Core language arts standards reduce the amount of classic literature students in 46 states will read for school, with potentially destructive consequences for students’ future college study and careers, concludes a new report from the Pioneer Institute.
- What the George Zimmerman Trial and Cursive Have in Common stopcommoncoreillinois.org FOX 10 WDTV Clarksburg - During the George Zimmerman trial, when a witness was asked to read a letter in court, she wasn't able to. The reason? She said she didn't know how to read cursive. Because...
- Jeb Bush and the Common Core Money Trail | FreedomWorks www.freedomworks.org FreedomWorks is a grassroots service center dedicated to helping activists fight for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.
- TV Special: TED Talks Education | TED Playlists | TED
- http://news.sfppr.org/2013/03/be-afraid-government-help-for-the-children/
- http://www.contracostatimes.com/opinion/ci_23556273/common-core-an-uncommonly-bad-idea www.contracostatimes.com "The empirical evidence suggests that the Common Core will have little effect on American students
- http://news.sfppr.org/2013/03/ be-afraid-government-help-for-t he-children/
- Panel discusses cons and pros of Common Core - Daily Commercial: News
- The Bay State & World News Observer: 12th grade vocab baystateobserver.blogspot.com The official blog of http://baystateconservativenews.com - Restoring sanity in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, & all across America! *John 8:32
- Rebuttal to Senator John Legg's Pro-Common Core Column www.flstopcccoalition.org Senator John Legg, chairman of the Senate Education Policy Committee, despite authoring a very good bill just signed into law that requires ALL districts to have adequate and independently verified technology before the online Common Core tests can be given, wrote a very pro-Common Core column .....
- Six Ways the Common Core is Good For Students | NEA Today neatoday.org By Cindy Long As the Common Core debate heats up, we’ve heard a lot from policy makers, politicians, and even TV talk show hosts about the challenges posed
- Common Core
- 12 Steps Parents can take to Stop Common Core in Florida
- Just got this memorandum passed forward to me.... - Restore Oklahoma Public Education
- RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms - YouTube
- Missouri students deserve Common Core standards
- Get beyond buzz words and Common Core is "exercise in delusion."
- Bridgehampton School Regents Scores Flail Under Common Core
- Shifting gears: Educators moving to the common core
- A tough critique of Common Core on early childhood education
- A tough critique of Common Core on early childhood education | The Answer Sheet
- Common Core Complications
- NC Moving to Integrated High School Math With Common Core
- Truth is Missing from the Common Core Standard |
- Welcome to Accelerated Schools plus
- (2) Facebook
- Education Reform Movement Learns Lesson From Old Standards : NPR www.npr.org Under the No Child Left Behind law, states saw low test scores and the lowering of score standards. Advocates for the more rigorous Common Core standards, say it will be harder for states to hide their failing schools.
- Common Core Standards = No Child Left Behind on Steroids jonathanturley.org Respectfully submitted by Lawrence E. Rafferty (rafflaw)-Guest Blogger We have all heard the stories about the federal education policy instituted under the George W. Bush administration referred t...
- Center for College & Career Readiness
- Stop the rush to the Common Core www.nydailynews.com McClusky, Evers and Stotsky: The Common Core — effectively national math and English curriculum standards coming soon to a school near you — is supposed to be a new, higher bar that will take the United States from thee academic doldrums to international dominance.
- Sarah Palin Attacks Melissa Harris-Perry www.huffingtonpost.com It seems as though Melissa Harris-Perry has irked Sarah Palin and multiple members of the conservative media (see update below). In her new "Lean Forward" ad, the MSNBC host argues that the U.S. should invest more in public education.
- http:// education-curriculum-reform-gov ernment-schools.org/w/2013/07/ palm-beach-county-schools-force -pearson-to-reprint-islam-bias ed-textbook/
- CFNS | Citizens for National Security
- Biosensors to monitor U.S. students' attentiveness mobile.reuters.com DENVER (Reuters) - The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has poured more than $4 billion into efforts to transform public education in the U.S., is pushing to develop an "engagement pedometer." Biometric devices wrapped around the wrists of students would identify which classroom moments excite...
- The Common Core and National Security www.huffingtonpost.com One consequence of the Common Core is that students may not be as prepared to imagine threats to national security as well as how to make peace with peoples around the globe.
- SKrashen: Common core's claims are false skrashen.blogspot.com Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!Injury Compensation Claims
- INFOWARS Nightly News: With David Knight, Thursday, July 4 2013: Charlotte Iserbyt www.youtube.com Date: 07/04/2013 On The July 4, 2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, David Knight speaks with Charlotte Iserbyt regarding our educational system. htt...
- http:// okeducationtruths.files.wordpre ss.com/2013/07/ ba-letter-to-barresi.pdf
- My Common Core Compromise | the becoming radical
- http://now.msn.com/ students-asked-to-write-suicide -note-in-new-york-city-private -school
- Florida Middle School students reading child pornography watchdogwire.com There is no state or district list of approved novels.
- Stop the Rush to the Common Core www.cato.org The growing backlash against coast-to-coast standards is perfectly justified.
- Get some green shoe laces... - GoPublicSchool.com www.gopublicschool.com Get some green shoe laces to show support for this new anti-testing movement! Lace to the Top was started by two dads (who are teachers) and wanted to make the concerns about testing expressed on Facebook groups and teacher lounges visible to everyone... Lace to the Top is a bottom-up action for eve...
- LETTER: Common Core a tool of govt. indoctrination www.cecildaily.com Common Core is a set of national education standards for English and math classes developed by private Washington, D.C.-based trade organizations. When the states signed onto Common Core, the new standards had not yet been written. The states never saw what they agreed to, but now we know.
- Fact Checking the Bush Foundations' Rebuttals www.flstopcccoalition.org Former governor Jeb Bush's two foundations, The Foundation for Florida's Future and the Foundation for Excellence in Education, are constantly putting out rebuttals or their version of
- Tennessee Parents and Teachers Use Social Media to Lambaste Kevin Huffman dianeravitch.net This from a reader in Tennessee. Be sure to open the links and see the hilarious cartoons: "This week, two separate Fire Kevin Huffman FB pages went up: 1. https://www.facebook.com/RemoveKevinHuffm...
- http://www.ccsso.org/Who_We_Are/Business_and_Industry_Partnerships.html
- Can Our Unions Praise Common Core Standards and Defeat High Stakes Tests? blogs.edweek.org If we embrace the Common Core, and position ourselves as expert implementers, we cannot help but legitimize these standards as a solid set of benchmarks for student performance.
- How Data Mining is tied to the Common Core
- More Than One Fatal Flaw in Common Core’s ELA Standards (by Sandra Stotsky) pioneerinstitute.org There isn’t just one fatal flaw in Common Core’s English language arts standards: its arbitrary division of reading standards into two groups: 10 standards for “informational” text and 9 for “literature” at all grade levels from K to 12. Based on these numbers, school administrators have told Englis...
- MLive/Muskegon Chronicle readers and Steve Gunn debate Common Core ...
- Rob Jenkins: Finding common ground on the Common Core
- Their Shorts: On Common Core , unpaid internships
- Band director moving to Connecticut says 'something terribly wrong with the system' - OrlandoSentinel.com
- Idaho Teachers Preparing for Fall Switch to Common Core Standards
- Friday Doodle: A Common Core Testing Map
- Atheism, Darwinism, and Environmentalism in a Lab Coat www.rightsidenews.com E. Calvin Beisner shows how to fight back on the Next General Science Standards being promoted in public schools espousing enironmentalist activism and Darwinian beliefs.
- http://www.nytimes.com/2013/ 06/05/education/ harkin-schools-legislation.html ?_r=2
- Pulling Back the Curtain on Common Core www.theblaze.com Common Core’s national K-12 standards, in English language arts (ELA) and math, supposedly emerged from a state-led process in which experts, educators, and parents were well represented. But the people who wrote the standards did not represent the most important stakeholders. Nor were they qualifie...
- Texas Ends CSCOPE (school curriculum promoting Islam) www.youtube.com With your help, our social media campaign was able to reach 100's of thousands and expose the CSCOPE curriculum. It required students to study the Qurʼan and...
- Missouri Education Watchdog: Writer Destroys Alabama Chamber of Commerce's Common Core Talking... www.missourieducationwatchdog.com
- TIMSS Implications for U.S. Education | Chris Tienken christienken.com Christopher Tienken, Ed.D. is an assistant professor of Education Administration at Seton Hall University in the College of Education and Human Services, Department of Education Management, Policy, and Leadership. He has public school administration experience as a PK-12 assistant superintendent, mi...
- Common Core State Standards: A lesson in shrewd marketing
- Tea Party Roundup speaker to discuss potential risks with Common Core State ...
- Quality Counts 2013 - State Report Cards www.edweek.org This interactive map offers a quick way to examine State-by-State grades and summary data. The breakdown includes Chance for Success, K-12 Achievement and other indicators.
- Will state longitudinal data systems collect data beyond what is called for in legislation? |... advocacy.anissawardell.com The ability to share data from preschool through post-secondary education data systems.
- The Parental Rights Amendment: Transfers Authority Over Your Children to Federal Government -... minutemennews.com Where in the Constitution did WE THE PEOPLE delegate to the federal government power over children and their care and upbringing? We didn’t.
- http://canadafreepress.com/ index.php/article/55091
- Florida Board of Education approves race-based academic goals thegrio.com theGRIO REPORT - The Florida Board of Education has been met with opposition for approving a strategic plan this week that will categorize students' academic performance based on race and ethnicity...
- GED Test Shifts to Fit Common Core stopcommoncoreillinois.org Heartland Institute - On January 2, 2014, the current GED test will be replaced by a new version fully aligned with Common Core national K-12 benchmarks that costs nearly twice as much and will onl...
- Protecting Educational Freedom This Independence Day: Cracks in the Common Core www.rightsidenews.com Our country is founded and based upon liberty and Americans must be free to choose where their children go to school
- CC Copyright Misuse - Making the Common Core Practical commoncorestandards.com Common Core sets a new copyright precedent--a privately copyrighted document is now a public policy document. Never done before, local changes are impossible.
- Reclaiming Education Freedom: The Fight to Stop Common Core National Standards and Tests m.youtube.com Lindsey Burke of The Heritage Foundation and Joy Pullmann of The Heartland Institute discuss the fight to stop Common Core national standards and tests.
- Missouri Education Watchdog: Resolution For School Boards Ready to Reclaim Their Rightful... www.missourieducationwatchdog.com
- A Wyoming Teacher's Take on Common Core - YouTube
- The Daily Caller dailycaller.com The Daily Caller is a 24-hour news publication providing its audience with original reporting, thought-provoking commentary and breaking news.
- NFL Adopts Common Core Playbook--Copying Education Reforms | Truth in American Education truthinamericaneducation.com NFL Adopts Common Core Playbook–Copying Education Reforms by John J. Viall (Washington, D. C.) In a surprise news conference today U. S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell announced plans to improve NFL performance in coming seasons. Unlike new...
- 1895 8th grade exam show drop in educational standards | education-curriculum-reform-government-schools.org The 1895 Salina Kansas 8th grade final exam show how low America's educational standards have become in 2013. Few kids could pass any section today.
- Common Core State Standards: A lesson in shrewd marketing www.ajc.com University of Georgia professor Peter Smagorinsky is a frequent contributor to the Get Schooled blog.
- Video: Heritage Foundation and Heartland Institute Speak Out Against Common Core whatiscommoncore.wordpress.com Joy Pullman of Heartland Institute and Lindsey Burke of Heritage Foundation give one of the most articulate, compelling presentations about Common Core that I've seen. These speakers are rock stars...
- Common Core: The Good, the Bad and the Downright Frightening - Politichicks.tv politichicks.tv The controversy around the Common Core has been growing. Unless you’ve been living under a rock you might have heard something about this incredibly experimental
- School Psychologist: The biggest obstacle to "learning how to learn" is high stakes testing. teachersletterstobillgates.com Dear Bill and Melinda, As a School Psychologist, I love nothing more than good data. After thirteen years on the job, I still get a thrill every time I score a cognitive or academic test. There is ...
- CP: Are Common Core Standards the Next GOP Battleground?
- Restore Oklahoma Public Education: Does The State Department of Education Think Oklahomans Are... restoreoklahomapubliceducation.blogspot.com
- Private school voucher program growing rapidly, report shows www.news-press.com The state's voucher-like system that allows students to attend private schools experienced record enrollment growth in the 2012-13 school year, according to a state report, and a spokesman said the program expects to add even more students for the upcoming year.
- Kansas foes of school Common Core standards focus on tests
- Common Core : Michigan House subcommittee announces first meeting agenda
- It may be money, not politics, that undermines Common Core . New tests are too ...
- Common Core tests could exceed Georgia's budget
- Common Core vs . great literature
- New Common Core state standards to be implemented in the fall, Hampden ...
- kitchen table math, the sequel: Why students have to memorize things - revised kitchentablemath.blogspot.com I'm interested to hear your perception of an anti-knowledge uptick, as I have definitely seen a trend the other way. Mind you, my observations are local and specific, but they do spring from observations of implementing ideas from Elmore, Hattie and others.Where we get into extended discussion -- wi...
- Missouri Education Watchdog: Common Core Lesson of the Day: School Boards Do Not Operate as... www.missourieducationwatchdog.com
- Craig Calls Common Core “Great Mistake,” Lowery defends Standards
- Anti-Common Core Event in Orlando!
- Reform Math is Deformed Math www.rightsidenews.com Reform Math, the math curricula used in most public schools, is absurdly difficult and counter-intuitive. Children mainly learn that they hate math. A shortage of high-tech workers is inevitable.
- http://www.facebook.com/ l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.defend publiceducation.net%2Fstorage% 2FBroad%2520School%2520Closure %2520guide.pdf&h=3AQEqvGRz
- http://www.washingtonpost.com/ blogs/answer-sheet/post/ broad-foundationsplan-to-expand -influence-in-school-reform/ 2012/08/20/ c118e134-eb0a-11e1-b811-09036bc b182b_blog.html
- http://dianeravitch.net/2012/ 07/27/ does-the-public-have-a-right-to -know-about-broad-academy/
- Tennessee education leader under fire for new merit pay plan - Joe For America joeforamerica.com Tennessee education leader under fire for new merit pay plan -- State Education Commissioner Kevin Huffman is under heavy fire from
- http://www.cbsnews.com/ stories/2008/07/11/eveningnews/ main4254956.shtml
- Three Questions For Orange County Superintendent On Common Core stateimpact.npr.org When Gov. Rick Scott gave his State of the State speech this week, he made a point of recognizing educators who “help make dreams come true for the next generation.” He singled out Orange County Superintendent Barbara Jenkins, who was in the House Chambers as the governor’s guest. “Barbara, will you...
- Florida Yet To Adopt New Science Standards Which Emphasize Climate Change
- Common Core: In pursuit of the new Soviet man dailycaller.com The Common Core State Standards Initiative is a federal initiative designed to homogenize diverse state educational curricula. It is also the latest example of destructive federal overreach into th
- Announcement for Floridians Against Common Core Education Radio Show conta.cc
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ david-chura/ why-teachers-are-afraid_b_35728 85.html?ir=Education
- Most States Not Ready for Common Core Standards
- http://politichicks.tv/column/ corporate-greed-drives-union-be trayal-on-common-core/ #sthash.1UbCswNg.dpuf
- https://www.dropbox.com/s/ z8fcwf0cruv2rjy/ Common%20Core%20Pinellas%20REC. m4a
- Guest Column: The outing of Common Core Standards (Part 2) explorernews.com Two individuals who were members of the Common Core validation committees refused to endorse the standards. Dr. Jim Milgram, Stanford University, was the only professional mathematician and expert on content on the review committee. He has a background in writing standards and evaluating internatio...
- The Common Core Nightmare That Awaits Us | FreedomWorks www.freedomworks.org FreedomWorks is a grassroots service center dedicated to helping activists fight for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.
- Common Core Tests Too Pricey? www.gpb.org National tests being created for the Common Core educational standards could cost Georgia more than its current budget of $25 million for all types of assessments. A spokeswoman for Gov. Nathan Deal, says he is exploring options because of concerns about the cost of the assessments.
- Take education back from the feds | Superior Telegram | Superior, Wisconsin www.superiortelegram.com “Common Core: conservative to the core” is one of many articles Chester E. Finn Jr., has penned encouraging conservatives to embrace Common Core State Standards. Unfortunately, Finn never discloses that his “conservative” Thomas B. Fordham Institute has accepted nearly a million dollars from the Bil...
- Opt-Out/Refusal Guides for each State unitedoptout.com All documents are for informational purposes only and do not substitute as legal advice or legal counsel. The information contained in these documents and this website may or may not reflect the most
- Morton Musings: School leaders pitch Common Core to Tea Party
- common_core_evite.png (PNG Image, 1178 × 717 pixels) - Scaled (84%)
- Issues with Florida SB 878 – Common Core Linked Data Warehouse Bill « edlibertywatch.org edlibertywatch.org Executive Summary – SB 878 is a huge danger to the data privacy of Florida’s children and their families for the following reasons:
- http://edlibertywatch.org/2013/04/more-interaction-on-florida-common-core-data-mining-bill/
- More Interaction on Florida Common Core Data Mining Bill « edlibertywatch.org
- Activists & Education Liberty Watch Combine to Stop Florida Data Mining Bill « edlibertywatch.org
- On Common Core, Principals Told to Let Go and Embrace Tech blogs.edweek.org Alan November told the National Association of Elementary School Principals that embracing technology means difficult changes, but is key to succeeding in the Common Core era.
- Union Greed Goes Well With the CCS! truthabouteducation.wordpress.com “When school children start paying union dues, that’s when I’ll start - representing the interests of school children,” American Federation of Teachers (AFT) founder Al Shanker once told a rollicki...
- http:// education-curriculum-reform-gov ernment-schools.org/w/2013/07/ are-americas-students-dumbed-do wn-compare-how-they-write-to-c ivil-war-soldiers-letters-2/
- Janet Barresi generating headlines statewide newsok.com The education world in Oklahoma has been irked with State Superintendent of Schools Janet Barresi lately. Recently, Barresi announced the state would pull out of the PARCC testing consortium. (If you need a refresher, read my story here about how Oklahoma will not test with the Partnership for Asses...
- Penn. to Consider Common Core Repeal | Heartlander Magazine news.heartland.org Pennsylvania will revert to its state tests rather than use national Common Core tests, according to Pennsylvania Department of Education spokesman Tim Eller.
- PA residents oppose Common Core education standards articles.mcall.com HARRISBURG — For many, Bill Gates is the glasses-wearing businessman who has used his wealth as co-founder of Microsoft to help improve society.For a growing number of people, however, he is a...
- Iris scans are the new school IDs money.cnn.com A growing number of schools are replacing traditional identification cards with iris scanners.
- CRAIG: Common core's abstraction distraction
- With Common Core , Palmyra schools set a good example for other districts ...
- Citizens Task Force On Common Core Responds To Chamber Event
- Nebraska Joins States Trying to Link Student Data Systems blogs.edweek.org Nebraska became the 14th state to join the Ed-Fi Alliance and will work to create "dashboards" designed to give educators real-time access to student data.
- Indoctrination in Common Core ELA Texts www.youtube.com http://www.utahnsagainstcommoncore.com - Have you heard the notion that Common Core standards don't indoctrinate? Well they don't. It's the curriculum that i...
- The Truth Behind ‘the Truth’ About Common Core | Heartlander Magazine news.heartland.org I’m calling for a hogwash alert on the recent National Review Online article about Common Core. It’s written without any links or references for its Common Core-promoting claims, and it’s written by two authors whose employers are largely funded by the main funder of all things Common Core: The Bill...
- http:// www.washingtontimes.com/news/ 2013/jul/12/ common-cores-abstraction-distra ction/#ixzz2YrnvUKX6
- Feds Shake Down Farmer for Free Raisins www.breitbart.com A California raisin farmer is facing bankruptcy for defying a law requiring him to give the government a portion of his raisin crop without compensation. According to a Washington Post report, Marvin Horne, 68, stopped giving the government his raisins in 2002 and now "owes the U.S. government at le...
- Common Core vs. great literature
- https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=coRNJluF2O4&list=PLWqL2 Og4ICdvllViIJu00MBc15yaXp2UH
- How mad are some teachers? This mad | The Answer Sheet – The Washington Post www.networkforpubliceducation.org Educators who are sick and tired of being blamed for whatever woes exist in the public education system have banded together in a group named to show their disgust and defiance: the Badass Teachers Association.
- Common Core: Teaching to the New Test- Part III | SFPPR news.sfppr.org Common Core replaces individual excellence with collectivism. The rigorous debates between two individuals or two teams are replaced by consensus-building in “democratic” discussions in groups. Short in-class Internet research projects of less than two hours replace the in-depth research papers writ...
- http:// centralbaptistocala.sermon.tv/ mc/8485662
- Common Core Presentation in New York - Gilbert Watch www.gilbertwatch.com This Common Core presentation was given on July 7, 2013, in Rochester, New York. One of the presenters is Lisa Christiansen, who once lived in Gilbert, Arizona, and was an active Precinct Committeeman. In the first 5 minutes of this excellent video you will learn about the United Nations Universal D...
- Video: College Board Accidentally Explains Dumbing Down AP to Match Common Core whatiscommoncore.wordpress.com AP tests are aligning to Common Core. So, explain this, Common Core proponents: the reason to change college-credit AP tests to Common Core is to make sure that they were actually college-ready? Um...
- Veteran OK Educator Blasts the Common Core | Truth in American Education truthinamericaneducation.com Linda Murphy, a former candidate for Oklahoma State Superintendent of Education and a veteran educator, blasted the Common Core saying the state has bought into the Common Core deception. Here are her primary points about implementing the Common Core: Losing state and local control. Extensively and…
- www.concernedwomen.org
- Common Core - A Trojan Horse for Education Reform
- Common Core and Community College - Stop Common Core in Michigan stopcommoncoreinmichigan.com The National Center for Post-Secondary Research (NCPR) published an abstract in February 2013, The Common Core State Standards Implications for Community Colleges and Student Preparedness for College. The NCPR authors recommended,
- Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields www.naturalcuresnotmedicine.com Hungary burns and destroys all Monsanto GMO corn fields!
- About Florida Stop Common Core Coalition
- School choice doesn’t carry R or D label www.redefinedonline.org Anyone who denies the growing bipartisanship around all things school choice should pause to consider what happened in Rhode Island this year. There, in
- Video: College Board Accidentally Explains Dumbing Down AP to Match Common Core whatiscommoncore.wordpress.com AP tests are aligning to Common Core. So, explain this, Common Core proponents: the reason to change college-credit AP tests to Common Core is to make sure that they were actually college-ready? Um...
- http://www.capitol.tn.gov/bills/108/scheduledocs/f360dfc1-7dc8-4ffc-af62-4f19d2679129.pdf www.capitol.tn.gov
- The brewing battle over the Common Core
- Experts cite 'serious failings' in opposition to the Common Core
- New and old standards: Common Core vs. Sunshine State
- Common Core prompts political discourse
- PARCC Gives Update for Common Core Online Assessment Field Testing
- Tech Challenges Lead Oklahoma to Opt Out of PARCC Exams
- Oklahoma to drop testing consortium, superintendent Janet Barresi says
- Oklahoma Forum Home www.oeta.tv OETA is Oklahoma’s statewide public media source, providing educational and engaging content and services that foster lifelong learning and explore our local communities.
- Here’s an idea, what if every school adopted a dual career and college readiness mandate?
- 6/15/13 - Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) Delivers Weekly Address On Student Loans www.youtube.com In the Weekly Republican Address, U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) calls on Senate Democrats to put politics aside and support a long-term fix to prevent ...
- New Common Core State Standards coming for students, schools www.tallahassee.com Teachers like Rebecca Kircharr are already preparing for the immense changes that are coming to Florida public schools this year.
- Other states eye Florida’s school grading woes - Schools - MiamiHerald.com www.miamiherald.com The successes and failures of Florida’s school grading system have implications across the nation.
- Other states eye Florida’s school grading woes - Schools - MiamiHerald.com
- Why Are the Rich So Interested in Public-School Reform? | TIME.com ideas.time.com They want to remake America's students in their own high-achieving image, but they're overlooking socioeconomics
- Feds May Raise Phone Taxes to Fund Common Core Test-Taking #stopcommoncore stopcommoncoreillinois.org The Heartland Institute - The Obama administration may raise taxes on everyone’s phone lines by about $5 per year to increase K-12 tech subsidies because most schools cannot administer the computer...
- Reclaiming Education Freedom The Fight to Stop Common Core www.youtube.com
- http://www.facebook.com/ l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fldoe. org%2Fboard%2Fmeetings%2F2013_ 07_16%2Fagenda.asp&h=oAQF60yp_
- http:// truthinamericaneducation.com/ common-core-state-standards/ veteran-ok-educator-blasts-the- common-core/ ?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_med ium=twitter
- Video: Homeschooling Advocate Warns Common Core Abandon Classics | Truth in American Education truthinamericaneducation.com Will Estrada, the Director of Federal Relations with HSLDA (Homeschool Legal Defense Association was interviewed by Ginni Thomas of The Daily Caller about the Common Core State Standards. An excerpt from the article: Will Estrada, the director of federal relations for the Home School Legal Defense...
- Understanding Common Core
- Graphic: Common Core Concepts in education
- Education policy group slams prior Michigan standards in advance of Common ...
- Common Core focuses on critical thinking
- Dr. Everett Piper, President of Oklahoma Wesleyan University speaking on Common Core www.youtube.com Speaking at a Common Core forum in Edmond, Oklahoma, Dr. Everett Piper makes the case that Common Core State Standards are indeed 'common' and that a true li...
- US Textbooks Say Muslims Discovered America www.youtube.com http://www.actforamerica.org
- Change the Leadership, Change the Rules: Improving Schools & Districts www.studentsfirst.org A grassroots movement to reform America's public education and keep our best teachers in the classroom.
- Common Core opposition says Chamber of Commerce forum was 'staged' blog.al.com The Alabama Federation of Republican Women and Alabamians United for Excellence in Education speak out against Huntsville Chamber of Commerce's Common Core forum.
- Tempers flare at 1st Common Core hearing as legislators clash with Flanagan, each other www.mlive.com Rep. Tom McMillin (R-Rochester Hills) was cut off at one point by the committee chairman after repeatedly asking the same question of State Superintendent Mike Flanagan.
- San Antonio's Northside ISD Ends Badge Tracking Program foxsanantonio.com KABB Fox San Antonio :: Top Stories - Northside I.S.D. Ends Badge Tracking Program - By: Fox S.A. StaffNorthside I.S.D. has scrapped its controversial program to track students through
- Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin names two new Cabinet secretaries newsok.com Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin rearranged the structure of her advisory panel and named two new Cabinet secretaries.
- Commmon Core State Standards - Will You Be Assimilated? www.youtube.com This is a general overview of the Common Core State Standards covering their genesis, their cost, Race to the Top, the Standards themselves and finally how t...
- Susan Ohanian on Common Core...
- Joint-Fiscal Review - Jul 16th, 2013 tnga.granicus.com Live and Recorded Public meetings of Joint-Fiscal Review for Tennessee State Legislature
- https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=jJlB9gFn9vE&feature=pla yer_embedded
- Here We Go: Alabama to Implement “Race-Based Standards” in Public Schools – Minutemen News www.libertyfirstnews.com Via Minutemen News | The Alabama Federation of Republic…
- The Gates Effect - Special Reports - The Chronicle of Higher Education
- Why Citizen Developers Are The Future Of Programming – ReadWrite
- Common Core : Former Gov. John Engler endorses standards in new campaign ...
- Hashing out the pros and cons of the Common Core curriculum
- Editorial: Indulging the fringe on Common Core while Michigan's students fall ...
- Tenn. police chiefs support Common Core for students
- Common Core Won't Make Kids Smarter - Eagle Forum
- Murfreesboro Police Chief Glen Chrisman Comments on the Common Core State Standards in... wgnsradio.com Common Core State Standards in local education discussed in law enforcement?
- Missouri Education Watchdog: Why A Mother is Homeschooling. Common Core is That Bad. www.missourieducationwatchdog.com
- http://pstuph.wordpress.com/ 2011/07/30/ florida-schools-require-palm-sc an-to-purchase-lunch/
- Swedish Home-Schoolers Flee 'Parental Inquisition' - CBN.com - YouTube
- Numbers of A schools to drop; F schools to rise, according to state simulation | Extra Credit... blogs.palmbeachpost.com During the State Board of Education meeting Tuesday where the board narrowly voted to approve a stop-gap measure for school grades, board member Sally Bradshaw
- Who Is Behind The Privatization Of Education:Gates, Broad, KIPP, Pearson, EdWest & The Gulen Schools www.youtube.com Who Is Behind The Privatization Of Education: Education, Privatization, Bill Gates, Broad, KIPP, Pearson, EdWest And The Gulen Schools. A massive national an...
- Use of Common Core standards is explained www.jacksonsun.com During her first superintendent's report to the Jackson-Madison County School Board Monday night, Verna Ruffin and elementary education leader Versie Hamlett shared how teachers will use the Common Core standards.
- Utahns gather at the State Capitol to voice concern over www.abc4.com SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 Utah) - You've probably heard of "Common Core," it's a controversial federal mandate for education. Many people in Utah don't like it, and hundreds gathered Wednesday at the State Capitol to voice their concern.
- Curriculum and Instruction www.fldoe.org The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects which includes reading, writing, language, and speaking and listening standards, were adopted by the Florida State Board of Education on July 27, 2010. In summer of 2010…
- House GOP rolls out conservative education bill educationviews.org House Majority Leader Eric Cantor made a fresh push Tuesday to pass a massive rewrite of No Child Left Behind, as Republicans try to roll back the controversial education performance standards of t...
- Missouri Education Watchdog: You Might Need a New Superintendent...If....(Thanks to Jeff Foxworthy) www.missourieducationwatchdog.com
- David Coleman SDP Beyond the Numbers Convening www.youtube.com David Coleman, president of the College Board and creator of the Common Core State Standards, talks to data analysts in a conference in Boston on May 31, 201...
- http://youtu.be/AApeR8VyxCI
- Why the Common Core Rebellion Fell Short
- Bill Bledsoe’s letter to Dylan Scott
- Gates Foundation Invites Submissions for Child Medical Record Design Competition | PND | Foundation Center
- Records for Life Contest - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Stop Common Core in Florida - FreedomWorks
- Accelerating the Common Core Through Teacher Networks - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Judging Florida’s Preparedness for Common Core | Sunshine State News
- Douglas County school board resolution opposes Common Core | EdNews Colorado's EdWire
- Correction on Obama Executive Order for HIV Testing |
- LAKE COUNTY SCHOOLS CODE OF CONDUCT & POLICY... - The Florida Stop Common Core Coalition
- Warning: The Common Core standards may be harmful to children www.kappanmagazine.org The author, a longtime teacher and principal, levels harsh criticisms against the English/language arts standards of the Common Core State Standards. Some standards call on young children to behave like high school seniors, making fine distinctions between words or literary devices, carrying on mult...
- Christopher H. Tienken: The School Reform Landscape vimeo.com www.christienken.com
- The Myth of Charter Schools by Diane Ravitch | The New York Review of Books www.nybooks.com Waiting for “Superman” a film directed by Davis Guggenheim
- Gov Daniels: Zinn's Leftist Textbook crap, and unacceptable | education-curriculum-reform-government-schools.org Perude University President Mitch Daniels created a storm among leftist media when he criticized Zinn's People History of the United States as crap.
- What One Person Can Do To Stop Common Core whatiscommoncore.wordpress.com Across the nation, many people are beginning to raise concerns about implementing Common Core in our schools. Wondering what you can do? Here are some suggestions that add to what you'll find in T...
- Common Core: In pursuit of the new Soviet man dailycaller.com The Common Core State Standards Initiative is a federal initiative designed to homogenize diverse state educational curricula. It is also the latest example of destructive federal overreach into th
- http:// www.allianceforchildhood.org/ sites/allianceforchildhood.org/ files/file/ Joint%20Statement%20on
- http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=l0iYgcRRk5w
- Common Core ELA Informational Texts - YouTube
- The Florida Stop Common Core Coalition
- With A Brooklyn Accent: Thoughts from a Coach on the Common Core Standards withabrooklynaccent.blogspot.com
- We the People State School Board Meeting
- Stop Common Core testimony Michigan House of Representatives. 3/20/13 HB 4276 www.youtube.com Stop Common Core testimony Michigan House of Representatives. 3/20/13 HB 4276.
- School Drops Controversial Student Tracking System Paned as ‘Mark of the Beast’ www.theblaze.com In October 2012, a student rebelled against RFID (radio-frequency identification) tracking cards issued -- and mandatory -- for all students within two schools in a San Antonio, Texas, school district, saying from a religious perspective, she considered them the "mark of the beast." After court batt...
- The Educational Freedom Coalition www.theeducationalfreedomcoalition.org
- Switch to Common Core national reading, math standards alarms some parents
- Lauren's Success and the Failure of Common Core
- It takes 10000 pages to answer Forest's Common Core questions
- ENGLER: Common Core can make America competitive
- Preserve Innocence: Stop the Federal Takeover of Education - YouTube
- Differentiated Instruction - YouTube
- The Teacher and the Administrator - YouTube
- Common Core letter to DPI www.scribd.com Lt. Gov. Dan Forest's letter to Superintendent of the Department of Public Instruction
- https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=8LQ8x3BdNgQ&feature=you tube_gdata_player
- Rewrite of No Child Left Behind Passes House blog.heritage.org [caption id=attachment_124065 align=alignnone width=576] Newscom[/caption] The House has just passed the Student Success Act (SSA), a proposal sponsored by Representatives John Kline (R–MN) and Todd Rokita (R–IN) to rewrite the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law. The proposal aims to fix some o...
- A-PLUS: A Conservative Alternative to NCLB | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation
- ESEA Briefing Book www.edexcellence.net Political leaders hope to act soon to renew and fix the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA, also known as No Child Left Behind). In this important paper, Thomas B. Fordham Institute President Chester E. Finn, Jr. and Executive Vice President Michael J. Petrilli identify 10 big issues that…
- Georgia Department of Education www.gadoe.org July 22, 2013 – State School Superintendent Dr. John Barge and Gov. Nathan Deal announced today that Georgia is withdrawing from the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) test development consortium.
- Get Common Core Out of Florida - FreedomWorks secure.freedomworks.org Stop Common Core in Florida
- EDUCATION CENTRAL bwcentral.org WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT EDUCATION IN AMERICA View all videos of this series here - THE SAD STATE OF EDUCATION - What is Common Core Standards? Common Core and aligned assessments violate three Federal Statutes. Student-tracking system collects personally identifiable data. Tests designed by
- The Educational Freedom Coalition: Responses on Record www.theeducationalfreedomcoalition.org
- Stop Common Core in Florida - FreedomWorks secure.freedomworks.org Stop Common Core in Florida
- Nashville Parent Magazine
- Common Core State Standards; What Do They Mean To You? www.youtube.com This is an overview of the Common Core State Standards from the mythology that they were 'state led' to the interesting notion that David Coleman himself wro...
- Georgia Pulls Out of PARCC | Fight Common Core fightcommoncore.com The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported this afternoon that Georgia has decided to pull out of PARCC. In rejecting the test, Gov. Nathan Deal and Superintendent John Barge cited its cost, which could have been as high as $27 million — slightly more than the state’s entire K-12 testing budget. Geor...
- Florida Supporters And Opponents Race To Explain Common Core stateimpact.npr.org When Gov. Rick Scott and Education Commissioner Tony Bennett met with school superintendents in April, Florida’s new education standards led the questions. “Let’s start with Common Core," said Martin County superintendent Laurie Gaylord. “We recently held a Common Core workshop for our school board…
- Alert: Feds to spend $8 million in Florida to sell Obamacare watchdogwire.com The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) reports it has 46 awards totaling $8,052,533 to sell the Affordable Healthcare Act in Florida. The DHHS website states, "Florida has 48 health centers with 410 sites that served 1,136,458 patients last year, 43.65 percent of them uninsured. With the...
- Stop Common Core Action Plan us5.campaign-archive1.com As I engaged this battle several months ago to stop Common Core, our legislators were in complete support for this insidious federal takeover of our education system. With your help and the help of many organizations across Florida and nationally, the House and Senate leadership has asked Florida's...
- Common Core ELA Informational Texts |
- State test scores drop as Maryland schools prepare for Common Core
- With Georgia Out, What's Next For Common Core Testing Consortium PARCC
- How Common Core could affect every state
- Bethlehem Area teachers to take course step toward Common Core Standards
- Georgia, Oklahoma say Common Core tests are too costly and decide not to ...
- Is Common Core failing the test
- Common Core Testing Costs Increase; Georgia Withdraws | Heartlander Magazine news.heartland.org It will only take three more states to withdraw from PARCC national Common Core tests to jeopardize the group’s $186 million federal grant.
- Get Your Common Corporate Test for Just $29.95, or Wait for the Fire Sale atthechalkface.com One of the two ginormous Common Corp consortia, PARCC, finally priced their product line yesterday. The $29.95 per student does not include costs for professional development, diagnostic tests, fo...
- Letter: Be informed about Common Core State Standards : Historic City News historiccity.com Letter: Be informed about Common Core State Standards John Thrasher Former Republican Party of Florida Chairman St Augustine, FL Dear Editor: Like many of your readers, I have been followin
- EPIC - EPIC to Defend Student Privacy Rights in Federal Court epic.org On July 24, EPIC President Marc Rotenberg and EPIC Administrative Law Counsel Khaliah Barnes will present arguments in federal district court in Washington, DC in support of student privacy. In EPIC v. Dept. of Education, No. 12-327, EPIC is challeng...
- Restore Oklahoma Public Education: States Dumping PARRC Is An ORCHESTRATED Event - NOT "STATE LED"! restoreoklahomapubliceducation.blogspot.com
- Common Core Forum on Aug. 6 lakecountyschools.wordpress.com
- Diane Ravitch: 3 Dubious Uses of Technology in Schools: Scientific American www.scientificamerican.com Technology can inspire creativity or dehumanize learning
- What Common Core State Standards Mean for Catholic Schools youtu.be The Common Core State Standards are becoming increasingly important in the Catholic school industry and the NCEA is taking it seriously. Sister Dale McDonald...
- http://www.libertynews.com/ 2013/07/ unbelievable-common-core-shill- says-new-education-does-not-re quire-students-to-have-right-a nswers-only-that-they-explain- how-they-got-answer/
- Stop the Rush to the Common Core www.cato.org The growing backlash against coast-to-coast standards is perfectly justified.
- What Parents Should Know About 'Common Core' Education Standards
- 'Common Core' Math: Wrong Answers Acceptable
- http://www.definingthecore.com/
- Common Core academic standards failing the test? www.politico.com President Barack Obama’s goal of holding all students across the U.S. to the same high academic standards may be on the verge of unraveling as states take a hard look at the more rigorous tests under development — and balk. Backed by $360 million in federal grants, some 40-plus states ha...
- 'Common Core' In Jeopardy As More States Withdraw www.breitbart.com With the states of Alabama, Utah, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania – and now Georgia – having decided to withdraw from the national Common Core tests, the program appears to be in danger of unraveling.
- Common Core Causes Test Scores to Drop in Maryland | Truth in American Education truthinamericaneducation.com Lillian Lowery, the Maryland State School Superintendent pointed primarily to the Common Core State Standards as the culprit as to why test scores dropped in Maryland this year. Via the Baltimore Sun: The drops in test scores for both elementary and middle schools were seen in nearly every school di...
- Is Common Core Failing the Test? (+video) joemiller.us President Barack Obama’s goal of a one-size-fits-all standard academic curriculum for the nation may be on the verge of unraveling as states take a harder look. SHARE THIS PAGE:
- Local Resolution Against COMMON CORE- Point And Click This To Your Commissioners In 60 Seconds –... florida.tenthamendmentcenter.com Florida Tenth Amendment Center
- http://heartland.org/ policy-documents/ research-commentary-common-core -science-standards
- State education officials: We're sticking with Common Core
- New Gates History Curriculum Closes Young Minds to God | Crisis Magazine www.crisismagazine.com There seems to be no limit to the ambition of Bill Gates. After making tens of billions in the personal computer revolution, Gates has become a full-time cheerleader for leftist causes on a global scale—whether it’s reducing carbon emissions to
- Common Core Standards - Fact and Fiction www.youtube.com Presented by Joy Pullmann Managing Editor of School Reform News and an Education Research Fellow at The Heartland Institute
- Common Core Teaches Community Organizing for the Collective canadafreepress.com Common Core Teaches Community Organizing for the Collective, Social justice, activism, and community organizing for the socialist collective
- “Common Core” the Marxist brainwashing of America’s schoolchildren
- Senator Rubio Appears to Oppose Common Core Standard | education-curriculum-reform-government-schools.org Senator Rubio, interviewed to day in orlando, is said to oppose the controversial federalized Common Core Standard. Rubio says states should have full control.
- Islamic Indoctrination in American Schools... Floridians Outraged Over Muslim Bias in Textbooks dcclothesline.com Does Prentice Hall ring a bell? Depending on when you went to school you may have had a few Prentice Hall textbooks. I know I did. One of their current textbooks, simply titled World History, is ca...
- http://unitedoptout.com/state-by-state-opt-out/oklahoma/
- Teachers or ‘Quantitative Learning Gains Facilitators?’ www.washingtonpost.com Here are the competing narratives in the school reform debate. Pick the one that makes the most sense to you.
- Restore Oklahoma Public Education: Are the Common Core Conservative? An Answer to Mike... restoreoklahomapubliceducation.blogspot.com
- Missouri Education Watchdog: Why Are Some Florida Former GOP Leaders Supporting Common Core? Are... www.missourieducationwatchdog.com
- http://www.eagleforum.org/ publications/educate/july13/ next-generation-science-standar ds-common-core-incognito.html
- Common Core Education Part 1 Dr. Peg Luksik www.youtube.com Dr. Peg Luksik speaking about Common Core Education Standards at the local F.O.E in Indiana PA.
- Restore Oklahoma Public Education: Common Core Comment To State School Board From A Mom restoreoklahomapubliceducation.blogspot.com
- National civics, history tests to disappear | Human Events www.humanevents.com "Is it possible to have a responsible citizenry if we don’t teach them civics, history, and the humanities?”
- Missouri Education Watchdog: MAJOR ALERT for Private School and Homeschool Parents. The Plan:... www.missourieducationwatchdog.com
- Common Core Parent/ Expert dialogue. www.youtube.com Do you ever feel like everyone you ask about Common Core talks in circles?
- Left-Right Alliance for Education www.lrallianceforeducation.org We oppose the CCSSI because it continues the failed education reforms of the past and violates privacy rights as it builds a system for centrally managed student training for the future workforce of the “Global Economy.” This central goal will dismantle liberal arts education, which most contributes...
- School board shuts down proposed Bible history class www.news965.com “Fox & Friends” says a Delaware public school board shot down a proposed course over the Bible. Supportive board member, Sandi Minard, says the course was only meant to be a history of the Bible. The decision was split 3-3, with one member absent, and thus was shut down. The News Journal says the de...
- http://www.reviewjournal.com/ news/education/ 3-nevadans-short-list-state-sup erintendent-schools
- Common Core Will Hurt School Choice
- Common Core : Veteran Educator Urges Teachers To 'Teach To The Test'
- Education officials underestimated impact of Common Core
- The Unraveling of the Common Core
- Kansas: Common Core test costs to beat national average
- 2013-07 News | US House Passes Student Success Act with Strong Anti-Common Core Language!
- Idahoans raise objections to Common Core standards
- Common Core test costs in Kansas seen as less than national estimates
- Politics muddles Common Core conversation
- How Common Core is Coming to Homeschoolers
- Math Teachers Find Common Core More Rigorous
- http:// www.flstopcccoalition.org/ mailing/view/ 06E7D230-7AA0-49A7-9689-F051208 9145F
- FSCCC Action Plan in Response to Leadership Letter on PARCC | Florida Stop Common Core Coalition www.flstopcccoalition.org Randy Osborne's FSCCC Plan in Response to Leadership Letter on PARCC
- A Moore Teacher Retires Because of Common Core www.youtube.com ROPE has reported the number of teachers we speak to that are retiring rather than have to either prepare for, teach, or be responsible through TLE evaluatio...
- Rubio comes out against Common Core, putting him at odds with Jeb Bush www.tampabay.com Sen. Marco Rubio has joined growing criticism of the education standards known as Common Core, putting him in conflict with Jeb Bush at a time when Rubio is sharpening his conservative credentials.
- Ohio district seeking permanent tax increase to cover Common Core costs - EAGnews.org powered by... eagnews.org Education Research, Reporting, Analysis and Commentary powered by Education Action Group Foundation
- Ohio Lawmaker Proposes Common Core Repeal | Heartlander Magazine news.heartland.org If passed, the bill would prohibit state funds for Common Core materials, training, and tests in Ohio, prohibit Ohio from sending student information to the federal government or other outside groups, and require public discussion and further study of Common Core and education standards.
- http://www.hslda.org/ commoncore/
- In Arizona, testing costs jump 50 percent under Common Core dailycaller.com The standardized tests required under Common Core, the new federal education guidelines, will increase the state of Arizona's test-related costs by 50 percent, according to a new report. Arizona's
- What's Missing From Common Core Is Education for Democracy
- Letter: Common Core curriculum deceptive
- Pence, Ritz pull state out of group creating tests for Common Core
- High School Text Book Literally Re-writes History - YoungPatriots.com youngpatriots.com High school textbook literally rewriting history - clear bias toward Islam.
- UPDATE: Dems call for Education Commissioner Bennett's ouster | Naked Politics
- Do the math -- Common Core = a massive, risky experiment on your kids
- Expensive, Problematic Common Core Tests
- Lawmakers talk Common Core curriculum
- Ohio legislators try to repeal Common Core school standards
- Hillsdale College president criticized for calling minorities 'dark ones ...
- Former education commissioner blasts Common Core process — update
- Amid grading controversy, Florida education chief Tony Bennett to resign
- Daily Commercial Forum - YouTube
- Florida Tenth Amendment Center launches petition to stop Common Core watchdogwire.com There is a growing movement at the state level to stop Common Core State Standards (CCSS). There is a new twist to the movement. The Florida Tenth Amendment Center (FLTAC) has launched county-level e-campaigns for local resolutions to stop CCSS.
- $20 Million Chicago Schools Contract Raises Questions www.huffingtonpost.com Quietly and without public fanfare, the Chicago Board of Education recently awarded a contract to a small for-profit company that CPS officials say is the best bet to provide high-quality training for principals and mid-level administrators.
- Restore Oklahoma Public Education: Common Core in A Nutshell restoreoklahomapubliceducation.blogspot.com
- IXL - Common Core kindergarten math standards www.ixl.com IXL's dynamic math practice skills offer comprehensive coverage of Common Core kindergarten standards. Find a skill to start practicing!
- Education researcher warns: Common Core wants dumbed-down working class www.onenewsnow.com An education researcher recently published an article about Common Core that will concern, even frighten, parents unfamiliar with the goals of the standards.
- School Defends Textbook Calling Muhammad “God’s Messenger” www.westernjournalism.com School officials in Florida are defending a textbook that declares Muhammad as the “Messenger of God” after critics accused an Islamic education group of launching a stealth jihad in American public school classrooms. The Prentice World History textbook being used in Brevard Public Schools includes…
- Matthew Tully: Tony Bennett's wife now works at for-profit corporation he picked to run IPS schools www.indystar.com In June of 2011, Tony Bennett, then Indiana's superintendent of public instruction, picked a for-profit education company in Florida to run a group of Indianapolis public schools.
- The biggest loser in the Tony Bennett resignation
- Common Core Curriculum "Standards" Debunked - Girard At Large www.girardatlarge.com PhD and former Validation Committee member refuses to validate Common Core standards. Find out why.
- Michelle Malkin - Jeb Bush's Crony Republicans Against Higher Standards townhall.com he resignation of Florida Education Commissioner Tony Bennett couldn't have come at a better time. His disgraceful grade-fixing scandal is the perfect symbol of all that's wrong with the federal education schemes peddled by Bennett and his mentor, former GOP Gov. Jeb Bush: phony academic standards,…
- 2013-08 News | Potential Interim Education Commissioner is Pro-Common Core - We Need to Withdraw... www.flstopcccoalition.org Potential Interim Education Commissioner is Pro-Common Core - We Need to Withdraw from Common Core!
- Get beyond buzz words and Common Core is "exercise in delusion." www.ajc.com Cindy Lutenbacher is a teacher and DeKalb County public school parent. She is also an ardent critic of Common Core State Standards.
- Parents claim textbook is biased against Christianity video.foxnews.com Publisher says history book is balanced
- Articles: Common Core's Data Mining Trojan Horse www.americanthinker.com Although high information Americans are becoming aware of the federal takeover of education through Common Core Standards, there seems to be little recognition yet that Common Core gives schools and third parties unprecedented access to students' personal information. The federal government is acqu...
- Suspend Florida School Grading youpower.democracyforamerica.com Florida citizens already doubt the integrity of the accountability system and the reliability of school grades. Recent revelations of grade tampering by Governor Scott's latest Commissioner of Education Tony Bennett have confirmed our worst fears - the grading of Florida schools is subject to politi...
- Michelle Malkin - Jeb Bush's Crony Republicans Against Higher Standards townhall.com he resignation of Florida Education Commissioner Tony Bennett couldn't have come at a better time. His disgraceful grade-fixing scandal is the perfect symbol of all that's wrong with the federal education schemes peddled by Bennett and his mentor, former GOP Gov. Jeb Bush: phony academic standards,…
- Opinion: N.J. education chief 'is driving a stake through the heart of public education by his... www.nj.com Mr. Cerf and the state Board of Education have usurped the rights of New Jersey parents, who want more for their children than a third-world education.
- Teaching our children bad science watchdogwire.com Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), a product of Achieve, Inc., are being used throughout the U.S. public school system. I have just reviewed the final NGSS standards on areas related to the teaching of climate change. Here are my conclusions: 1. General. On the subject of the NGSS for climate...
- https://www.facebook.com/ events/1396364123919579/
- Rachel Alexander - Common Core: What's Hidden Behind the Language townhall.com Conservatives are in an uproar over Common Core, an educational curriculum being forced upon the states by the Obama administration, which is scheduled to be mostly implemented this year in the 46 states that have adopted it. Common Core eliminates local control over K-12 curriculum in math and Engl...
- Missouri Education Watchdog: Economics Assignment Questions Educational Local Control and... www.missourieducationwatchdog.com
- Problems with Common Core www.youtube.com Dr. Duke Pesta describes what's wrong with the federalized, one-size-fits-all Common Core standards for American education. Dr. Pesta is academic director of...
- Lessons in spelling 'have no place in 21st century schools' - Telegraph www.telegraph.co.uk Schools should stop providing lessons in spelling and grammar because children can correct linguistic errors on their mobile phones, according to a leading academic.
- Watchdog Wire Tweets Up With EAGnews (with tweets) · rswaff storify.com Watchdog Wire hosted a Tweet Up with Education Action Group of EAGnews.org to discuss education reform, common core, classroom bias, and the state of American education. The result was a fiery debate - particularly between pro and anti Common Core groups.
- ▶ Why an "A" is not enough - YouTube
- Common Core Hearings Q&A pt1 www.youtube.com
- Hoosiers Say No to Common Core
- Missouri Education Watchdog: Another Assault on Homeschoolers: This time in Oklahoma. www.missourieducationwatchdog.com
- Bill Gates Promoting False History | Around the World with Ken Ham blogs.answersingenesis.org Well, there’s another new curriculum that’s encouraging compromise—but this one is being supported by software billionaire Bill Gates. Gates, who has
- What the New SAT and Digital ACT Might Look Like www.nytimes.com The SAT is being overhauled — again — and the ACT is going digital. The test makers reveal what the exams might look like.
- Why Obama’s pushing and paying for Master Teacher Corps | COMMON CORE
- Why schools aren’t businesses: The blueberry story www.washingtonpost.com How a corporate leader discovered schools shouldn't be run like businesses.
- http://m.nationalreview.com/ article/355014/ jebs-education-racket-michelle- malkin
- http:// americansforprosperity.org/ legislativealerts/ its-official-the-feds-control-c ommon-core/
- Survey: States sticking with Common Core standards www.lasvegassun.com Survey: States unlikely to reverse, limit decision to adopt Common Core education standards
- Top Ten Scariest People in Education Reform whatiscommoncore.wordpress.com Michelle Rhee: Putting Students Last Countdown # 10: Top Ten Scariest People in Education Reform This is the first in a countdown series of introductions, a list of the Top Ten Scariest People Le...
- A National Education Standards Exit Strategy for States www.heritage.org State policymakers should resist the imposition of national education standards and tests and prevent their implementation.
- Teachers & parents protest outside School Board Office - ABC4.com - Salt Lake City, Utah News
- http:// danetteclark.wordpress.com/ 2013/08/04/ pearsons-creepy-vision-for-the- future-of-education-confirms-c ommon-core-fears/
- Episode 27: “Common ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ Core Curriculum” tnfullyexposed.com Tennessee is one of several states that have adopted Obama’s “Common Core” Curriculum. Our special guest, Cathy Hinners, is the founder of the Daily Roll Call and has been vigilant in her investigation. Listen in to see how the Common Core in Tennessee is being pushed by Muslim Brotherhood organizat...
- Trouble with the Common Core - Nashville Parent Magazine www.nashvilleparent.com Educational reform has never been needed more, and yet, a tempest larger than a teapot is brewing today.
- Assessment vs. Achievement Tests -- February 1999 Education Reporter www.eagleforum.org Assessment vs. Achievement Tests -- February 1999 Education Reporter
- Intimidated? Stand Strong Against the Bully of Common Core whatiscommoncore.wordpress.com Increasingly,evidence damning Common Core and its appendages is disappearing. For example, the video where the current College Board President David Coleman, (lead architect on Common Core English ...
- Florida Politics and Business News - Tallahassee News | Sunshine State News | Sunshine State News www.sunshinestatenews.com Sunshine State News brings you online coverage of Florida politics & business with breaking news on local government, business & elections in Florida.
- Feds announce takeover of CC assessments www.utahnsagainstcommoncore.com Put the delusions to rest, the feds have announced their takeover of Common Core through control of the assessments.
- Katie Pavlich - Democratic Governors: Obamacare Could Ruin Our Re-election Chances townhall.com It isn't just U.S. House members and Senators who are worried about re-election with Obamacare being held over their heads, Democratic governors are getting worried too.
- http://www.theatlantic.com/ national/archive/2013/04/ the-coming-revolution-in-public -education/275163/
- Five absurdities about high-stakes standardized tests www.washingtonpost.com Custodians evaluated by test scores, and much more.
- Concerned Women for America - Just Breaking! New reports reveal Common Core standards are... www.cwfa.org State Senator William Ligon (R-Brunwick) released two reports today that clearly show that Georgia traded down when adopting the Common Core standard for math and English language arts (ELA) in 2010. Sen. Ligon requested an independent analysis be completed for the math and ELA standards. Dr. Mary K...
- Legislative Task Force To Perform Educational Review | Alaska Public Media www.alaskapublic.org The state spends nearly $2 billion on its public school system every year, but despite that, districts across Alaska come up against layoffs and strapped budgets. Now, a newly formed legislative task force plans to review the state of Education in Alaska. Download Audio
- Wyoming GOP Passes Anti-Common Core Resolution | Truth in American Education truthinamericaneducation.com Sources in Wyoming tell me that the Wyoming GOP State Central Committee at their meeting on Saturday, July 27th passed a resolution condemning the Common Core State Standards. I was told it was a tight vote, but the vote count was not available and won’t be confirmed until the minutes are approved…
- http://www.fldoe.org/board/ members.asp
- Florida’s new Education Commissioner has close ties with Jeb Bush – good or bad? watchdogwire.com Stewart is a "Bush reformer".
- Common Core protested at Broward schools headquarters - Schools - MiamiHerald.com www.miamiherald.com In the latest sign that not everyone in Florida is supporting the state’s switch to Common Core curriculum standards, about two dozen protesters descended upon Tuesday’s Broward School Board meeting, holding signs and an American flag while trying to attract the attention of motorists…
- Common Core is neither internationally bencharked nor state-led pioneerinstitute.org I have nothing against IHOP. I eat there if there is nothing else better around. But I wouldn’t take my kids there on a regular basis. The food may have the moniker of “international” but I don’t think that anyone actually believes that. (It’s not even close to mom’s cooking.) Alas, the syrupy Co...
- New York Common Core Scores Drop Like a Rock | Truth in American Education truthinamericaneducation.com WROC-TV in Rochester, NY is reporting that scores for New York’s 3rd-8th graders Common Core scores are dismal. New York recently developed their own state exam, and the kids’ scores “dropped like a rock.” What’s worse is that they were expecting it. As expected, test scores for New York’s third t...
- Common Core Test Scores Dismal www.rochesterhomepage.net In Rochester, only 5 percent of students are proficient in math and English.
- Chicago Democrat Activist High School Teacher: Common Core a Massive Fraud whatiscommoncore.wordpress.com Paul Horton is a Democrat, a political activist, and a Chicago high school history teacher who stands up against Common Core. He writes: "I will vote for a Republican for governor who will get rid ...
- Shock Doctrine; or five reasons not to trust the new test scores us6.campaign-archive2.com
- Respected Iowa Test of Basic Skills is the Most Cost-effective Way to Meet National Testing... www.washingtonpolicy.org Key Findings
- http:// education-curriculum-reform-gov ernment-schools.org/w/2013/08/ commissioner-stewart-misleads-o n-common-core-at-educational-s ummit-audience-concerned-about -privacy-and-local-control/
- Common Core: The Decade Long Death Panel for Public Education
- Click here to support Florida Stop Common Core Coalition by Chrissy Blevio www.gofundme.com We are a non-profit, 501(c) 3. All donations are tax deductible. Help us preserve educational freedom in Florida by donating to the Florida Stop Common Core Coalition.Money will be used to pay for educational events, travels expenses for speakers, and administrative expenses..
- Education event stirs questions about Common Core standards | jacksonville.com
- New York fails Common Core tests
- Wyoming Test Scores Drop | Truth in American Education truthinamericaneducation.com Like New York, Wyoming student test scores drop as well, and like New York it was “expected.” The Casper Star-Tribune reports: Statewide scores for elementary and middle school students in the Performance Assessment for Wyoming Students, or PAWS, this spring declined in every subject and every gra...
- Common Core Curriculum Brings Big Shifts To Math Instruction
- http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=RIHwoZCYL9Q
- Common Core: A Threat to Catholic Education | Crisis Magazine www.crisismagazine.com Editor’s note: The following letter by Eagle Forum president, Phyllis Schlafly, was mailed this month to key members of the Roman Catholic hierarchy in the United States concerning the implementation of the Common Core education standards in public and private
- https://www.facebook.com/ groups/183062228539486/?fref=ts
- Don't Worry About Your Test Scores blogs.edweek.org They told us not to worry about the more difficult state assessments in a year they were tied to teacher and administrator evaluations.
- Who’s setting Wisconsin’s academic standards? watchdog.org By Ryan Ekvall | Wisconsin Reporter MADISON — Sure, officials with the state Department of Instruction met with hig
- Rep. Adkins Directly Contradicts Governor Scott | Florida Stop Common Core Coalition www.flstopcccoalition.org After Tony Bennett's resignation in disgrace education establishment is furiously trying to keep a happy face on the Common Core system. They are not succeeding. In two meetings in the Jacksonville area on August 6th, Rep. Janet Adkins, chairwoman of the House Education Committee, .....
- Bush Foundation Defends Common Core Before Skeptical Repub | education-curriculum-reform-government-schools.org Bush foundation staffer kate wallace defended common core standards before a skeptical florida republican audience. REC had concerns about data and standards
- Islamist Group Suspected in Acid Attack on Two Jewish Girls
- Two more DOE staff members from Indiana resign - OrlandoSentinel.com
- Making the Case Against (the Illegal) Common Core State Standards bwcentral.org There is growing controversy over the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) throughout the United States. Grassroots movements are springing up everywhere in an attempt to educate voters who have never heard of the CCSS, hoping that they will join the ranks of those fighting against the CCSS.
- Missouri Education Watchdog: A Teacher's Experience with Common Core www.missourieducationwatchdog.com
- Gates pours millions in new grants to change teaching profession www.washingtonpost.com Who is getting Gates money now -- and for what?
- Jeb Bush backs common core at conservative conference www.news-press.com Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush defended new uniform achievement standards for students around the nation Friday.
- Data Mining using Common Core: Cha Ching – Cha Ching! watchdogwire.com Not only is the Common Core State Standards initiative about “dumbing down” our children under the guise of bringing them up, but it is all about power, control and especially money! While many Americans worry about government drones spying on their private lives and NSA wiretapping phones, Washingt...
- Common Core unconstitutional www.newarkadvocate.com In response to The Advocate article, 'Common Core unlikely to change,' on Aug. 4, I offer that Common Core is an unconstitutional initiative. The Constitution of the United States grants the federal government no authority over education.
- Common Core no more: Colorado school district goes own way www.onenewsnow.com A Colorado school district has passed a resolution opposing the federal Common Core standards for education because board members believe those standards are too low.
- Americans have a common cause in battle against Common Core State Standards www.hngnews.com The government is planning to spend about $16 BILLION to implement programs that are basically the same as those paid for in the 1950s. Many have been given the false impression that Common Core State Standards and the International Baccalaureate programs will reform and improve education. However,…
- Utah Personalizes Learning With Portable Records blogs.edweek.org In October, Digital Learning Now! published Data Backpacks: Portable Records & Learner Profiles. The paper makes the case for portable academic K-12 transcript that follows students grade to grade and school to school
- Corporate Education 'From Above' and the Trouble with Common Core www.commondreams.org (Cartoon: Ethan Heitner / More at: freedomfunnies.wordpress.com)It isn't easy to find common ground on the Common Core. Already hailed as the “next big thing” in education reform, the Common Core State Standards are being rushed into classrooms in nearly every district in the country. Although these...
- http://www.journalgazette.net/ article/20130806/EDIT05/ 308069986/1144/edit05
- Jersey Jazzman: "College AND Career Ready": A Useless, Phony Phrase jerseyjazzman.blogspot.com Word Jazz served (mostly) daily. Education, politics, music, the arts, New Jersey, and whatever else strikes me. "A widely read teacher blogger" - Jane Roh, Courier Post. "One of my favorite bloggers" - Diane Ravitch
- Tony Bennett Emails Jeb - Count the Errors #HugeFail gatorbonbc.wordpress.com This is an email written by our former Florida Commissioner of Education, Tony Bennett. The email is addressed to Jeb Bush. Both men call for higher standards in public schools and for more account...
- Orwellian Nightmare: Data-mining Your Kids www.thenewamerican.com Being implemented hand in hand with the new national curriculum standards being pushed on schools, called Common Core, is government surveillance of students. By Alex Newman
- Pam Stewart interviews about Common Core - Bing Videos
- Test Scores Plummet After New York Adopts Common Core Standards www.breitbart.com Student test scores on New York state exams plummeted this year following the state’s adoption of the Common Core national standards. In New York City, 26 percent of students in third through eighth grade passed the state English exam, and only 30 percent passed the math test, compared to 47 p...
- Missouri Education Watchdog: More Numbers Games with Common Core Assessments www.missourieducationwatchdog.com
- Terrence Moore from Hillsdale College testifies on Common Core to IN Senate www.youtube.com Common Core Standards problems with ELA and the lack of Literature
- Walking the Labyrinth of the Corporate-Owned-Common Core www.youtube.com expose corporate interest in education "reform"--with actual feet in the footage
- educationalchemy | A blog dedicated to democracy, public education, and the power of the imagination to fight corporate greed–if the truth sounds crazy it is because we have become too accustomed to falsehoods
- A Labyrinth of Corporate Interests in Common Core | educationalchemy
- Tony Bennett emailed Jeb Bush, Mitch Daniels about his resignation www.indystar.com The day before he abruptly resigned from his job, Florida Education Commissioner Tony Bennett wrote an impassioned email to two former governors he called 'part of my family.'
- CSCOPE Temporary Restraining Order News Conference Monday! us2.campaign-archive1.com Those of us who have been in this battle against CSCOPE understand clearly that this issue is a political opportunity and a political hot potato. For those elected officials who understand this is not about their political future but about the children of Texas and the future of our State and our N...
- Detroit News Op-Ed calls Common Core "manufactured" crisis - Stop Common Core in Michigan stopcommoncoreinmichigan.com Dale Hansen a “politically left” blogger at the Detroit News calls Common Core a “manufactured education crisis.”
- http://nces.ed.gov/Programs/ SLDS/pdf/alaska2012.pdf
- National Sexuality Education Standards - Core Content and Skills, K-12 ~ South Dakotans Against... www.sdagainstcommoncore.com I recently typed up a blog post about the dumbing down of the Saxon Math curriculum. The whole education establishment needs to be privatized and divorced from Federal Money: http://jennyhatch.com/2013/04/30/uncommon-lore-the-original-saxon-math-curriculum-math-a-firm-foundation-to-build-a-homeschoo...
- Catholic School Parents Against Common Core
- Why ignore research on child development? (To promote your own disinformation for profit...)
- http://www.c-spanvideo.org/search/?type=program&all%5B%5D=global&all%5B%5D=education&order=newest
- http://www.c-spanvideo.org/search/?keywords=arne+duncan
- Indiana charter school grade scandal could slow system support | TuscaloosaNews.com
- Common Core may create common problem for Georgia and other states: Lower ...
- Glenn Beck bashes Wake County school poem on Common Core curriculum
- Common Core : 3 x 4=11
- Diane Ravitch, other Common Core opponents to testify in Michigan
- NYC home to 22 schools among top 25 Common Core exam performers
- Atlanta superintendent commits to Common Core
- Postponing 'Stakes' for Common Core Won't Work www.edweek.org Postponing high stakes for the common-core assessments would delay important progress, writes Alice Johnson Cain of Teach Plus.
- Restore Oklahoma Public Education: Oklahoma History Standards Could Very Well Be Common Core... restoreoklahomapubliceducation.blogspot.com Good information. But ~ at over 1200 words, far, far too wordy. Try to get this message across with 400 to 600 words max.Thanks for your insight.
- 147 Degrees West: Common Core Makes Parental Choice Legislation Irrelevant in Alaska 147degreeswest.blogspot.com
- New Movie about Common Core standupforthetruth.com “Common Core: Dangers And Threats to American Liberty and Education,” is a new movie is coming out in September that will help all of us understand better what Common Core is and why we should be c...
- 9 Signs of Academic Rigor in English Standards (by Sandra Stotsky) pioneerinstitute.org What makes one set of English language arts standards more rigorous than another set? How can reporters or policy makers tell? What makes Tom Luna of Idaho or Kathleen Porter Magee at the Fordham Institute think Common Core’s English language arts standards are more rigorous than Idaho’s or many oth...
- Barresi at the Common Core Forum - www.1170kfaq.com www.1170kfaq.com Superintendent Janet Barresi's speech and Q & A at the Tulsa 9.12 event on Common Core standards on August 10, 2013:
- Newly Discovered Eighth Grade Exam From 1912 Shows How Dumbed Down America Has Become | Education beforeitsnews.com Have you ever seen the movie “Idiocracy”? It is a movie about an “average American” that wakes up 500 years in the future only to discover that he is the most intelligent person by far in the “dumbed down” society that is surrounding him....
- Michigan Department of Education awarded $400,000 grant for preschool student data system www.mlive.com The grant from the Kellogg Foundation will support development of a shared data system for preschool students.
- Teacher at Obama kids school attacks his education policy | education-curriculum-reform-government-schools.org Paul Horton, a history teacher at the university of chicago laboratory school, where Obama sent his kids attacks obama's educational policy standards.
- Translating the Common Core | Chris Tienken christienken.com Christopher Tienken, Ed.D. is an assistant professor of Education Administration at Seton Hall University in the College of Education and Human Services, Department of Education Management, Policy, and Leadership. He has public school administration experience as a PK-12 assistant superintendent, mi...
- http:// northstarindependenthomeschoole rs.com/2013/08/13/ theres-no-such-a-thing-as-you-c ant-in-alaskan-independent-hom eschooling/
- Program opposing 'common core' slated for Thursday in Quincy www.whig.com The session is being promoted by illinoisminutemen.com, an organization fighting the introduction of common core state standards in Illinois schools.
- http://stamford.patch.com/ groups/schools/p/ superintendent-hamilton-finds-s tamford-cmt-capt-scores-positi ve?ncid=newsltuspatc00000001&e var4=picks-1-post&newsRef=true
- The Common Core: Who’s Minding the Schools? www.nytimes.com Are new standards really leveling the playing field? Or is the game prearranged so that many, if not most, of the players will fail?
- Your State's Progress | Data Quality Campaign www.dataqualitycampaign.org The DQC is a national, collaborative effort to improve the availability and use of high-quality education data to improve student achievement.
- Education commissioner wants authority to oversee school boards capitalbusinessblog.bcnys.org New York's Education Commissioner John King wants the state legislature to pass a bill, giving the Board of Regents the authority to take over school boards in districts that do not meet certain academic benchmarks. The proposal outlines a three-step process with a takeover being the last step if a
- Greg Roth - 21st Century Workforce — Horizon TV - okhorizon.com www.okhorizon.com Oklahoma workforce specialist Greg Roth explains how we prepare workers for jobs in the 21st century.
- Home Inspections for Low Achievement? The ObamaCare Common Core Tie-In | Stop the Common Core in... stopalaskacommoncore.com Today, Ben Swan is reporting on an ObamaCare provision that appears to connect Common Core with ObamaCare. According to this provision, home inspections will
- Parent Led Reform holds Common Core Forum in Centennial Colorado libertywatch.info On Monday, August 12, 2013 Parent Led Reform held a Forum on Common Core at the Koelbel Library in Centennial Colorado. Four experts on Common Core and related issues (high-stakes testing and data collection) answered questions. The event was hosted by John Ransom (host of Ransom Notes Radio Show an...
- http://www.louisianabelieves.com/docs/louisiana-teacher-leaders/handout-the-implic-of-ccss-on-sci--- www.louisianabelieves.com
- http://wlrn.org/post/ new-standards-will-require-rewr iting-expectations-not-school- grading-formula
- 2013-08 News | Republican Leaders Provide Excellent Response to Thrasher Letter www.flstopcccoalition.org Republican Leaders Provide Excellent Response to Thrasher Letter
- Do These Tests Have Educational Value? www.huffingtonpost.com The new Common Core Standards tests are really being used as weapons against teachers and schools to force them to adopt questionable but expensive curriculum being marketed by test prep companies that seem to have enormous influence over politicians.
- The Most Courageous Superintendent in America | COMMON CORE
- Look Who Funded and Developed Common Core | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show thecommonsenseshow.com the common sense show, dave hodges, agenda 21, big pharma, bp, censorship, corexit, court system, depopulation, education, fake revolutions, false flag, FDA, federal reserve, FEMA, Goldman Sachs, government, Halliburton, Homeland Security, ICLEI, journalism, medicine, methane, mexican drug cartels,…
- Politico: Jeb Bush’s Common Core Stance Faces Scrutiny — American Principles Project bit.ly Politico just covered the growing conservative opposition to the new federally pushed Common Core standards, as well as the emerging damage to longtime education reformer Jeb Bush as a result of his support...
- Anti-Common Core group calls standards a federal effort to control www.orlandosentinel.com The Florida Stop Common Core Coalition today issued a policy paper detailing its oppositon to the new set of academic standards adopted by Florida and most other states. The paper says the standards are a move to "instill federally determined attitudes and mindsets in students including po...
- Setting a standard for books in class www.denverpost.com Across the country, a growing number of high school students are enrolling in advanced placement English classes. These classes are designed to give students a head start on college, as well as provide enrichment.
- Core standards www.newsminer.com Aug. 9, 2013
- Common Core - Attack on White Folk www.youtube.com Don't get mad, they've already screwed up the Negro Schools.
- Maggie Gallagher - Two Moms vs. Common Core www.nationalreview.com How an eight-year-old’s homework assignment led to a political upheaval
- Abandoning 'Common Core' education standards would send wrong message to industry, BRAC (Opinion... www.al.com In 45 states, the District of Columbia, four territories and any DoD school, today’s students will be taught according to the same standards.
- Obama skirts Congress, funds pre-K through Obamacare dailycaller.com With congressional Republicans refusing to finance an expensive universal preschool proposal, President Obama is seeking an alternate funding source: Obamacare. Universal pre-K is one of Obama's fa
- http:// www.flstopcccoalition.org/ files/ EAE4EA1E-7BEA-4B4D-8542-C6E46F8 41BB2--D9A79548-9D7C-40D4-932E -0AB0F16BB021/ florida-s-common-core-standards -policy-analysis-2.pdf
- http:// www.louisianabelieves.com/docs/ louisiana-teacher-leaders/ handout-the-implic-of-ccss-on-s ci---article---garrett_cultura lcc.pdf?sfvrsn=2
- Teaching our children bad science watchdogwire.com Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), a product of Achieve, Inc., are being used throughout the U.S. public school system. I have just reviewed the final NGSS standards on areas related to the teaching of climate change. Here are my conclusions: 1. General. On the subject of the NGSS for climate...
- What Is Really Behind the Common Core Catholic Identity Initiative? | Ohioans Against Common Core ohioansagainstcommoncore.com Truth in American Education – NCEA Promoting Controversial Common Core Standards Across the Country Pittsburgh, PA – The National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), the largest private professional education organization in the world (according to their website), had its first national confere...
- Stop Common Core video of the day: 3 x 4 = 11 michellemalkin.com This new video of an apparent teacher training session on Common Core math — in which the trainer explains how getting the wrong answer is right — should come as no surprise.
- Rick Scott supports Common Core, but not its Data Mining watchdogwire.com Rick Scott is Common to the Core.
- FFYR 2013 Annual Convention in Orlando www.ffyr.org FFYR 2013 Annual Convention in OrlandoPosted on July 24, 2013 by FFYRFFYR Proudly Announces Its 2013 Annual Convention Agenda!Join the Florida Federation of Young Republicans the weekend of Friday, August 16th – Sunday, August 18th for our Annual Convention in Orlando, The City Beautiful!Hotel Infor...
- Common Core: Why You Should Be Concerned www.patrioticmoms.com Common Core standards are cause for concern for many reasons. They take power the Constitution gives to state and local government and give it to the federal government. Parents will continue...
- Catholic school parents fear arrival of Common Core
- Common Core testing highlights contradictions
- Common Core Could Be Jeb Bush's Romneycare
- School Standards' Debut Is Rocky, and Critics Pounce
- Obama math: under new Common Core , 3 x 4 = 11 [VIDEO]
- Top Ten Scariest People in Education Reform: #8 – Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education | COMMON CORE
- 1,500 rally against Common Core tests at Comsewogue High School www.news12.com More than 1,500 parents, teachers and students gathered at the Comsewogue High School football field in Port Jefferson Station Saturday to criticize the Common Core standardized tests on which a major
- Video: Oklahoma 1st Grade Teacher Speaks Out: Money Skills Are Gone. Calendaring is Gone.... whatiscommoncore.wordpress.com At a filmed "Understanding Common Core" forum in Oklahoma a week ago, a passionate elementary school teacher spoke up. This is what she said. (She speaks just after minute 50:08 to 52:00.) "My name...
- Superintendent Joseph Rella's Rally Against Common Core Propels Movement to Stop Common Core in...
- Reading’s new math curriculum runs into protests - The Boston Globe www.bostonglobe.com Reading is one of the first school districts statewide to redesign its math curriculum in an attempt to align with the Common Core State Standards Initiative, preparation for national English and math tests for public school students. The district has adopted a new sequence that leaves more than 80…
- 1989 Governors Conference-Shirley McCune www.youtube.com Governors Conference on Education, Wichita, KS 11-2-1989 "Schools, Goals & the 1990s" In addition to her credentials as an authority in public education (she...
- http:// whatiscommoncore.wordpress.com/ 2013/08/17/superintendent
- Are Wrong Answers Right in the Common Core? stopcommoncorewa.wordpress.com The question comes up from time to time about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) accepting and giving credit for wrong answers provided the student has explained how the process they used to ge...
- http:// www.gatesfoundation.org/ How-We-Work/Quick-Links/ Grants-Database/Grants/2011/07/ OPP1039840
- https://www.khanacademy.org/ commoncore
- Obama Math: 3x4=11 Under New National Public School Curriculum nation.foxnews.com If you said 11 — or, hell, if you said 7, pi, or infinity squared — that’s just fine under the Common Core, the new national curriculum that the Obama administration will impose on American public school students this fall.
- Common Core’s Data Mining Trojan Horse www.drcarolehhaynes.com Common Core’s Data Mining Trojan HorseBy Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D.August 2, 2013 American Thinker Although high information Americans are becoming aware of the federal takeover of education through Common Core Standards, there seems to be little recognition yet that Common Core gives schools and…
- URGENT: COMMON CORE IN LOUISIANA VIDEO: MUST WATCH, MUST SHARE......NOW!!!! - Greater New... www.meetup.com MISSION STATEMENT We are a diverse group of individuals with one common goal: To return our country to its intended state as put forth by its Founding Fathers. Our country, sadly, is unrecognizable t
- Right Under Our Noses bit.ly My heart was pounding with indignation when I read today that the CCSSO (--that's the State Superintendents' Club-- a private group, not accountable to the public and in no way under voters' influe...
- Evidence? Secretary Duncan, You Can't Handle the Evidence atthechalkface.com Secretary of Education Arne Duncan appears now to be assuming the mantle of self-righteous indignation—a tenuous perch for someone who is leading a field in which he has no experience or expertise....
- Letter: Common teaching approach destroys individualism www.floridatoday.com I taught skills courses at Kennedy Space Center for several years, and although I taught the same skills to each class, what changed in each class were the students.
- Understanding Common Core - Tulsa, OK - Roundtable Discussion - August 10, 2013 www.youtube.com Understanding Common Core - Tulsa, OK - Roundtable Discussion - August 10, 2013
- Fox Selectively Edits Video To Attack Common Core Educational Standards
- Obama’s new Common Core condones creative math answers: 3 X 4 = 11 - BizPac Review
- Jeb Bush Defends Common Core At ALEC Meeting
- Five Things We Learned About Common Core This Summer
- Common Core , Obama's role, NCLB and student testing: What are the facts?
- Math teacher: Inherent flaws in how Georgia and Common Core teach math
- Right Under Our Noses whatiscommoncore.wordpress.com My heart was pounding with indignation when I read today that the CCSSO (--that's the State Superintendents' Club-- a private group, not accountable to the public and in no way under voters' influe...
- Michelle Malkin: 'No coincidence' NYT's Bill Keller and Jeb Bush attacking my Common Core opposition twitchy.com Twitchy CEO, syndicated columnist, frequent Fox News commentator and "just a blogger" Michelle Malkin has been a vocal opponent of applying the Common Core State Standards Initiative to public educ...
- 500 hear opposition to common core curriculum www.waff.com Alabamians United for Excellence in Education held a meeting Saturday to discuss what they consider failures in the state's standardized curriculum program.
- Common Core: A Scheme to Rewrite Education www.thenewamerican.com Common Core — new national education standards that the federal government is bribing and coercing states to adopt — will harm students, not benefit them. By Alex Newman
- Michael Schaus - Common Core Teachers Taught to Praise Wrong Answers Like ’3 x 4 was 11’ finance.townhall.com Apparently, under the new Common-Core standards, correct answers don’t really matter. At least that’s according to a “curriculum coordinator” in Chicago named Amanda August.
- Common Core Wants Your Children's Data stopcommoncorewa.wordpress.com It is through the assessments that the U.S. Department of Education will access all student data gathered through the assessments.
- Common Core Curriculum: how do you spell socialism? www.speroforum.com Nationalized education imbedded in a workforce-management system? Well, how would you spell it?
- Our view: Common Core, despite criticism, is worth doing staugustine.com Tomorrow is the first day for public schools, a day for students to renew their friendships with other students and to start the journey of another year of learning. Despite the groaning today, most students will be happy to be in class tomorrow.
- Dr. Gary Thompson on Common Core A.I.R. Testing
- Common Core ELA curriculum resembles test prep, lacks meaning criticalclassrooms.wordpress.com The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) were initially sold to me as student learning goals used as a blueprint in shaping instruction. I believed - naively, I now realize - that I’d have the freedo...
- Student test scores now linked to teachers’ licenses www.washingtonpost.com Reformers find a new way to misuse student standardized test scores.
- Prayer & Politics - Common Core Push Back - Michelle Malkin - America News Room - Fox News - 8-20-13 www.youtube.com
- (WARNING: Graphic) Common Core Approved Child Pornography - Politichicks.tv politichicks.tv Following are graphic and explicit excerpts from The Bluest Eye, which is on the Common Core’s list of exemplar texts for 11th graders. If you are easily offended you may want to skip them and go straight to the story. (Note from editor: Even heavily edited, this is still very […]
- Alaska Common Core SubPar Math | Stop the Common Core in Alaska stopalaskacommoncore.com Alaska chooses math standards that are not college ready. Division is delayed til 6th grade, Students will not be prepared for Stem or College level math classes. Perpetuates College Math remediation.
- Understanding Common Core Forum - Amanda Teegarden - Tulsa, OK - August 10, 2013 www.youtube.com Amanda Teagarden a Tulsa parent asks Brian Hunt, Executive Director of Stand for Children in Oklahoma what he knows about data collection in public schools. ...
- Chicago Teacher to NY Times: Stop Smearing Common Core Foes | education-curriculum-reform-government-schools.org Paul Horton, a history teacher at University of Chicago High School argues that the NY Times should stop smearing Common Core opponents as extremists.
- 2013-08 News | Collier County Libertarian Party Passes Resolution Against Common Core www.flstopcccoalition.org Collier County Libertarian Party Passes Resolution Against Common Core
- 2-out-of-3 Americans Never Heard of Common Core | Caffeinated Thoughts caffeinatedthoughts.com For all of the hype that the Common Core State Standards were developed under a transparent process only one in three Americans have heard of them.
- http://heartland.org/sites/default/files/pts_22_-_common_core_060613.pdf heartland.org
- Join Us at University of Notre Dame to Learn About the Common Core — American Principles Project americanprinciplesproject.org You are invited to join us in Indiana! We are looking forward to what we anticipate to be a great conference on the Common Core State Standards to be held at the University of Notre Dame. The Changing...
- Dave EastWood - Get informed About Common Core Standards | Florida Stop Common Core Coalition www.flstopcccoalition.org This article appeared in the August 6th edition of the Charlotte Sun. Part one of Mr. Eastwood's excellent series is available here. We thank him for his great work and for quoting Dr. Effrem. __________________________________________ Tea Parties have joined forces .....
- Understanding Common Core Forum - Q&A - Olivia Goodwin - Tulsa, OK - August 10, 2013 www.youtube.com Understanding Common Core Forum - Q&A - Olivia Goodwin - Tulsa, OK - August 10, 2013
- Local legislator breaks ranks to oppose Common Core education standards | August 21, 2013 |... politics.heraldtribune.com While Gov. Rick Scott and other elected officials seek to quell unrest over new statewide educational standards in the works, a Sarasota legislator has broken ranks, vowing to help kill the new program called Common Core.
- 10,000 Pages Needed to Answer Common Core Questions blog.heritage.org North Carolina Lt. Governor Dan Forest continues to stand up for educational freedom in his state by questioning the stakes connected to the implementation of the Common Core national education standards. In June, Forest released a video explaining his opposition to North Carolina’s rush to adopt th...
- Deal orders review of Common Core www.ajc.com Gov. Nathan Deal has ordered a sweeping review of the Common Core national guidelines and asked the State Board of Education to “formally un-adopt” a part of the program that includes sample English test selections that infuriated some parents.
- Pedophilia, Incest, and Graphic Sex: Excerpts from a Common Core Reading List Book for... www.theblaze.com Editor's note: The following story contains graphic language. Discretion is advised. Common Core, the controversial set of education standards being pushed by many state governors and education leaders, is coming under fire for its selection of a book that's on the suggested reading list for 11th gr...
- Media Matters Accidentally Speaks the Truth, Calling Common Core ‘An Obama Administration Education www.theblaze.com By Kyle Olson EAGnews.org The radical attack group Media Matters obviously didn’t get a copy of the White House Common Core talking points. Defenders of the national education standards like to insist that the initiative was “state-led” and is therefore not a federal takeover...
- Lt. Gov. Forest's issues DPI's Response to Common Core www.youtube.com If you would like to get a copy of DPI's response to my letter, please go to this link: http://www.scribd.com/doc/161947400/DPI-s-Response-to-Lt-Gov-Forest-s...
- Dr. Karen Gushta Responds to Common Core Propaganda in Christianity Today | Florida Stop Common... www.flstopcccoalition.org Here is an excellent response to the
- Poll: Most Americans unfamiliar with new Common Core teaching standards
- Local lawmaker opposes education standards
- The Common Core and the Common Good
- Maine Is First to Face Possible Common Core Vote
- UTLA relaunches teacher poll on Common Core training
- Common Core’s Big Mistake: Messing with Moms | Heartlander Magazine news.heartland.org Fighting national education standards has given the Tea Party a new battlefront, as the Washington Post and others have noted. But the Post’s recent front-page story ignored what several of the people they interviewed stated unequivocally: The currents swelling the Common Core tsunami are mothers.
- Data Mining: Students leaving their privacy at the schoolhouse door watchdogwire.com The multiple intelligences forms do not require approval at the district level.
- Conservative groups to hold anti-Common Core meeting in Miami | Naked Politics miamiherald.typepad.com Last week, we wrote about growing opposition to the new Common Core standards. On Saturday, the Florida Stop Common Core Coalition will host a town hall in Miami. Speakers include Karen Effrem, of Education Liberty Watch; Emmot McGroarty of The...
- Gov. Snyder why are PUBLIC standards PRIVATELY owned? - Stop Common Core in Michigan stopcommoncoreinmichigan.com I had the privilege of being a part of a WOODTV’s Live Town Hall with Governor Snyder. (Video at link could not be embedded.)
- Does U.N.'s Agenda 21 Education Mandate Push Common Core in USA? whatiscommoncore.wordpress.com What Does Common Core Have To Do With the U.N.'s Agenda 21 ? --And Why Should You Care? There's an interesting article about Obama's call for the U.S. to pay for education of the world. It's "A...
- http://pioneerinstitute.org/ download/ controlling-education-from-the- top/
- EAG RADAR: Will students actually benefit from Common Core? e2.ma August 23, 2013 Georgia governor asks education officials to determine if Common Core would actually benefit the state’s students By Victor Skinner EAGnews.org ATLANTA – Are the national Common Core education standards circling the drain? Georgia this week became the latest state to launch a formal…
- Ruth: Common Core meets the hysterical fringe
- What Anton Chekhov Teaches Us About Common Core Standards
- “Is Common Core Too Hard-Core?”
- The Republican case for Common Core
- Turning Down PTA Donations www.utahnsagainstcommoncore.com Concerned about PTA using your money to help promote Common Core? Here's what to do.
- ▶ Lt. Gov. Forest's Concerns, Questions, and Letter about Common Core to DPI - YouTube
- Watch Later
- Watch Later
- Watch Later
- Watch Later
- Watch Later
- Watch Later
- Watch Later
- http://www.scribd.com/doc/154515264/C...
- Federal Government to have Access to your Child’s Data via Common Core Assessments | Truth in... truthinamericaneducation.com The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) assessments will provide the federal government access to information about your child. Yes, that is right. And you were never asked as a parent if this is okay with you, were you? How did this happen? Who authorized this? If your state has adopted the Common C...
- About 1,500 rally against Common Core testing in Long Island district - EAGnews.org powered by... eagnews.org Education Research, Reporting, Analysis and Commentary powered by Education Action Group Foundation
- David Barton Explains How Common Core Poses ‘Serious Problems for the Future of the Republic’ www.theblaze.com Author and historian David Barton guest hosted the Glenn Beck Program on TheBlaze TV Friday, dedicating the hour to the controversial education guidelines known as "Common Core." "You've heard about it, and over the coming months it'll be in the news even more as new parts of it...
- http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/08/23/david-barton-explains-how-common-core-poses-serious-problems-for-the-future-of-the-republic/
- The Biggest Fallacy of the Common Core Standards www.huffingtonpost.com Across the nation, our schools are suffering from budget cuts. As more money is allocated to testing and accountability, less money is available for the essential programs and services that all schools should provide. Our priorities are confused.
- Ohio Considers Repealing Common Core watchdogwire.com Ohio opted in to the Common Core State Standards Initiative in 2010. But now citizens and politicians are having second thoughts.
- Common Core will not cure education ills www.dnj.com The Common Core State Standards are partially implemented at present and will be fully functional in 2014-2015 with online testing.