Tavares, FL Jan. 5, 2018 by Vance Jochim Hooray! Trump dumped the implementation deadlines of the Obama anti-property rights 2015 regulation AFFH (Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing). AFFH required every city and county accepting Federal CDBG grants to do a detailed study of ALL residential areas then develop a plan to move poor people to wealthier neighborhoods to adjust "disparities" in income levels. This was also a huge revenue generator for Obama favored community consultants who would do the massive, required studies. HERE is the New York Times long article. HERE is a similar article in a paper that does not require online subscriptions. Here is an earlier 2016 background video on AFFH from critic John Anthony: https://youtu.be/mSYjqXffjFY Both news sources mostly complain from a liberal standpoint, and don't quote from critics of the program, so I have included my list of critics like Fox News, John Anthony, Rush Limbaugh, the National Review and other sources at the bottom of this document, including a link where Trump said in 2016 that he would discontinue AFFH. I also wrote earlier articlea on the dangers of AFFH HERE: http://www.fiscalrangers.com/affh/ The implementation of this rule was forced on Counties and Cities like Lake County,...
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