Tavares, FL March 13, 2019 Updated March 15, 2019, and then March 20th below (twice).
My rants have to do with the ONLINE banking system and website system used by Insight Credit Union of Florida. I have no real problem with the staff or checking account system but the online system sucks to this retired software developer and Certified Information System Auditor. They use third-party firms to provide DIFFERENT online reporting systems for the checking/savings front end, and the separate Visa credit card system.
A. Problems with Insight Visa's online interface, sometime inability to display even the Visa Account Summary, and still existing problem of not being able to display or print a pdf version of the Insight Visa Statement.
Update March 15th at noon: This issue is about an inability to display and print my Insight VISA monthly statement and is not related to the separate checking statement. They finally posted my online Insight Visa statement for this month dated 3/14/2019. But, as shown in Feb. video below, I still can see the html webpage version of the statement, but get just a blank screen and no pdf version of the statement if I try to display and print the pdf printable version. I made a short video of this continuous problem still not fixed and will post it here soon. However, YESTERDAY, the 14th, I was finally, after a month, able to display and print the OLD Feb. 14th pdf, but it took a month to do it.
I will update this soon, but I made a video of one major issue - my inability to display or print a pdf version of the online statement.
That Feb. 2019 video is HERE: https://youtu.be/WL45FlUU4Mc
Then I sent a link to the FSR email address and they responded that "due to security reasons" they could not view the video (which means their bosses won't let them open YouTube from their workstations). So they did nothing, wanting me to submit a written overview.
Then, on March 13, 2019 I tried again to view an online pdf of my Visa credit card statement and print it, and using the credit card link on the main account summary page, I could not even open the online credit card summary, so I can't check my balances, etc or print a pdf statement. The problem is now worse.
Update March 20th: I got a phone message from Insight on March 15 via 832-486-82xx where the xx mysteriously didn't show, thus any callbacks would not work. "Erica" said to use the 800 number "on the back of your card" to call back. She didn't say WHICH CARD (ATM or Visa) AND NEITHER CARD HAS AN 800 NUMBER ON THE BACK OF IT. Again, very poor customer service processes. So, I could not call back.
Additionally, I had sent an email complaint to their customer support address on the bottom of the main webpage, [email protected]. I got a response saying they checked my "latency" and there was an issue. They suggested I use another browser. The issue is I use Internet Explorer ONLY for Insight to prevent data showing up in my Chrome browser settings, and do not feel I have to shop different browsers to get a pdf to appear. So today,, March 20th, I tried IE and the pdf still would not appear. I tried Chrome, and it did appear and I could print it. But from a security standpoint, you should not be telling the customer to use a different browser. So, I made another video which I will upload soon to my YouTube channel.
MORE UPdate Info for March 20th: As I showed in the video, the Visa credit card online system for Insight is managed by a third party firm onlineaccessplus.com - that is part of the website address for Insight's Visa card online website. So I did a Google search on just that name and found they use the same front end web address for several banks AND many other Credit Unions. So this issue might be affecting many other credit unions and onlineaccessplus.com is hiding the issue from them. Maybe we need to file a whistleblower complaint? But I haven't proven any monetary losses other than great inconvenience. Here is the search command where I found many of their other customers: https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS777US777&q=onlineaccessplus.com+credit+unions&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjI7I6YipHhAhWo1lkKHcPNBlMQ1QIoAXoECAoQAg&biw=1360&bih=665
Vance Jochim - March 13, 2019, updated March 20, 2019
Retired Fortune 500 Internal Audit Manager, Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Internal Auditor and Certified Fraud Examiner.
Former Anti-Corruption Manager for US Embassy, Iraq for 23 months.
The link to this page is: https://www.fiscalrangers.com/insight-credit-union-tavares-fl-my-personal-rant-page.html